J. Armando Bermúdez & Co., Santiago
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Bermúdez - El mejor ron dominicano |

Unlike most rums, Dominican Rum gives more importance to its smoothness, thus becoming a very different rum, genuinely unique, thanks to an original and natural process of distillation and to its aging which is done in special American white oak kegs.
Historically, the most legitimate family name of Dominican Rum is Bermúdez. According to the chronical reports of the time, one of Christopher Columbus' first companions on his trips to the New World was Don Diego Bermúdez, who brought the sugar cane from which to extract alcohol, the basic ingredient in the processing of rum.
The House of Bermúdez is an almost a century and a half old tradition in the elaboration of rum of the highest quality. Its origin goes back to the year 1852, when Don Erasmo Bermúdez created the formula for the "Amargo Panacea", a rum to be drunk as an appetizer and which quickly became famous.
Thus, from the primitive laboratory of Don Erasmo, the first Dominican spirited drink of well known name was born, becoming also the origin of the first industry established in the then recently created Dominican Republic.
Until year 1927, the Company was directed by Don Armando Bermúdez, who transformed it into a nation wide industry.
Later, as it became a corporation, its first Administrator was Domingo O. Bermúdez, under whose direction the company reached its status of national institution.
Hier finden Sie die Beschreibung der Etiketten
do_4: Amargo Panacea
do_9: Ron Viejo Bermúdez; Extra Especial; Licoreria No. 35; Graduacion Alcoholica 40°; Fabricado en la Republica Dominicana; Producto de J. Armando Bermúdez & Co. C. por A., Santiago, R.D.
do4: Imported; Silver label; 80 proof, 40 G.L.; Ron Bermúdez; Producto de J. Armandeo Bermúdez & Co., C. por A., Santiago R.D.; Establecidos en 1852; Fabrica de licores; Dominican rum; Fabricado en la Republica Dominica / Licoreria No. 35 / cert. Inscrip. ind No. 274; Blanco, Extra Especial; 084848600400
do_14: Ron Viejo Bermúdez Blanco
do_20: Ron Palo Viejo Bermúdez
do_16: Bermúdez Crystal
do3: Imported; Gold label; 80 proof, 40 G.L.; Ron Bermúdez; Producto de J. Armandeo Bermúdez & Co., C. por A., Santiago R.D.; Establecidos en 1852; Fabrica de licores; Dominican rum; Fabricado en la Republica Dominica / Licoreria No. 35 / cert. Inscrip. ind No. 274; El Dorado, Selection Especial
do51: 750 cc; 40° GL; Don Armando; Ron de las bodegas Bermúdez; Establecidos en 1852; Licoreria No. 35; Graduacion Alc 40°; Destilado, Envejecido y Embotellado por J. Armando Bermúdez & Co., C. por A., Santiago, R.D.; Fabricado en la Republica Dominicana; Cert Inscrip. Ind. No. 214
do_15: Bermúdez; 1852; Ron Añejo Selecto; Ron Dominicano
do125: Malla de Oro; Ron Dominicano; Desde 1852; Destilado, Envejecido y Embotellado en Santiago, Republica Dominicana por J. Armando Bermúdez & Co. C. por A.; Licoreria No. 35; Cert. Inscrip. Ind. No. 274; 40% Alc/Vol
do_17: Bermúdez Reserva Especial; 1852
do1: Imported; 75.5 G.L.; Ron Bermúdez; Producto de J. Armandeo Bermúdez & Co., C. por A., Santiago R.D.; Establecidos en 1852; Fabrica de licores; Dominican rum; Fabricado en la Republica Dominica / Licoreria No. 35 / cert. Inscrip. ind No. 274; proof 151
do2: Imported; 75.5 G.L.; Ron Bermúdez; Producto de J. Armandeo Bermúdez & Co., C. por A., Santiago R.D.; Establecidos en 1852; Fabrica de licores; Dominican rum; Fabricado en la Republica Dominica / Licoreria No. 35 / cert. Inscrip. ind No. 274; proof 151
do46: 700 ml; Ron Bermúdez; 40° GL; Establecidos en 1852; Destilado, envejecido y embotellado por J. Armandeo Bermúdez & Co., C. por A., Santiago, Republica DDomonicana; 145 Anversario
do_52: Bermúdez; 1852; Ron Viejo Blanco; Armandeo Bermúdez & Co., C. por A.; Ron Dominicano; 750 ml; 40% alc/vol
do_53: Bermúdez Ron Añejo 1852; 5 Años de Añejamiento; Armandeo Bermúdez & Co., C. por A.; Ron Dominicano
do_18: Bermúdez Limon