Fazenda Muzambinho Ind. e Com. Ltda, MG
Rum labels
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Armazem Cachaca and Emporio Cachaca are distilled using traditional methods at production, storage and processing facilities in Fazenda Muzambinho, located in the State of Minas Gerais, Brazil. The alcohol content of both is 40% by volume and are distilled from sugar cane (99,6%) and corn (0,4%). Both cachacas are available in bottles of 700 ml. and 50 ml. The premium Emporio Cachaca is gold, aged 5 years in imported barrels of oak, while Amazem Cachaca is silver, aged two years in barrels of jequitiba rosa, a native tree from the tropical and subtropical Atlantic forest that extends along the coast of Brazil.
The Muzambinho brand is the fruit of a passion which started in 1924, when Mr. Lauro Campedelli of the town of Muzambinho in the south of Minas Gerais, Brazil installed a small cooper still in his farm to serve his needs and those of his friends. Since that time, the Santo Antonio do Campestre Farm has been creating small batch, hand made cachaca for an expanding circle of friends in Brazil and throughout the world. The process starts with four special species of sugar cane, which is grown only on the Muzambinho Farm. This sugar cane is harvest by hand, and immediately squeezed to form the sugar cane juice soup that is the basis of cachaca. Then, totally natural fermenting agents are added to gradually ferment the mixture over a long period of time. This long ferment time helps to bring out the aromatics of the nascent cachaca. The mix is distilled the old fashioned way, in small copper stills. The master distiller selects only the best "heart" of the resulting mix for aging. The resulting mixture is aged for two years in a light colored wood, Jequitiba Rosa. The resulting smooth cachaca remains clear with a very light tint, yet with none of the harsh overtones and strong alcoholic taste of industrial cachaca. The resulting product is bottled at the ranch, and sold as Muzambinho Armazem Prata.
Here are full texts from the labels
br_438: Armazém Muzambinho Prata; 2 Anos; 40%, 700 ML; Fazenda Muzambinho Ind. e Com. Ltda, Minas Gerais
br_439: Empório Muzambinho Ouro; 5 Anos; 40%, 700 ML; Fazenda Muzambinho Ind. e Com. Ltda, Minas Gerais