J. A. Baczewski

Rum labels

Tea-Rum -  J. A. Baczewski (at90)

Tea-Rum (at90)

63 x 85 mm (2.5" x 3.4")



Company was established in 1782.

[Source: Wikipedia (relevant page), cited 2022]

The company was founded in 1782 in Lviv by the Jewish merchant Leiba Bacheles (Baczewski). Until 1875 the company was called L.M. Baczewski. After that the it was owned by Józef Adam Baczewski.

The company developed until 1939, when, at the beginning of World War II, the factory was bombed by Luftwaffe planes and the rest of the equipment and stock was looted by the Bolsheviks. The fate of the last co-owners of the factory - Stefan and Adam Baczewski - was tragic. In 1939, both Baczewski's were arrested by the NKVD and shot in 1940 along with Polish officers in Katyn.

After 1945, the descendants of Józef Adam Baczewski rebuilt the factory in Vienna, producing alcoholic beverages under the brand name J. A. Baczewski.

[Source: Wikipedia (relevant page), cited 2022]

In the Hungarian journal Központi Védjegy-Értesítő from 1901, there is a trademark entry:

16793. Baezewsky J. A., cs. kir. szeszfinomitó-, rum-, rozsolis- és likörgyáros, cs, és kir. udv. szállító Lembergben, a lembergi keresk. s iparkamaránál i900. évi deczember hó 15-én d. u. 12 óra 50 p.-kor belajstroinoztta nevezett gyára részére, még pedig gabonapálinkára, készítésre és elárusitásra alkalmazandó s itt 199. kam. sorszám alatt ábrázolt védjegyét; az üvegekre czimkéül ragasztja. 16793. lajstr.-szám. V. csoport. 3262. lap.

Here are full texts from the labels

at90: Lwów; 1782; Produced and shipped by J. A. Baczewski, Wienna, Austria; Tea-Rum; Aromatizer; 1 litre; 100 proof, 50% vol; Importers for USA, Internat. Import Export, Los Angeles, Cal.

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