Trois Freres Distillery, Mahe
Rumové etikety
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Trois Freres Distillery Trois Freres Distillery |
Lihovar Trois Freres Distillery postavili v roce 2002 bratři Richard a Bernard d'Offay. Jejich vize bylo poskytnout Seychelským ostrovům vysoce kvalitní rum na základě originálního receptu jejich děda. Tak byl stvořen tmavý rum "Takamaka Bay".
Od té doby se rodina produktů Takamaka Bay rozšířila o bílý rum, kokosový rum a o vodku, přičemž všechny udržují původní vysokou kvalitu.
Zde jsou plné texty z etiket
sc1: Rum made from the Seychelles; Takamaka; Est MMII; Extra dark rum; Aged; 457689991097
sc~1: Takamaka Bay; Rhums des Seychelles; La Plaine St André, Since 1792; St André Rhum Vesou; 40% alc/vol; 700 ml; 457689990809
sc~2: Takamaka Bay; Rhums des Seychelles; La Plaine St André, Since 1792; St André Aged 8 Years; 40% alc/vol; 700 ml; 457689990816
sc~3: Takamaka Bay Rum; Spirit of the Seychelles; Rum; The heart of Takamaka Bay, this clean yet outgoing white rum has soft tropical undertones & a relaxed character; Produced and bottled on the Island of Mahe, Seychelles; 38% alc/vol; 700 ml; 457689990830
sc~4: Takamaka Bay Rum; Spirit of the Seychelles; Rum; Deliciously smooth and with long lingering notes of vanilla and caramel; Produced and bottled on the Island of Mahe, Seychelles; 38% alc/vol; 700 ml; 457689990823
sc~5: Takamaka Bay Coco-Rum; Spirit of the Seychelles; Rum; An exhilarating blend of Takamaka Bay white rum and tropical coconut; Produced and bottled on the Island of Mahe, Seychelles; 25% alc/vol; 700 ml; 457689990847
sc~6: Takamaka Bay; Rum; Deliciously smooth and with lingering notes of vanilla and caramel, Takamaka Bay dark rum reflects the heritage and generosity of spirit of the Seychelles Islands; Produced and bottled on the Island of Mahe, Seychelles; 43% alc/vol; 375 ml