Empresa de Bebidas y Refrescos, Villa Clara

Rum labels

Decano - Empresa de Bebidas y Refrescos, Villa Clara (cu_223)
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Decano (cu_223)

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Source: todocoleccion.net


Company was established in 1976.

[Source: EcuRed (relevant page), cited 2021]

The Empresa de Bebidas y Licores de Villa Clara was created in 1976, which included the Antonio Díaz Santana Brewery and the Ronera Central, centers that later became independent, giving rise to the Empresa de Bebidas y Refrescos Villa Clara. In 2011, it merged with a similar company in the province of Cienfuegos.

[Source: EcuRed (relevant page), cited 2021]

Here are full texts from the labels

cu_223: D; 0.750 L; 34°; Decano; Ron Refino; Calidad y Sabor de Siempre; 8501101500045; Empresa de Bebidas y Refrescos, Villa Clara, Cuba

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