Kittling Ridge, Grimsby
Rum labels
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1971 | Distillery was built on South Service Rd., Grimsby by Swiss Stillmaster, Otto Rieder. Ownership was privately funded. Initial production consisted of European style fruit spirits (eau de vies or fruit brandies), soon expanded to include the more popular Canadian distilled spirits... vodka, whisky. Grape brandy continued to be a specialty. |
1985 | Grimsby plant, warehouse and office expanded to accommodate growth. |
1992 | Otto Rieder retires. Original financial backers seek replacement. John K. Hall assumes position of C.E.O. and takes an equity position. |
1993 | Rieder Distillery applies for, and is granted a commercial Winery License, for the province of Ontario, making it the only combination winery, and distillery operating in Ontario. |
1993 | Name is changed from Rieder Distillery to Kittling Ridge Estate Wines & Spirits. Mission statement... to produce products offering Quality, Taste and Value. |
1993 | Company launches first landmark product... Kittling Ridge Ice Wine & Brandy, combining the still master's craft and the winemakers art. |
1994 | KR's Pure Gold Whisky (a.k.a. Canadian Company Whisky), becomes the 3rd most popular imported spirit in Taiwan. |
1995 | Kittling Ridge becomes 6th largest winery in Ontario. Over 50 people employed full time. |
1996 | Kittling purchases the small Ontario winery... Cullotta. This affords KR 6 off-premise retail wine shops in the province of Ontario. |
1997 | Company payroll tops 100 employees, wine sales exceed 60,000 cases. |
1997 | KR launches Inferno Pepper Pot Vodka. |
1997 | KR mourns the passing of one of the founding owners, Mr. Ben Webster, Helix Investments. |
1998 | Mr. John K. Hall assumes majority ownership of Kittling Ridge Ltd. |
1998 | KR begins major export venture with Inferno Pepper Pot Vodka to the USA |
1998 | KR announces new hotel project, the Kittling Ridge Inn. Ground breaking to begin June 1999 |
1999 | By mid-year, Inferno Vodka is available in 37 US States. KR launches a second size 1.14L and a 50-ml miniature. |
2001 | Ground is broken for warehouse expansion. |
2001 | December.... Kittling Ridge morns the passing of Otto Rieder. |
2002 | January, Kittling officially opens it's new 75,000 square foot warehouse. |
2003 | Forty Creek Barrel Select Whisky is launched |
2005 | Prince Igor Vodka passes 60,000 cases annually. |
Here are full texts from the labels
ca101: 750 ml; 30% alc/vol; Harry's Hurricane; Shake well; Tropical fruit and rum liqueur; Liqueur au rhum et aux fruits tropicaux; Rieder Distillery Ltd., Grimsby, Ontario, Canada
ca144: Skipper; Rum - Rhum; Estate distilled and barrel aged for superior flavour. A blend of Canadian and imported rum. Un melange de rhum Canadian et importe. Rieder Distillery, Grimsby, Ontario, Canada; 1.75 litre; 40% alc/vol; 0 69321 00088 5
ca262: Extra Light; Tres Leger; Ron Superior Sandpiper; Rum - Rhum; Destilled and Bottled in Canada under Government Supervision; Distille et embouteille au Canada sous la sous la supervision de gouvernment; 40% alc/vol; 1.14 l; Rider Distillery Ltd, Grimsey, Ontario, Canada
ca263: Sandpiper Cane Cutter; Spiced Rum - Rhum Epice; Blended rum with spices and other natural flavours; Melange de rhums avec epices et autre saveures naturelles; 750 ml; 40% alc/vol; Rider Distillery Ltd, Grimsey, Ontario, Canada
ca145: Jonkanoo; Made from a blend of Domestic & Imported Light Rums with Rums with the natural flavours of the coconut; Riede Distillery Limited, Grimsby, Ontario; Fait d'un melange de rhums Canadiens et importes - avec saveur naturelle de noix de coco; Riede Distillerie Limitee, Grimsby, Ontario; Coconut-Rum Liqueur; Liqueur au Rhum et a la noir de coco; 30% alc/vol; 710 ml
ca6: Premium KR Rock Island Rum - Rhum; Estate distilled and barrel aged for superior flavour. A blend of Canadian and imported rum. Un melange de rhum Canadian et importe. KR estate distillery, Grimsby, Ontario, Canada; 40% alc/vol, 750 mL; Return for refund where applicable - Consigne la ou la loi le prescrit.
ca102: Premium; Classic Cocktails; KR; Bahaama Mama; Rum cocktail; Au rhum; Natural & artifical flavours; Aromes naturels et artificiels; KR Estate Distillery, Grimsby, Canada; 10% alc/vol; 750 ml; Ready to drink; 0 69321 00147 9
ca_15: Premium Black Stripe white rum
ca_16: Black Stripe Coconut Pineapple Rum Liqueur
ca_17: Black Stripe Mandarin Rum Liqueur