Ármin Munk, Zabłocie
Entry in the Hungarian Central Gazette Központi Védjegy-Értesítő, 1906: English: Ármin Munk, a manufacturer of rosoglio, liqueurs, and alcoholic beverages in Zabłocie, was registered at the Krakow Chamber of Commerce and Industry on October 19, 1905, at 1:30 PM under the name of his factory in Zabłocie for the production of rosoglio, liqueurs, rum, and alcoholic drinks, specifically for brandies, using the trademarks depicted under registry numbers 706, 707, and 708; he uses them as labels, with numbers 706 and 708 printed and number 707 used as a label. Page 5458.Ármin Munk, a manufacturer of rosoglio, liqueurs, and alcoholic beverages in Zabłocie, was registered at the Krakow Chamber of Commerce and Industry on October 19, 1905, at 1:30 PM under the name of his factory in Zabłocie for the production of rosoglio, liqueurs, rum, and alcoholic drinks, specifically for brandies, using the trademarks depicted under registry numbers 706, 707, and 708; he uses them as labels, with numbers 706 and 708 printed and number 707 used as a label. Page 5458.
30715. Munk Ármin rosoglio-, likőr- és szeszesitalgyáros Zabłocie-ban, a krakkói keresk. s iparkamaránál 1905. évi október hó 19-én d. u. 1 óra 30 p.-kor belajstromoztatta Zabłocie-i rosoglio-, likőr-, rum- és szeszesitalgyára részére, még pedig pálinkára alkalmazandó s itt 706., 707., és 708. kam. sorszámok alatt ábrázolt védjegyeit; a 706. és 708. bz. czimkékre nyomja, a 707. sz. czimkéül használja. 5458. lap.