R.S. (printer)
Rum labels

Here are full texts from the labels
fr515: Rhum Jamaique; Vieux; Grande finesse; RS; 37
ch59: Rhum
ch64: Rum Colonial
ch63: Rhum Vieux; Importation RPM
ch61: Rhum Jamaica Vieux; Extra fin; Produit garanti pur
ch62: Very old Jamaica Rum
ch78: Rhum Vieux de la Martinique; Importe par Auguste Senglet S.A., Muttenz
ch3: Jamaica Rum; 40% Vol; Imported by Henry Huber & Cie, Zurich
ch88: Fine Old Rhum Colonial; Bottled by the importer; 40% Vol.; DIWI
ch60: Finest Old Jamaica Rum; Moroco Brand; Bottled by the Importers
ch85: RS 8017; Rum; Serie RS 8000; Nr 8017 H; 9x12 cm
ch32: Dominion Rum Colonial; Fine Old; 40% vol; L*
ch74: Fine Old Columbus Rum; Shipped by Henry Huber & Cie, Zurich