Moon Import

Rumové etikety

Jamaica I Pappagalli - Moon Import (it_52)
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Jamaica I Pappagalli (it_52)

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Panama Rum 1997 - Moon Import (it_58)
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Panama Rum 1997 (it_58)

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Caribbean Fusion 1992 - Moon Import (it_59)
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Caribbean Fusion 1992 (it_59)

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Rum St. Lucia - Moon Import (it_236)
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Rum St. Lucia (it_236)

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Jamaica Rhum 1979 - Moon Import (it_239)
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Jamaica Rhum 1979 (it_239)

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Jamaica Rhum 2007 - Moon Import (it_244)
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Jamaica Rhum 2007 (it_244)

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Rum Haiti 2004 - Moon Import (it85)
Rum Haiti 2004

Rum Haiti 2004 (it85)

105 x 136 mm (4.1" x 5.4")
Demerara Rum 1988 - Moon Import (it_243)
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Demerara Rum 1988 (it_243)

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Jamaica Sugar Estates 1949 - Moon Import (it_53)
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Jamaica Sugar Estates 1949 (it_53)

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Barbados Rum - Moon Import (it_54)
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Barbados Rum (it_54)

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Trinidad Rum - Moon Import (it_55)
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Trinidad Rum (it_55)

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Jamaica Rum - Moon Import (it_61)
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Jamaica Rum (it_61)

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Guyana Rum - Moon Import (it_65)
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Guyana Rum (it_65)

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Nicaragua Rum - Moon Import (it_56)
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Nicaragua Rum (it_56)

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Trinidad Rum - Providence Distillery - Moon Import (it_57)
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Trinidad Rum - Providence Distillery (it_57)

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Trinidad Rum 2000 - TDL - Moon Import (it_234)
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Trinidad Rum 2000 - TDL (it_234)

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Venezuela Rum 1992 - Moon Import (it_60)
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Venezuela Rum 1992 (it_60)

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Guyana Demerara 1974 Rum - Moon Import (it_64)
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Guyana Demerara 1974 Rum (it_64)

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Guyana Demerara 1977 Rum - Moon Import (it_237)
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Guyana Demerara 1977 Rum (it_237)

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Guyana Demerara 1985 Rum - Moon Import (it_62)
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Guyana Demerara 1985 Rum (it_62)

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Guyana Demerara 1992 Rum - Moon Import (it_241)
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Guyana Demerara 1992 Rum (it_241)

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Guyana Demerara 1993 Rum - Moon Import (it_240)
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Guyana Demerara 1993 Rum (it_240)

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Guyana Demerara 1998 Rum - Moon Import (it_235)
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Guyana Demerara 1998 Rum (it_235)

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Guyana Demerara 2003 Rum - Moon Import (it_242)
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Guyana Demerara 2003 Rum (it_242)

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Guadeloupe 1998 Rum - Moon Import (it_66)
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Guadeloupe 1998 Rum (it_66)

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Cuba Rum 1997 - Moon Import (it_238)
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Cuba Rum 1997 (it_238)

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Barbados Rum - Moon Import (it_228)
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Barbados Rum (it_228)

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Jamaica Rum 1983 - Moon Import (it_245)
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Jamaica Rum 1983 (it_245)

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Rum Agricole 1940 - Moon Import (it_229)
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Rum Agricole 1940 (it_229)

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Rum Guyana Remember - Moon Import (it_230)
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Rum Guyana Remember (it_230)

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Rum Trinidad Remember - Moon Import (it_231)
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Rum Trinidad Remember (it_231)

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Rum Trinidad Barbados - Moon Import (it_232)
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Rum Trinidad Barbados (it_232)

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Rum Trinidad Jamaica - Moon Import (it_233)
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Rum Trinidad Jamaica (it_233)

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Zde jsou plné texty z etiket

it_52: Jamaica I Pappagalli 9 years; Rum agricolo, pot still, Monymusk Distillery

it_58: Panama Rum; 1997; Rum Agricolo, pot still, D.J.P. Distillery

it_59: Caribbean Fusion; 1992; Rum agricolo, pot still, 50% Demerara and 50% Jamaica.

it_236: Distilled 1999; Rum St. Lucia; Bottled 2010; Rum Patent Still; Distillato di cana da zucchero, bottled in United Kingdom; Importado da Moon Import sas; Lic. Utf 706 GE; 46% vol

it_239: Product of Jamaica; Jamaica Rhum; Rhum Agricol - Pot Still; Monymusk Distillery; Proprietors: Sherriff & Company, Jamaica; Bottled in England; Pot Still Int, Glasgow; Distillato di canna da zucchero; Importato du Moon Import sas; 70 cl; 6000 bottigle bottiglia No 2359; 46% vol; 1979 Destilled; 1989 Bottled

it_244: Product of Jamaica; Jamaica Rhum; Monymusk Distillery; Bottled in Scotland; Distillato di canna da zucchero; Importato du Moon Import sas; 70 cl; 45% vol; 2007 Destilled; 2017 Bottled

it85: Distilled 2004; Rum Haiti; Distilled by BMH; Bottled 2012; Selected by Pepi Mongiardino; Moon Import; Wines & spirits european distributor; Distillato di cana zuchero; Bottled in United Kingdom; Importado da Moon Import srl; Lic. Utf 706 GE; 70 cl; Bott. No. 0865 of 1800; 46% vol

it_243: Distilled 1988; Product of Enmore Guyana; Demerara Rum 1988; Rum Pot Still; Matured in Sherry Wood; Distillato di canna dy zucchero, bottled in United Kingdom; Importato da Moon Import srl; 70 cl;

it_53: Jamaica Sugar Estate 1949; Jamaica Rum, Monymusk Distillery, Jamaica; Bottled in United Kingdom; Matured in Barrels Nos. 10, 16, 17 and 25

it_54: Barbados Rum

it_55: Distilled in Trinidad; Rum; Bottled in Scotland 2007; Distillato di canna da zucchero; Importato e distribuito da: Moon Imports sas; 70 cl; 45% vol

it_61: Jamaica rum;

it_65: Distilled in Guyana; Rum; Bottled in Scotland 2007; Distillato di canna da zucchero; Importado e distribuito da: Moon Import sas; 70 cl; 45% vol

it_56: Nicaragua Rum; Rum agricolo, pot still

it_57: Trinidad Rum; 1997; Rum patent still, Providence Distillery

it_234: Trinidad Rum; Patent Still; T.D.L. Distillery; Distillato di canna da zucchero; Bottled in Scotland; Importado da Moon Import, Lic Utf,605

it_60: Venezuela rum; 1992; Rum Agricolo, pot still, Pampero Distillery.

it_64: Guyana Demerara 1974 rum; Rum agricolo, pot still, Port Morrant Distillery.

it_237: Product of Guyana; Demerara rum; Distilled 1977; Rum Agricol - Pot Still; Matured in sherry wood; Bottled 1995 in United Kingdom - Brae Dean int, Edinburgh; Distillato di canna da zucchero; Selezionate 900 bottiguie importate da Moon Import sas, Genova; 70 cl; 45% vol

it_62: Product of Guyana; Demerara rum; Distilled 1985; Rum agricolo, pot still, Distilled by Versailles Distillery; Bottled 2002 in United Kingdom; Brae Dean Int, Edingurgh; Distillato di canna da zucchero; Selezionate 900 bottiglie importate da Moon Import sas, Genova; Moon Import; 70 cl; Port Morrant Distillery.

it_241: Product of Guyana; Demerara rum; Distilled 1992; Rum Agricol - Pot Still; Matured in sherry wood; Distilled by Port Morant Distillery; Bottled 2003 in United Kingdom - Brae Dean Int, Edinburgh; Distillato di canna da zucchero; Selezionate 1200 bottiguie importate da Moon Import, Genova; 70 cl; 45% vol

it_240: Product of Guyana; Demerara rum; Distilled 1993; Rum Agricol - Pot Still; Matured in sherry wood; Bottled 2002 in United Kingdom - Brae Dean Int, Edinburgh; Distillato di canna da zucchero; Selezionate 600 bottiguie importate da Moon Import, Genova; 70 cl; 46% vol

it_235: Product of Guyana; Demerara rum; Distilled 1998; Matured in sherry wood; Distilled by Diamond Distillery; Bottled 2016 in Scotland; Distillato di canna da zucchero; Matured in barrel No. 20; Selezionate 312 bottiguie importate da Moon Import, Genova; 70 cl; 45% vol

it_242: Product of Guyana; Demerara rum; Distilled 1998; Matured in sherry wood; Distilled by Diamond Distillery; Bottled 2016 in Scotland; Distillato di canna da zucchero; Matured in barrel No. 20; Selezionate 312 bottiguie importate da Moon Import, Genova; 70 cl; 45% vol

it_66: Guadeloupe 1998 rum; Rum Agricolo, pot still, Gardel Distillery.

it_238: 1997 Distilled; Cuba Rhum; Rhum Agricol Pot Still - Paraiso Distillery; Distillato di canna da zucchero; Bottled in United Kingdom Brae Dean Int, Edinbourgh; Importado da: Moon Inport sas; 70 cl; 46% vol

it_228: Barbados Rum; Pot Still Foursquare Distillery; Distillato di canna da zucchero; Bottled in Scotland - Barrel No 80; Imported by Moon Import di Mongiardino S.A.; Lic. U.t.f. 706 Se; Bott. No. 362 su 387 selezionete; Distilled 2005; 70 cl; Bottled 2019; 45% vol

it_245: Distilled 1983; Bottled 2012; Product of Jamaica; 1983; Distilled by SJHB???; Distillato di canna da zucchero; Bottled in Scotland; Imported by Moon Import di Mongiardino S.A.; Lic. U.t.f. 706 Se; 46% vol; 70 cl

it_229: Product of Jamaica, Martinique, Guyana;Rum; Rum Agricol; Pot Still; Bottled in United Kingdom Brae Dean International, Edinburgh; c... canna da zuchero importado da Moon Import SAS, Italy; 1940

it_230: Rum Guyana Remember; 70 cl; Moon Import Reserve; Distillato de canna da zucchero; Patent still; Bottled in Scotland 2020; Importato da Moon Import; Lic UTF 706 Ge; 45% vol

it_231: Rum Trinidad Remember; 70 cl; Moon Import Reserve; Distillato de canna da zucchero; Patent still; Bottled in Scotland 2020; Importato da Moon Import; Lic UTF 706 Ge; 45% vol

it_232: Rum Barbados Remember; 70 cl; Moon Import Reserve; Distillato de canna da zucchero; Patent still; Bottled in Scotland 2020; Importato da Moon Import; Lic UTF 706 Ge; 45% vol

it_233: Rum Jamaica Remember; 70 cl; Moon Import Reserve; Distillato de canna da zucchero; Patent still; Bottled in Scotland 2019; Importato da Moon Import; Lic UTF 706 Ge; 45% vol

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