
Here is list of companies whose rum bottle labels I have in my collection
Distillerie Societe J. Chatel & Cie, Saint-Denis (11)
GIE Rhums Reunion, Saint Denis (8)
Isautier (51)
Distillerie du Quartier-Francais, Ste. Suzanne (1)
Distillerie Riviere du Mat (SORACO), Sainte-Suzanne (29)
Establissements Rocroy (1)
La distillerie de Saint-Leu (0)
Distillerie de Savanna, Saint-Denis (26)
Distillerie de Vue Belle S.A. (23)

Production of rum on Reunion in 1996 - 2001 is on this graph.

[Source: ODEADOM (relevant page), cited 2004]

In 1704, it indicates the presence of stills that can distill the Fangourin ( fermented cane juice ) and get the water of life that we indifferently called arrack, guildiveor rum.

1833 until the middle of the century, the production of rum increases significantly. Indeed, it was up 355,000 liters more than one million liters. In the second half of the 19th century with 40 distilleries, production stabilizes around 2 million liters of rum. From 1884 the develop exports destined almost exclusively to France (metropolis).

From 1921 the name "rum" is regulated :
"The name of rum is reserved to the eau-de-vie from exclusively by alcoholic fermentation and distillation, either from molasses from the manufacture of cane sugar or cane juice sugar."

In 1922, France introduced a quota colonial rum has destination of the metropolis. Indeed, during the first World War, high demands alcohol triggered a race to the production rhumieres in colonies. This results in a collapse in 1920 the metropolitan market and a very severe crisis for producing islands.

Local consumption, in the absence of any quota, develops to 20 000 hectoliters of pure alcohol per year in the late 60s.

Rum was sold in bulk or customs warehouses and traders individuals came to stock.

A syndicate consisting of rum producers coordinated the delivery of these deposits, monitored by agents Excise (Customs).

In 1972, the producers of rum create GIE Rums Meeting to package and market their rum bottle. This is the birth of "Rhum Charrette".

Reunion rum now has a name and a picture. It is immediately adopted by the general population.

[Source: Rhum Charrette, cited 2004]

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