Humbel Spezialitätenbrennerei, Stetten
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Humbel Spezialitätenbrennerei, Stetten |

Palírnu založil roku 1918 Max Hubel. Od roku 1995 destilují ovoce podle pravidel Bio Suisse Bud.
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ch_10: M&P Cask Adventures; Rum 2; Batch 2; Barrel 200 l; Gravensteiner Quarter Cask 50 l; 1.Fill Whisky 03.2013-09.2013; 1.Fill Apfelbrand 09.2013-05.2016; 50% vol; 70 cl
ch_11: M&P Cask Adventures; 3; Cachaça; Single Barrel; Cask? Rhum Agricole Guadeloupe; 12.2013-4.2016; Cachaça Iguaçu
ch_15: M&P Cask Adventures; Rum 4; Eichenstande Humbel 350 l; Tonneaux Pinard 400 l; 1.Fill Rum 5.2011-05.2016; 1.Fill Cognac 5.2016-8.2016; Barrique Wetzel 225 l; 46% vol; 70 cl; 1. Fill Pinot Noir 8.2016-3.2017
ch_13: M&P Cask Adventures; Rum 5; Tonneaux Pinard 400 l; Barrel 200 l; 1. Fill Cognac 04.2015-11.2017; 1. Fill Mezcal 11.2017-02.2018; 46%; 70 cl; Guajira Blanco
ch_16: M&P Cask Adventures; Rum 5; Eichenstande Humbel 350 l; Gönci Horbo 135 l; 1.Fill Rum 5.2011-1.2017; 1. Fill Tokaji 1.2017-2.2018; 46% vol; 70 cl; Bottle No. 179
ch_14: M&P Cask Adventures; Rum 7; Tonneaux Pinard 400 l; Barrel 200 l; 1. Fill Cognac 04.2015-11.2018; 1. Fill Beer 11.2017-02.2018; 46%; 70 cl
ch_12: M&P Cask Adventures; Rum 8; 2016 Basler Langstieler Maische; 2017 Schattenmorelle Maische; 2018 Basler Langstieler Maische; Cachaça
ch_17: Orgánico y de Comercio Justo; Guajira Ron Blanco; Ron Superior; 40% vol; 70 cl e; Fair Trade
ch_19: The Stork Trophy; Product Spiced Rum; Volume 70 cl; Alcohol Volume 40%; Home Switzerland; The Story: Destilled from ... molasses blend with different spices of spices ... spiced rum ...; Fair Trade
ch_18: The Stork Trophy; Product Spiced Rum; Volume 70 cl; Alcohol Volume 40%; Home Switzerland; The Story: Destilled from ... molasses blend with different spices of spices ... spiced rum ...