Société du Rhum Barbancourt / J.P. Gardere & Cie
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In 1862, Dupré Barbancourt, a native of Charente in France, put the finishing touches to a recipe for rum that still bears his name today. Using his homeland's double distillation method usually reserved for the very finest cognacs, he distills a unique product of incomparably quality which will regularly be recognized and receive the highest international distinctions, even today.
Rhum Barbancourt is one of the most decorated rums in history as witnessed by the gallery of awards featured on this site. You will find some of these medals printed on our labels, confirming the exceptional and unequaled character of this rum.
Mr. Dupré Barbancourt takes Nathalie Gardère as wife but the couple has no children. At her death, Nathalie Gardère leaves the company to her nephew, Paul Gardère, who will direct the company's destiny until 1946. La maison Barbancourt incorporates itself as a limited simple partnership in 1932. Rhum Barbancourt's distillery, located on Chemin des Dalles in Port au Prince, remains there until 1949. At Paul's death, his son Jean Gardère takes up the baton, furthering the family's tradition until 1990. Entrepreneur and visionary, Jean Gardère was the instigator of Rhum Barbancourt's modernization. In 1949, he decides to relocate the distillery to the Plaine du Cul-de-Sac on l'Habitation Mouline, near Damien, where it is located to this day.
Work began in 1949, and in 1952 the plant began producing cane juice from the sugar cane grown on its own plantation on the Domaine Barbancourt. This decision propelled the company from small cottage industry to true industrial production.
Thierry Gardère takes over the company at his father's death in 1990 and continues to direct it today. Société du Rhum Barbancourt's ever-growing distribution network is now solidly implanted in over 20 countries.
Originally, in 1862, the Maison Barbancourt did not produce its own cane juice; it distilled its rum from clairin, sugar cane juice, purchased from the limited number of suppliers who's product met Monsieur Barbancourt's rigorous selection criteria, for example l'Habitation Prince, a former holding of the Prince of Rohan.
Today, over 600 hectares of land are exclusively dedicated to sugar cane cultivation for Rhum Barbancourt, counting the 20% of which are on Domaine Barbancourt's own plantations. Société du Rhum Barbancourt employs 250 persons and its direct and indirect rum production activities are responsible for the livelihood of 20,000 persons. Despite the modern installations, Société du Rhum Barbancourt, the eldest of Haitian industries, continues to produce rum in the purest tradition in line with every point in Monsieur Dupré Barbancourt's original recipe.
Hier finden Sie die Beschreibung der Etiketten
ht32: Maison Fondee en 1862; Rhum Barbancourt; Hand Crafted Traditional White Rum; Distille et mis en bouteille par Succrs de Jean Gardere & Cie, Port au Prince, Haiti; 750 ml; Haitian Rum; 43% alc./vol. (86 Proof); Product of Haiti
ht1: Maison Fondee en 1862; Rhum Barbancourt; Distille et mis en bouteille par J.P. Gardere & Cie, Port au Prince, Haiti; 750 ml; 43% alc./vol.
ht3: Maison Fondee en 1862; Rhum Barbancourt; Distille et mis en bouteille par J.P. Gardere & Cie, Port au Prince, Haiti; 75 cl; 43% alc./vol.
ht48: Maison Fondée en 1862; Rhum Barbancourt; Vielli / aged 4 ans / years; Produit de Haiti product of; Distillé et mis en bouteille par T. Gardere & Cie; Rhum de canne à sucre 100%; Vielli en fût de chêne; 750 ml e; 43% Alc./Vol.
ht8: Réserve Spécialepéciale; Maison Fondee en 1862; Rhum Barbancourt; Distille et mis en bouteille par J.P. Gardere & Cie, Port au Prince, Haiti; 75 cl; 43%
ht11: Gouttes d'Or; 4/5 Quart; Member du Jury hors Concours; 86 Proof; Rhum Barbancourt; Distillé et mis en bouteille par Sucrs. de Paul Gardere & Co, Port au Prince (Haiti); Product of Haiti
ht15: Réserve du Domaine; Over 15 years old; Maison Fondee en 1862; Rhum Barbancourt; Distille et mis en bouteille par J.P. Gardere & Cie, Port au Prince, Haiti; 75 ml; 43%; Prodotto distillato Direttamente Dalla Cane Zucchero ed invecchiato almeno 15 anni; Sole agent & Importer - Bonfant Import S.a.S., U.T.I. 804 Milano
ht46: Depuis 1862; Le Rhum des Connaisseurs; Vieilli 4 Ans; Rhum Barbancourt; Haiti; Distillé et mis en bouteille par T. Gardere Et Cie, Port au Prince, 175 ml e; 43% Alc./Vol.
ht_14: Maison Fondee en 1862; Rhum Barbancourt; Réserve Spéciale; 8 Ans / Years; Produit du / Product of Haiti; 700 ml e; 43% alc/vol;
ht_7: Rhum Barbancourt; Pango; Rhum Blanc
ht_8: Rhum Barbancourt; Pango Rhum
ht50: Maison fondée en 1862; Aged 4 Years; Vieilli 4 Ans; Rhum Barbancourt; Vieilli en fût de chene; Haiti; Distillé et mis en bouteille par T. Gardère Et Cie, Port au France; 750 ml e; 43% alc/vol
ht51: Maison fondée en 1862; Aged 8 Years; Vieilli 8 Ans; Rhum Barbancourt Réserve Spéciale
ht_6: Rhum Barbancourt Estate Réserve; 15 years
ht_15: Maison Fondée en 1862; Rhum Barbancourt Réserve du Domaine; Aged 15 Years; Haiti; 70 cl e; 43% alc/vol
ht_2: Apricot; 4/5 Quart; 86 Proof; Qualité, puré, bouquet, age; 1862; Jane Barbancourt; A plus ancienne familie de distillateurs d'Haiti; Jane Barbancourt; Successeurs de l'Abbé Barbancourt; Anciennement Barbancourt & Compagnie; Depuis 1862; Port-au-Prince; Haiti; West Indies
ht_3: Mángo; 4/5 Quart; 86 Proof; Qualité, puré, bouquet, age; 1862; Jane Barbancourt; A plus ancienne familie de distillateurs d'Haiti; Jane Barbancourt; Successeurs de l'Abbé Barbancourt; Anciennement Barbancourt & Compagnie; Depuis 1862; Port-au-Prince; Haiti; West Indies
dk_58: Ron de Luxe; Collector Series Rum 5; Barbancourt; Aged 17 Years; 70 cl; Single Cask; 60% alc/vol
it85: Distilled 2004; Rum Haiti; Distilled by BMH; Bottled 2012; Selected by Pepi Mongiardino; Moon Import; Wines & spirits european distributor; Distillato di cana zuchero; Bottled in United Kingdom; Importado da Moon Import srl; Lic. Utf 706 GE; 70 cl; Bott. No. 0865 of 1800; 46% vol
fr_1270: Compagnie des Indes; Rhum fût unique; Rum single cask; Distillé juin 2004; Origine: Haiti; Age: 11 ans; Distillerie: Barbancourt; Fut: BMH18; Nombre de bouteilles: 263; Proof: 43% alc/vol; Imported and bottled in France; EMB21231A HE3127; 3322719010802
ht~1: Rhum Barbancourt; Maison Fondee en 1862; Distille et mis en bouteille par J.P. Gardere & Cie, Port au Prince, Haiti; 750 ml e; 43% alc./vol.
ht~2: Maison Fondee en 1862; Aged 8 Years; Rhum Barbancourt Réserve Spéciale; Vieilli 8 Ans; Rhum au sucre de canne 100%; Vieilli en fût de chêne; Haiti; Distillé et mis en bouteille par T. Gardere et Cie, Port au Prince; 700 ml e; 43% alc/vol; 089016005827
ht~3: Réserve Spéciale; Aged 8 Years; Rhum Barbancourt; Vielli 8 Ans; Maison Fondée en 1862; Distillé et mis en bouteille par Succrs de Jean Gardère Et Cie, Port au Prince; 700 ml e; Haiti; 43% alc/vol; Aged in Oak