Four Bells Fine Navy Rum Co, Glasgow

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Four Bells - Four Bells Fine Navy Rum Co, Glasgow (uk469)
Four Bells

Four Bells (uk469)

99 x 133 mm (3.9" x 5.2")

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uk469: Fine Quality Navy Rum; The Four Bells Fine Navy Rum Co.; Produce of the Caribbean; Four Bells Extra Strength; Navy Rum; Quality aged rum; Rum, traditionally, has had a close association with the navy , particularly with the daily ration of the rum 'tot', which helped to abate thehardship of sea life and raise sailors' spirits! Four bells where struck to indicate to sailors that they were half way through their watch; Imported; 50% vol; Produce of the Caribbean fine quality navy rum; 1 litre e; The Four Bells Fine Navy Rum Co., 310 St. Vincent street G2 5RG; 4112860; 5013967001640

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