Bethell Robertson & Co. Ltd
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Bethell Robertson & Co. Ltd, Barbados |
V roce 1979 vlastnila holdingová společnost Associated Bahamian Distillers and Brewers Limited (ABDAB) 100% firem Burns House Limited (BHL) a Bethell Robertson Limited (BRC) a 15% firmy Commonwealth Brewery Limited (CBL). Později, někdy v 80. létech, se vlastnické podíly změnily. V roce 2000 získala Burns House Limited společnosti Butler & Sands, Wholesale Wines & Spirits, Todhunter-Mitchell Distilleries a Lucayan Ship Chandlers.
[Zdroj: Associated Bahamian Distillers & Brewers Ltd, cit. 2007]
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bs29: Plantation Coconut Rum; Distributed in The Bahamas by Bethell Robertson & Co. Ltd