SER San Antonio / SER Licorera
Meine Flaschen voller Rum
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Companía Licorera de Nicaragua, S.A. Flor de Caña SER Licorera |
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Fabrica Licores Bell |

1890 - One hundred and twenty kilometers west of the capital city, in Chichigalpa, Nicaragua, company is founded. Its initial purpose was to develop a large sugarcane plantation in western Nicaragua, lands with a proverbial penchant for growing crops like sugarcane.
1937 - An independent company is founded within the plantation, Compania Licorera de Nicaragua, which was dedicated to producing and marketing rum. So was born the brand Flor de Caña.
1950 - Casa Pellas, founded by Mr. Carlos Francisco Pellas Vivas, becomes the first distributor of Flor de Caña products.
1959 - Flor de Caña slow-aged rum is first exported to the countries of Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, and Venezuela. The brand is bolstered by the launching of "Etiqueta Negra" (Black Label).
1963 - Modernization of the industrial plant occurs.
1971 - Construction of a second rum distillery in Honduras.
1994 - 1996 - the Chichigalpa plant was completely updated, while aged rums were first exported to markets outside of Central America.
1998 - Compania Licorera de Nicaragua receives a double ISO-9002 certificate of quality, distinguishing itself as the first rum producing company in the world to attain this standard of quality.
1999 - Rum Marketing International (RUMMI) Ltd. is founded in Miami, Florida to oversee the international expansion of Compania Licorera de Nicaragua's products.
SER Licorera, formerly called Compañía Licorera de Nicaragua, manufacturer of Flor de Caña Rum, is a sister company of SER San Antonio from which it buys alcohol for the manufacture of rums.
It is one of the most respected companies in Nicaragua and Central America, it is also part of the Pellas Group and for more than a decade it has been emerging as a world-class company.
Hier finden Sie die Beschreibung der Etiketten
ni1: Ron Flor de Caña; Extra dry; 40° G.L.; 375 c.c.; Imported; Rum; Genuinely aged; Product of Nicaragua, C.A.
ni2: Ron Flor de Caña Extra Lite; 35° G.L.; 750 ML; Ron elaborado con los mostos fermentados de la Caña de Azucar y genuinamente envejecido en barriles de roble; Reg D.G.I. 023; Compania Licorera de Nicaragua, S.A.; Producto centroamericano; Hecho en Nicaragua; registro Sanitario 2625; Genuinamente Envejecido; 026964809718
ni3: Ron Flor de Caña; Grand Reserve; 40° G.L.; 750 ML; Imported; Compania Licorera de Nicaragua, S.A.; Product of Central America; Made in Nicaragua; Reg. D.G.I. No. 026; San. Reg. 1455; Genuinely aged
ni7: Ron Flor de Caña; Grand Reserve; 750 ML; 80 proof; 25.4.fl.oz.; Imported; Rum genuinely aged; Product of Nicaragua, C.A.;; 7501066500402
ni4: Ron Flor de Caña; Gold; 40° G.L.; 750 ML; Imported; Compania Licorera de Nicaragua, S.A.; Product of Central America; Made in Nicaragua; Reg. D.G.I. No. 405; San. Reg. 1316; Genuinely aged
ni10: 35°; Ron Flor de Caña Centenario; 750 ml; 12 Años; Compania Licorera de Nicaragua, S.A.; Product of Central America; Made in Nicaragua; 026964823967
ni6: Ron Flor de Caña; Black Label; 40° G.L.; 750 ML; Imported; Compania Licorera de Nicaragua, S.A.; Product of Central America; Made in Nicaragua; Reg. D.G.I. No. 401; San. Reg. 1317; Genuinely aged
ni72: Ron Flor de Caña; Extra Dry; Slow Aged - 4 - Four Years; Imported Rum; 40% alc/vol; 750 ml; Distilled, Slow aged & Bottled by Compania Licorera de Nicaragua, S. A.; Product of Central America; Made in Nicaragua
ni63: Ron Flor de Caña; Extra Lite; Slow Aged - 4 - Four Years; Imported Rum; 40% alc/vol; 750 ml; Distilled, Slow aged & Bottled by Compania Licorera de Nicaragua, S. A.; Product of Central America; Made in Nicaragua; 026964809718
ni54: Ron Flor de Caña; Gold; Slow Aged - 4 - Four Years; Imported Rum; 40% alc. vol; Cont. net. 750 ml; Distilled, Slow aged & Bottled by Compania Licorera de Nicaragua, S. A.; Product of Central America; Made in Nicaragua; 026964177190
ni46: Ron Flor de Caña; Black Label; Slow Aged - 5 - Five Years; Imported Rum; 40% alc/vol; 750 ml; Distilled, Slow aged & Bottled by Compania Licorera de Nicaragua, S. A.; Product of Central America; Made in Nicaragua
ni36: Ron Flor de Caña; Grand Reserve; Imported Rum; Slow Aged - 7 - Seven Years; Distilled, Slow aged & Bottled by Compania Licorera de Nicaragua, S. A.; Product of Central America; Made in Nicaragua; 40% alc/vol; 750 ml; 026964852745
ni56: Ron Flor de Caña; Centenario; Imported Rum; Slow Aged - 12 - Twelve Years; Distilled, Slow aged & Bottled by Compania Licorera de Nicaragua, S. A.; Product of Central America; Made in Nicaragua; 40% alc/vol; Cont. net. 750 ml; 026964823967
ni96: Rum Flor de Caña; Centenario Gold; Slow Aged 18 Eighteen Years; Imported Rum; Distilled, Slow-Aged & Bottled by Compañía Licorera de Nicaragua, S. A.; Nicaragua; 40% alc/vol; 750 ml
ni93: 750 ml; 80 Proof, 25,4 Fl. Oz.; Ron Flor de Caña Grand Reserve; Imported Rum; Product of Nicaragua, C.A.; Genuinely Aged
ni12: Rum Momotombo; Distileld 1994; Select Cask Reserve; 70 cl e; Imported; 38% vol; 8003230000484
ni13: Rum Concepcion; 1990; Gran Reserve; Aged in Wood; 70 cl e; Imported from Nicaragua; 40% vol; 8003230000446
ni14: Rum Cerro Negro; Distilled 1988; Cask N. 18; Single Barrel Reserve; Aged in Wood; 70 cl e; Imported from Nicaragua; 42% vol; 8003230000453
ni15: Rum San Cristobal; Gran Reserva; Oak 7 aged; 70 cl e; Imported from Nicaragua; 38% vol; 8003230000477
ni16: Rum Masaya; 10 Años; Genuinamente envejecido en Roble; 100% Sugar Cane; 70 cl e; Importado de Nicaragua; 40% vol; 8003230000439
ni17: Rum Telica; Years 13 Old; Barrel 67; 70 cl e; Importado de Nicaragua; 42% vol; 8003230000460
ni20: Rum Zapatera Reserva; Vintage 1994; Reserva; Single Barrel n. 68; 70 cl e; Hecho en Nicaragua; 38% vol; 8003230000415
ni19: Rum Zapatera Abuelo; Vintage 1990; Reserva Especial; Single Barrel n. 74; 70 cl e; Hecho en Nicaragua; 40% vol; 8003230000422
ni18: Rum Zapatera Centenario; Vintage 1988; Gran Reserva; Single Barrel n. 23; 70 cl e; Hecho en Nicaragua; 42% vol; 8003230000408
ni97: Rum Zapatera Reserva; Single barrel n. 62; Vintage 1996; 70 cl e; Imported rum; Ron anejado lentamente en pipas de roble; Product from Nicaragua; 40% vol; 8003230003010
ni78: 34° GL; 50 ml; Ron Plata; Conmemorativo; Reposado; Compania Licorera de Nicaragua, S. A.; Product of Central America; Made in Nicaragua
ni79: 34% alc/vol; 50 ml; Ron Plata; Destilados de espiritu de aña; Elaborado por Compania Licorera de Nicaragua, S. A.; Centro Destilatorio Chichigaipa
ni75: 34% alc/vol; 750 ml; Ron Plata Lite; Destilado a partir de los mostos fermentados y seleccionados del zumo de la caña de azucar; Compania Licorera de Nicaragua, S. A.; Producto Centroamericano; Hecho en Nicaragua; 026964343212
ni81: 34% alc/vol; 750 ml; Ron Plata; Destilado a partir de los mostos fermentados y seleccionados del zumo de la caña de azucar; Compania Licorera de Nicaragua, S. A.; Producto Centroamericano; Hecho en Nicaragua; 026964426533
de_120: Alambic Classique Collection; Chichigalpa 1995 Tres Vieux; Rare Single Cask Rum; 15 Years Old; Distilled: 1995, Bottled: 2010; Distilled, Matured and Bottled for Alambic Classique, Bad Wörishofen, Germany; 70 cl; Product of Nicaragua; 45% vol
de_144: Alambic Classique Collection; Licorera 1998, Special Reserve; Rare Single Cask Rum; 8 Years Old; Distilled: 1998; Bottled: 2006; Distilled, Matured and Bottled for Alambic Classique, Bad Wörishofen, Germany; 70 cl; Product of Nicaragua; 45% vol
de_138: Rumdealers' Selection; Single Cask Nicaragua Rum; Compania Licorera Distillery; 15 Years; Cask #61; Pot Still; 50 cl; 64,0% vol; Brühler Whiskyhaus
it36: The original still rum; Specially Selected Nicaragua; Produced by CLN - Nicaragua for Rum Nation, Single Domaine Rum; 41% vol; 70 cl e
ni82: 34% alc/vol; Tayacan; Aguardiente; 360 ml; Espiritu de caña; Compania Licorera de Nicaragua, S. A.; Producto Centroamericano; Hecho en Nicaragua
ni83: 34% alc/vol; 360 ml; Cañita; Aguardiente; Todo en exceso Perjudica; Elaborado por Cia Licorera de Nicaragua, S. A.; Bajo Licencia de Fabrica Nacional de Licores Bell S.A.; Producto Centroamericano; Hecho en Nicaragua
ni_7: Ron Flor de Caña; Centenario 21 years; Imported Rum
ni95: Ron Flor de Caña Añejo Clasico; Tradición Arestanal; Imported Rum; 5 slow aged; 7431008104019
ni_13: Ron Flor de Caña Gran Reserva; Tradición Arestanal; Imported Rum; 7 slow aged; 40% alc/vol; Cont net 700 ml; 7431008105009
ni_14: Ron Flor de Caña Gran Reserva; Tradición Arestanal; Imported Rum; 7 slow aged; 40% alc/vol; Cont net 700 ml; 7431008105016
ni_11: Ron Flor de Caña Centenario; Tradición Arestanal; Single Estate Rum; 12 Slow Aged; 40% alc/vol; 750 ml
ni_15: Ron Flor de Caña Centenario; Tradición Arestanal; Single Estate Rum; 12 Slow Aged; 40% alc/vol; 1000 ml; 7431008108338
ni_10: Ron Flor de Caña Centenario; Tradición Arestanal; Single Estate Rum; 18 Slow Aged; 40% alc/vol; 750 ml
ni_9: Ron Flor de Caña; Tradición Arestanal; Single Estate Rum; 25 Slow Aged; 40% alc/vol; 700 ml
ni_17: Ron Flor de Caña Generaciones 30; 1988
ni_16: Flor de Caña Spresso; Coffee liquer; 30% vol; 7431008105504
ni8: Ron Flor de Caña; Limon; 35% G.L.; 750 ML; Compania licorera de nicaragua, S.A.; Producto centroamericano hecho en nicaragua; Reg. D.G.I. 052; Reg. M.S.P. 3334; 0026964725087
ni25: Ron Flor de Caña; Limon; Imported Rum; Slow Aged - 4 - Four years; Natural Flavored; Distilled, Slow aged & Bottled by Compania Licorera de Nicaragua, S. A., Product of Central America; Made in Nicaragua; 35% alc/vol; 750 ml; 0026964725087
fr_1369: Transcontinental Rum Line; Nicaragua 2004; 18% aged in continental weather; Distilled 2004 - Bottled 2017; Chichigalpa Nicaragua; 70 cl e; 43 % vol; 6830 bottles
ni~1: Ron Flor de Caña; Extra dry; 40% alc/vol; 750 ml; Imported; Rum; Produced, aged & bottled by Compania Licorera de Nicaragua, S. A., Managua, Nicaragua; 026964904291
ni~2: Ron Flor de Caña Gold; Slow Aged - 4 - Four Years; Imported Rum; 40% alc. vol; 0.7 l; Distilled, Slow Aged & Bottled by Compania Licorera de Nicaragua, S. A., Nicaragua; 7431008102008
ni~3: Ron Flor de Caña; Grand Reserve; Imported Rum; Slow Aged - 7 - Seven Years; Distilled, Slow aged & Bottled by Compania Licorera de Nicaragua, S. A., Nicaragua; 40% alc/vol; 0.7 l; 7431008105009
ni~5: Ron Flor de Caña Centenario; Tradición Arestanal; Single Estate Rum; 12 slow aged; 40% alc/vol; cont. net. 700 ml; Destilado, Añejado y embotellado bajo licencia por Compañia Licorera de Nicaragua, S.A.;; 7431008107003
ni~4: Ron Flor de Caña Centenario; Tradición Arestanal; Single Estate Rum; 18 slow aged; 40% alc/vol; cont. net. 750 ml; Destilado, Añejado y embotellado bajo licencia por Compañia Licorera de Nicaragua, S.A.;; 26964500233