White Favell (Vintners), London

Rumové etikety

Favell's Royal Oak Rum -  White Favell (Vintners), London (uk_356)
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Favell’s Royal Oak Rum (uk_356)

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Favell's London Dock Rum -  White Favell (Vintners), London (uk48)
Favell's London Dock Rum

Favell’s London Dock Rum (uk48)

88 x 128 mm (3.5" x 5")
Favell's London Dock Rum -  White Favell (Vintners), London (uk76)
Favell's London Dock Rum

Favell’s London Dock Rum (uk76)

101 x 130 mm (4" x 5.1")
Favell's London Dock Rum -  White Favell (Vintners), London (uk77)
Favell's London Dock Rum

Favell’s London Dock Rum (uk77)

102 x 130 mm (4" x 5.1")

Zde jsou plné texty z etiket

uk_356: Favell's Royal Oak Rum; A Product of British West Indies; Royal Oak; Shipped by White. Favel (Vintners) Ltd., London; Established 1795; A light dry blend of finest British Empire rum matured to perfection for the homes and inns of Old England; 70° Proof

uk48: Favell's London Dock Rum-Rhum; 70° proof; Produce of/Produit de Demerara, Guyana; Generations ago in the old wind-jammer days, skilled merchants used to bring the finestyoung rums from the British west Indies to mature them in London's Docks, because experience had taught them that Rum matured best in the temperature British climate. Methods may change but the quality standards do not. London Dock is still the result of careful selection from the finest Demerera Rums, a process which guarantees the traditional quality for which London Dock Rum is renowned; 750 ml; 40% alc/vol; Blended and bottled in Canada for / Melange et embouteille a Canada pour: White Favell (Vintners), London EC1P 1BJ

uk76: Favell's London Dock Rum-Rhum; 70° proof; Produce of/Produit de Demerara, Guyana; Generations ago in the old wind-jammer days, skilled merchants used to bring the finest young rums from the British West Indies to mature them in London's Docks, because experience had taught them that Rum matured best in the temperate British climate. Methods may change but the quality standards do not. London Dock is still the result of careful selection from the finest Demerera Rums, a process which guarantees the traditional quality for which London Dock Rum is renowned; 5-M-8; 1.14 l; 40% alc/vol; Blended and bottled in Canada for / Melange et embouteille a Canada pour: White Favell (Vintners), London EC1P 1BJ

uk77: Return for refund where applicable; consigne la ou la loi le prescrit; Favell's London Dock Rum-Rhum; 100° proof; Produce of/Produit de Demerara, Guyana; Generations ago in the old wind-jammer days, skilled merchants used to bring the finest young rums from the British West Indies to mature them in London's Docks, because experience had taught them that Rum matured best in the temperate British climate. Methods may change but the quality standards do not. London Dock is still the result of careful selection from the finest Demerera Rums, a process which guarantees the traditional quality for which London Dock Rum is renowned; 5-M-8; 1.14 l; 57.1% alc/vol; Blended and bottled in Canada for / Melange et embouteille a Canada pour: White Favell (Vintners), London EC1P 1BJ

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