Bharat Distilleries Pvt. Ltd.
Rum labels
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Bharat Distilleries is among the top ten bottlers in India making Indian Made Foreign Liquor.
Bharat Distilleries commenced commercial production in June,1985 and since then has registered growth beyond imagination.
A closely held company, Bharat Distilleries is headed by Mr. Parsram Kalani, Chairman and Managing Director. Also on the Board of Directors are, Mr. Nandu Kalani and Nirmal Kalani both of whom are the sons of Mr. Parsram Kalani.
Here are full texts from the labels
in_9: Nigro Hemans XXX Rum; Bharat Distilleries Pvt. Ltd.
in_52: Product of India; Nigro HE-Mans XXX Matured Rum; Pet bottle; Mfd by: Bharat Distilleries Limited, Talegaon, Tal. Igatpuri, dist. Nashik - 422 403; Ro.O.: B-4, T.V. Indl. Estate, Worli. Mumbai - 400 025 (India); Net Contens: 750 ml (when packed); 25° UP, 42.8 v/v; Canteen services od defence personnel only; Not for sale in Maharashtra State
in_54: Relax XXX Rum
in_55: Beret Soldier XXX Matured Rum
in_53: Nirvana Rum With Cola