
Here is list of companies whose rum bottle labels I have in my collection
42 Below (2)
Rum Co. of Fiji (11)
South Pacific Distilleries, Lautoka (27)

Alcohol production in the Pacific

The Narsey study found that, in most Pacific Forum countries, alcohol and tobacco contribute significantly to government revenue and to domestic employment and income. There are two large breweries in Papua New Guinea and Fiji, two of moderate size in Samoa and the Solomon Islands, and five micro-breweries – two in Fiji and one each in Palau, Cook Islands and Tonga.

Spirits is produced by two distilleries in Papua New Guinea and Fiji. Narsey notes that only Fiji has a genuine distillery creating a distinct rum brand. The others are essentially blending operations. Alcohol is either crudely distilled locally or imported in bulk, then blended with essences and concentrates to produce the required spirit – rum, gin, whiskey, vodka, mixed drinks, etc. Except for locally produced sugar in Fiji and Papua New Guinea, nearly all ingredients and materials for beer and spirits production are imported (malt, barley, hops, bottles, labels, packaging, etc.).

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