Eugene Pichot, Paris (printer)

Rum labels

Punch au Rhum -  Eugene Pichot, Paris (fr_353)
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Punch au Rhum (fr_353)

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Rhum Vieux -  Eugene Pichot, Paris (fr_295)
I have a picture only:(

Rhum Vieux (fr_295)

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Rhum Vieux de la Jamaique -  Eugene Pichot, Paris (fr_285)
I have a picture only:(

Rhum Vieux de la Jamaique (fr_285)

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Rhum de la Jamaique -  Eugene Pichot, Paris (fr_293)
I have a picture only:(

Rhum de la Jamaique (fr_293)

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Rhum de la Martinique -  Eugene Pichot, Paris (fr_1167)
I have a picture only:(

Rhum de la Martinique (fr_1167)

I have a picture only:(
Punch au Rhum -  Eugene Pichot, Paris (fr_263)
I have a picture only:(

Punch au Rhum (fr_263)

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Rom Escarchado -  Eugene Pichot, Paris (es_24)
I have a picture only:(

Rom Escarchado (es_24)

I have a picture only:(
Rhum Vieux Martinique -  Eugene Pichot, Paris (fr_819)
I have a picture only:(

Rhum Vieux Martinique (fr_819)

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Original Jamaica Rum -  Eugene Pichot, Paris (fr_55)
I have a picture only:(

Original Jamaica Rum (fr_55)

I have a picture only:(
Rhum San Lucie -  Eugene Pichot, Paris (fr_201)
I have a picture only:(

Rhum San Lucie (fr_201)

I have a picture only:(
Rhum Vieux Gordon -  Eugene Pichot, Paris (fr_59)
I have a picture only:(

Rhum Vieux Gordon (fr_59)

I have a picture only:(


The 'Eugène Pichot' Printing House, 72 quai de Jemmapes, Paris existed from 1875 to 1894.

[Source: Etiquettes de Rhum (relevant page), cited 2022]

The printing house was founded in 1830 by J.-A. Pichot. In 1850 it was moved to rue de Chabrol and passed into the hands of G. Nissou, who ran it until 1872. In 1872, the firm of Nissou & Pichot was founded and moved the print shop to 72, quai de Jemmapes. Eugène Pichot took over the printing house in 1875 and ran it until 1894. In 1894 Henri Pichot became a co-owner and the printing house operated under the name E. and H. Pichot until 1902. From 1902, Henri Pichot alone owned the printing house until 1911, when it was transformed into a joint-stock company under the name 'Imprimerie Pichot'.

[Source: Etiquettes de Rhum (relevant page), cited 2022]

Here are full texts from the labels

fr_353: Punch au Rhum; C.F.; Fin, Liqueur de Fantaisie

fr_295: Rhum Vieux

fr_285: Rhum Vieux de la Jamaique

fr_293: Rhum de la Jamaique

fr_1167: Rhum de la Martinique; E. Pichot, Paris; Déposé

fr_263: Punch au Rhum

es_24: Fabrica de Licores; Rom Escarchado; Luis Gatimel y Cia, SANS, Barcelona

fr_819: Rhum Vieux Martinique; Provenance directe garantie; Mise en bouteilles speciale de la Compagnie de Consignations Coloniales; Compagnie de Consignations Coloniales; C.C.C.

fr_55: 20 years Old; Original Jamaica Rum; Dumas - Yelmini, Seul Entrepositaire, 3, Place Bellecour, Lyon

fr_201: Rhum San Lucie; A. Duclou Lagarde & Co

fr_59: Rhum Vieux Gordon; Seuls Importateurs Ch. Marlive & Co

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