A. H. Riise
Rumové etikety
Mé láhve plné rumu
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A.H. Riise (Danish) A.H. Riise (Englis) |

Po těžkém hurikánu, který zpustošil St. Thomas v roce 1837, udělila Kodaň Albertu Heinrichu Riise výhradní licenci na maloobchodní prodej léků na tomto dánském ostrově.
V roce 1913 Riise rodinný podnik prodal Olafu Poulsenovi, lékárníku z Kodaně. O čtyři roky později koupili Panenské ostrovy Spojené státy. Společnost Riise koupil v roce 1928 Isaac Paiewonsky. Po druhé světové válce jeho manželka Charlotte a jeho synové Ralph a Isidor rozšířili podnik a jejich produkty byli více a více "to pravé" koupené na ostrovech. V roce 1961 opustil Ralph Paiewonsky rodinný podnik a stal se guvernérem Amerických Panenských ostrovů. Dnes provozuje A. H. Riise Gifts and Liquor Store dcera Charlotty a Isaaca dcery - Avna Paiewonsky Cassinelli a její synové, Sebastiano a Filippo.
Jejich rum pochází z lihovaru Cruzan Rum Distillery Company Ltd. a je mísen A. H. Riise.
A.H. Riise, společnost s bohatou historií a tradicí, poprvé otevřela dveře své lékárny v roce 1838.
Ze seznamu licencí k destilaci rumu:
A.H. Riise (operated ba Isaac Palewonsky):
Office, 6 and 7 Dronningens Gade, St. Thomas, Virgin Islands;
plant, 6 and 7 Dronningens Gade and 35 and 36 Dronningens Gade, St. Thomas, Virgin Islands.
Zde jsou plné texty z etiket
vi18: Light; White Label; Old St. Croix; Reg. US pat. off; The world's Columbian Exhibition Chicago 1893; Imported West Indies Rum; Distilled in the Virgin Islands by A.H. Riise; Est'd 1838; This brand was awarded the centennial medal with diploma at the Chicago Exhibition in 1893 for excelence
vi1: Light; White; Old St. Croix; Reg. US pat. off; Brand; The world's Columbian Exhibition Chicago 1893; fine Virgin Islands Rum; Distilled in the Virgin Islands by Est'd 1838; A.H. Riise Distillers Co.; 750 ml; 40% alc/vol (80 Proof); This brand was awarded the centennial medal with diploma at the Chicago Exhibition in 1893 for excelence
vi8: Dark; Gold; Old St. Croix; Reg. US pat. off; Brand; The world's Columbian Exhibition Chicago 1893; fine Virgin Islands Rum; Distilled in the Virgin Islands by Est'd 1838; A.H. Riise Distillers Co.; 750 ml; 40% alc/vol (80 Proof); This brand was awarded the centennial medal with diploma at the Chicago Exhibition in 1893 for excelence
vi_78: A.H. Riise; 24x; 5712421480006
vi_57: A.H. Riise; Est 1838; X.O. Reseve Rum; Super premium single barrel rum; Distilled for, agged and bottled by Dansk-Vestindisk Rom Kompagni; Bottle Number 313; Cask: 9; Batch: 1; Bottling date: 15.04.13; Volume - ml 700; Alc by vol % 40; Approved by A.H. Riise; Product of West Indies
vi_62: A.H. Riise; Est 1838; X.O. Reseve Rum; Limited Edition; Sauternes Cask Rum; Distilled for, agged and bottled by Dansk-Vestindisk Rom Kompagni; Bottle Number 001; Vintage: 2013; Volume - ml 700; Alc by vol % 42; Approved by A.H. Riise; Product of West Indies
vi_63: A.H. Riise; Est 1838; X.O. Reseve Rum; Limited Edition Rum; 175 Years Anniversary; 1835 - 2013; Distilled for, agged and bottled by Dansk-Vestindisk Rom Kompagni; Bottle Number 0001/5000; Volume - ml 700; Alc by vol % 42; Approved by A.H. Riise; Product of West Indies
vi_79: A.H. Riise; Est 1838; X.O. Ambre d'Or; Limited Edition Rum; 5712421470007
vi_64: A.H. Riise; Est 1838; X.O. Royal Reseve Rum; Spicial Edition Rum; Kong Haakon Rum; Distilled for, agged and bottled by Dansk-Vestindisk Rom Kompagni; Bottle Number 001; Batch Number: 001; Volume - ml 700; Alc by vol % 42; Approved by A.H. Riise; Product of West Indies
vi_65: A.H. Riise; Est 1838; X.O. Reseve Rum; Limited Edition; Port Cask Finish Rum; Distilled for, agged and bottled by Dansk-Vestindisk Rom Kompagni; Bottle Number 001; Vintage: 2014; Volume - ml 700; Alc by vol % 45; Approved by A.H. Riise; Product of West Indies
vi_69: A.H. Riise; Est 1838; X.O. Christmas Rum; 4005563382521
vi_70: A.H. Riise; Est 1838; X.O. Reserve Rum; Special Edition Rum; The Thin Blue Line Denemark; Stot Dansk Politi; 5712421014706
vi_68: A.H. Riise Copenhagen; Gold Medal Rum; Special Edition Rum; En Nordske Industri; Landbrurgs & Kunstudstilling, 1 Kjobenhavn 1888; La Gourmandie Rhumerie; 5712421012801
vi_58: Royal Danish Navy Rum; Est 1838; A.H. Riise; St. Thomas, W.I.; Copenhagen Denmark; 70 cl; 40% vol
vi_71: Royal Danish Navy Frogman Rum; A.H.Riise St. Thomas, W.I.; Copenhagen Denmark; 70 cl; 58% vol; 5712421013204
vi_59: Royal Danish Navy Rum; Est 1838; A.H. Riise; St. Thomas, W.I.; Copenhagen Denmark; 70 cl; 55% vol; Navy Strength; Original
vi_76: Fregatten Jylland Danish Nawy Rum; Est 1838; A.H. Riise; St. Thomas, W.I.; Copenhagen Denmark; 35 cl; 45% vol;
vi38: A.H. Riise; Est 1838; Family Reserve Solera 1838 Rum
vi_61: A.H. Riise; Est 1838; Non Plus Ultra Very Rare Rum
vi_72: A.H.Riise Non Plus Ultra Sauternes Cask; Est 1888; 5712421014003
vi_73: A.H. Riise; Est 1838; Non Plus Ultra Very Rare Rum; 5712421014201
vi_75: A.H. Riise; Est 1838; Platinum Reserve; St. Thomas, West Indies; Copenhagen, Denmark; 5712421014102
vi_74: Black Barrel Nawy Spiced Rum
vi_66: A.H. Riise; Est 1838; Rum Clear Liqueur; Made with fresh cream an X.O. Rum; 70 cl e; 7% vol
vi_67: Royal Danish Navy Westindian Bitter; Est 1838; A.H. Riise; St. Thomas, W.I.; Copenhagen, Denmark; 70 cl; 32% vol
vi_77: A.H. Riise Centennial Celebration Rum; Est. 1838; Celebrating the 100 th. Anniversary of the Transfer of the Danish Westindies to the United States of America; 1917-2017; 5712421013303
vi34: Santos Dumont XO Elixir
vi19: A.H. Riise X.O. Reseve; Super Premium Single Barrel Rum; Bottle number: 176; Cask: 13; Batch: 1; Bottling Date: 15.4.2013; Volume - ml: 700; Alc by vol. %: 40; Distilled for, Agged and Bottled for Dansk-Vestindisk Rom Kompagni; Approved by A.H. Riise; Product of West Indies
vi~7: A.H. Riise; Est 1838; X.O. Reseve Rum; Limited Edition; Christmas Rum; Distilled for, agged and bottled by Dansk-Vestindisk Rom Kompagni; Bottle Number 85; Vintage 2012; Volume - ml 700; Alc by vol % 40; Approved by A.H. Riise; Product of West Indies; 4005563382521
vi~8: A.H. Riise; 1838; Copenhagen; Gold Medal; Rum; Special Edition Rum; En Nordiske Industri, Landbrugs & Kunstudstilling, I Kjobenhavn 1888; Product of West Indies; 5712421012801