Swamp Fox Distilling, Pendleton, SC
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Swamp Fox Distilling |

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us_814: Pure Corruption; Naked Rum; Distilled from The Finnest Sugar Cane; Distilled & Bottled by Swamp Fox Distilling, Pendelton, South Carolina; 750 ml, 45% alc/vol (90 Proof)
us_819: Pure Corruption; The Dark Side; Dark Rum; Distilled from The Finnest Sugar Cane; Distilled & Bottled by Swamp Fox Distilling, Pendelton, South Carolina; 750 ml, 45% alc/vol (90 Proof)
us_813: Pure Corruption; Sinfully Spiced; Rum with Spices and Natural Flavors; Distilled from The Finnest Sugar Cane; Distilled & Bottled by Swamp Fox Distilling, Pendelton, South Carolina; 750 ml, 48% alc/vol (96 Proof)
us_818: Pure Corruption; All In; Orange and Vanilla Flavored Rum; Distilled from The Finnest Sugar Cane; Distilled & Bottled by Swamp Fox Distilling, Pendelton, South Carolina; 750 ml, 50% alc/vol (100 Proof)
us_820: Pure Corruption; Vanilla; Vanilla Flavored Rum; Distilled from The Finnest Sugar Cane; Distilled & Bottled by Swamp Fox Distilling, Pendelton, South Carolina; 750 ml, 30% alc/vol (60 Proof)
us_817: Pure Corruption; Fox's Fire; Cinannon Flavored Rum; Distilled from The Finnest Sugar Cane; Distilled & Bottled by Swamp Fox Distilling, Pendelton, South Carolina; 750 ml, 45% alc/vol (90 Proof)
us_816: Pure Corruption; Toasted Coconut; Coconut Flavored Rum; Distilled from The Finnest Sugar Cane; Distilled & Bottled by Swamp Fox Distilling, Pendelton, South Carolina; 750 ml, 30% alc/vol (60 Proof)
us_815: Pure Corruption; Smoked; Smoked Flavored Rum; Distilled from The Finnest Sugar Cane; Distilled & Bottled by Swamp Fox Distilling, Pendelton, South Carolina; 750 ml, 30% alc/vol (60 Proof)