Orange Valley Estate, Trelawny


Information obtained by the Center for the Study of Legacies of British Slave-ownership at University College London:

Rum was distilled on the domain 'Orange Valley Estate, Trelawny' at least between 1793 and 1808.

Handbook of Jamaica 1905:

Sugar estate in cultivation in Jamaica in the year 1903-1904

Name of estateOrange Valley
OwnerW.L. & H.J. Kerr
Attorney of ownerH.J. & W.L. Kerr
Acres cane250
Acres other2,239
Type of millSteam
Process of manufactureCommon Wetzel pan & Centrifugal
Hhds * sugar105
Punchns * rum95
* 1 hoghead = 238 l, 1 puncheon = 318 l
[Die Quelle: Jamaican Family Search, zitiert 2019]

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