CSR Limited Australia
Rum labels

Colonial Sugar Refining Co Ltd was founded in 1855 by Sir Edward Knox. Formed as a reconstruction of the Australasian Sugar Company (ASC) which (in 1842) had succeeded the ASC the first company established in Australia for refining sugar.
It was incorporated in NSW on 1 July 1887 as The Colonial Sugar Refining Co Ltd (C.S.R. Co). The present name (CSR Limited) was adopted in 1973. It operated mills and refineries, and acted as agents for the Queensland government, and the export marketing of all refined sugar from Australia. On 1 June 1857 an associate Company, the Victorian Sugar Co was formed in Melbourne. On 23 June 1883 the New Zealand Sugar Company Limited was formed with C.S.R. Co, the Victorian Sugar Co and New Zealand financiers each acquiring one third of the shares. This company was amalgamated with C.S.R. Co in 1888. C.S.R. Co and the Victoria Sugar Company amalgamated on 1 Jul 1887. On the same day the Colonial Sugar Refining Company Limited was registered with capital of L600,00. In 1915 the Colonial Sugar Refining Company (Fiji and New Zealand) Limited was formed to take over the assets of C.S.R Co outside Australia. Liquidated in 1923 its assets returned to C.S.R Co. CSR Limited took over Australian Estates Co Ltd in 1975. From sugar refining, milling and distillery operation CSR Ltd has diversified into mining, building material, chemicals and other interests.
Inner Circle Rum was first produced by the CSR Company last century for the pleasure of that company’s employees and very special clients only – hence the name. From its first distillation, the objective was to make the best rum possible.
1855 - The Colonial Sugar Refinery (CSR) is founded and quickly establishes refineries in Australia, New Zealand and the Fiji Islands.
1873 - The Harwood Distillery is established on the Clarence River in northern New South Wales, Australia and signals the beginning of domestic rum production on a commercial basis.
1890 - CSR establishes a distillery in Nausori, Fiji utilising the very high quality of Fijian sugar cane attributable to the traditional harvesting techniques which are still in practice today.
1901 - CSR opens a distillery in Pyrmont, an inner city suburb on the foreshores of Sydney Harbour. This distillery used pot stills to distill rum from both Fijian and Australian raw materials which produced a unique, distinctive and very high quality product. The current Inner Circle product reflects this early work.
1950 - Inner Circle wins it’s inaugural gold medal at the Sydney Agricultural Show, the first of many local and International awards. The CSR Board of Directors were obviously very proud of their rum and for many years it was kept for the exclusive use of the inner circle of CSR Management. The annual ceremony of presenting a bottle as a gift to it’s more highly regarded clients created a unique following and would ultimately force this exceptional product into the marketplace.
circa 1970 - Inner Circle Rum was released into the Australian market and immediately created a cult like following. Those who found the Brand, 'only spoke of it in whispers but sung it’s praises loudly!' It was originally available in three strengths, Underproof, Overproof and 33% Overproof. The label was instantly recognisable by it’s coloured circle and became identified as red, green or black dot.
1986 - CSR sells their rum distillery interests and Inner Circle is removed from the market – a great Aussie icon disappears.
Here are full texts from the labels
au62: Dark; Inner Circle; 33 U.P. Rum; 38.2% Alcohol by Volume; 750 ml; Bottled in New Zealand for CSR Limited Australia; Standard
au63: Dark; Inner Circle; 33 O.P. Rum; 75.9% Alcohol by Volume; 750 ml; Bottled in New Zealand for CSR Limited Australia; Full Strength