Gosling Brothers Ltd., Hamilton
Rumové etikety
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Gosling's Black Seal Gosling Brothers |

Na jaře roku 1806 londýnský obchodník s vínem a lihovinami James Gosling opustil Anglii na palubě pronajatého clipperu Mercury s L10,000. Cesta byla obtížná. Zažili jedenadevadesát dní bezvětří.
Loď nakonec zakotvila v přístavu St. Georges na Bermudách, kde se Gosling a jeho rodina usadili. V prosinci 1806 otevřel James Gosling King's Parade obchod.
V roce 1824 se podnik přestěhoval na Front Street v novém hlavním městě Hamiltonu. V té době do firmy vstoupil Ambrose Gosling, Jamesův bratr a firma se v roce 1857 přejmenovala na Gosling Brothers. Dnes je firma nejstarším podnikem na Bermudách a zůstává rodinnou firmou.
V roce 1860 dovezla společnost Gosling Brothers Ltd. na Bermudy první barely rumu. Zkoušeli různé směsi rumů, až nalezli ideální kombinaci.
Výsledkem byl velmi tmavý rum pojmenovaný "Old-Rum". 50 let byl rum prodáván točený do přinesených lahví. Převážně takto byl prodáván až do první světové války, kdy společnost začala plnit lahve od šampaňského z důstojnického klubu. Zátky byly utěsněny černým pečetním voskem a proto jej zákazníci pojmenovali "Black Seal".
Až mnohem později Gosling Brothers umístili na etiketu sud s žonglujícím lachtanem (anglicky seal). Dodnes je rum mísen podle původního receptu z tříletých rumů.
Bermudy nemají vlastní cukrovou třtinu ani lihovar, ale mají svůj rum: Goslings Black Seal.
Zde jsou plné texty z etiket
bm_12: Choicest Old Barbados Rum; Gosling Brothers Ltd, Bermuda
bm_3: Gosling's; Black Seal
bm2: Gosling's Bermuda Black Rum; Since 1806; 40% alc./vol (80 us-proof); 750 ml (25.4 fl. oz.); Black Seal; Product of Bermuda; Bottled by Gosling Brothers Ltd., Hamilton, Bermuda; Imported exclusively by Marie Brizard, U.S.A.; 084279911144
bm3: Gosling's Bermuda Black Rum; Since 1806; 75.5% alc./vol; 151 U.S. proof; 1 litre; 33.8 fl. oz.; Black Seal; Product of Bermuda; Bottled by Gosling Brothers Ltd., Hamilton, Bermuda; Imported exclusively by Marie Brizard, U.S.A., Princeton, MN; 084279911182
bm_18: Goslings; Since 1806; Rum; Gold Seal; 80 Proof; Bermuda Gold Rum; 40% alc/vol; 750ml
bm8: Since 1806; Gosling's Bermuda Black Rum; 80 proof; Black Seal
bm_20: Since 1806; Gosling's Bermuda Black Rum; Black Seal; 80 proof; Black Seal; 40% vol; 70 cl e; 5391338002763
bm18: Since 1806; Gosling's Bermuda Black Rum; 151 proof; Black Seal
bm_6: Gosling's Black Seal
bm12: Gosling's Since 1806; 80 Proof; (25.4 Fl. Oz.) 750 ml; Bermuda Light Rum; Blended and bottled in Bermuda by Gosling Brothers Ltd., Hamilton, Bermuda; Imported by Maison Portier & Fils, Inc, New York, N.Y.
bm13: Gosling's Bermuda; Since 1806; Rum Deluxe; Refined Barbados Rum; 80 Proof; Product of Barbados; Imported and bottled by Gosling Brothers Ltd., Hamilton, Bermuda
bm14: Gosling's Bermuda; Since 1806; Choicest; 151° Proof; Barbados Rum; Product of Barbados; Bottled by Gosling Brothers Ltd., Hamilton, Bermuda
bm_11: Gosling's Family Reserve Rum; Gosling's Family Reserve Old Rum has been a secret for ??? enjoyed only by members of the family. Old Rum is certified from the incompatible Bermuda blend ... up the smooth, full flavor of Gosling's Black Seal Rum; The rum is ... the oak barrels where it is aged until it has acquired a ..., well balanced complexity, resulting is be finest of sipping rums; Old Rum; This rich, soft, elegant Old Rum is created for the enjoyment of those who appreciate the ... things is life. Welcome to the family! Gosling's Since 1806; Bottle No. 349/03; 750 ml; 40% alc/vol; 5391338002459
bm_19: Gosling's Family Reserve Rum; Gosling's Family Reserve Old Rum has been a secret for ??? enjoyed only by members of the family. Old Rum is certified from the incompatible Bermuda blend ... up the smooth, full flavor of Gosling's Black Seal Rum; The rum is ... the oak barrels where it is aged until it has acquired a ..., well balanced complexity, resulting is be finest of sipping rums; Old Rum; This rich, soft, elegant Old Rum is created for the enjoyment of those who appreciate the ... things is life. Welcome to the family! Gosling's Since 1806; Bottle No. 349/03; 750 ml; 40% alc/vol
bm_21: Goslings; Since 1806; Papa Seal; Bottle No. 215; Barrel No. 012; Bottle date 4-9418; Single Barrel Bermuda Rum; 750 ml; 41.5% alc/vol; 83 Proof; 5391338003029
bm~5: Gosling's Black Seal Bermuda Black Rum; 151 proof; 721094199172
bm~4: Gosling's Gold; Bermuda Rum; Using the finest distillate and in accordance with time honoured blending techniques ahnded down over five generations Gosling's of Hamilton, Bermuda has created this mellow, smooth and elegant rum with promise to please fine rum enthusiasts; The Mercury; Established in 1806; 40% alc/vol (80 Proof); 721094199424