Helena Matzová, Spišská Belá


Record in the publication Inventář 1871-1948:
Výroba likéru a rumu firma Helena Matziová v Spišskej Belej. (1932-1943)

Helena Matzová continued the inn business with the production of liqueurs and rum. With two employees, it had an annual turnover of around 500,000 CZK, a profit of about 20,000 crowns. They produced about 4,000 liqueurs a year.
Alcohol in the interwar period was mainly produced by professionals. Belianska borivica, pear and other drinks were produced by Gréb and Kleinberger, while Matzova's assortment was represented by various liqueurs. In the pub it was possible to buy a bitter schnapps made from 50% alcohol, in which a bitter root growing in Meďodoly (gorecka) was soaked.

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