Bacardi (Marke)
Bacardi & Co, Santiago de Cuba, Kuba
Bacardi Corp., Catano, Puerto Rico
Destilería la Galarza / Bacardi y Cia., Mexico
Bacardi Centroamericana, S.A., Panama
Trinidad Distillers Ltd., Trinidad und Tobago
FBM Distillery / Bacardi, Brampton, Kanada
Bacardi Bottling Corporation, Jacksonville, FL, USA
Bacardi, Hamburg, Deutschland
Bacardi y Cia., Madrid, Spanien
Bacardi & Company, Winchester, Grossbritannien
Meine Flaschen voller Rum
Bacardi is the world's largest privately held, family-owned spirits company. Bacardi is a producer of rums. They sell in excess of 240 million bottles per year in 170 countries. The business is the fourth largest spirits company in the world, sales in 2000 were $2.7 billion. A number of planned stock market flotations have collapsed, the last in 2000.
Originally founded by Don Facundo Bacardi Masso in 1862 in Santiago de Cuba, Bacardi is headquartered today in Hamilton, Bermuda with most production in Puerto Rico.
Don Facundo, a wine merchant, emigrated from Catalonia to Cuba in the early 19th century. During this period, rum was cheaply made and not considered a refined drink (think: pirates, "yo ho ho" and all that). The drink was rarely sold in upscale taverns. Don Facundo began attempting to "tame" rum. After experimenting with several techniques he hit upon filtering the rum through charcoal. This removed impurities. In addition he aged the rum in oak barrels. This had the effect of "mellowing" the drink.
Moving from the experimental stage to a more commercial endeavor, he and his brother José set up shop in a small distillery on February 4, 1862. Their first copper and cast iron still produced 35 barrels of fermented molasses a day. In the rafters of this building lived fruit bats. Hence, the Bacardi bat logo.
The 1890s were turbulent times for the company. Emilio Bacardi, eldest son of Don Facundo, was exiled from Cuba for anti-colonial activities and his eldest son was fighting as a Cuban Independence fighter in the rebel army. His brothers, Facundo, José, and his brother-in-law, Henri Schueg remained in Cuba with the difficult task of sustaining the company during a period of war. The women in the family were refugees in Kingston, Jamaica. After the Cuban War of Independence, and the American occupation of Cuba, "The Original Cuba Libre" and the Daiquiri cocktail were both originated with Bacardi rum. In 1899, American General Leonard Wood appointed Emilio Bacardi Mayor of Santiago de Cuba.
In 1912, Emilio Bacardi traveled to Egypt where he purchased a mummy for the future Emilio Bacardi Moreau Municipal Museum in Santiago de Cuba. In Santiago, his brother Facundo M. Bacardi continued to meticulously supervise the training of the third generation of Family Master Blenders. Henri Schueg, meanwhile, began to expand the company. He opened new bottling plants in Barcelona, Spain and New York City. Due to Prohibition, the New York plant was shutdown. During this time, Cuba became a hotspot for American tourists.
In the 1920s, Emilio opened a new distillery in Santiago. During this decade, the art deco Bacardi building was put up in Havana. The third generation of the Bacardi family was entering the business. Facundito Bacardi was known to have invited Americans (still subject to Prohibition) to "Come to Cuba and bathe in Bacardi rum." A new product was introduced: "Hatuey" beer.
The 1930s brought more a new bottling plant in Mexico City and a new distillery in Puerto Rico under the leadership of Ron Bacardi. Several trademark disputes went to court during this time regarding use of the Bacardi name on rum produced outside of Cuba. The company's leadership then fell to Henri Schueg who managed to keep the family name on the bottles coming from Puerto Rico. Another case was won by Bacardi which allowed that "...a Bacardi Cocktail is only a Bacardi Cocktail when made with Bacardi rum."
During the World War II years the company was led by Henri's son-in-law Jose Pepe Bosch. Pepe founded Bacardi Imports in New York City. He was named Cuba's Minister of the Treasury in 1949.
After the Cuban revolution, when Fidel Castro came to power (in 1959), the company Bacardi fled Cuba for the Bahamas, and continued to operate it outside it. The Cuban government seized the company's assets left in Cuba and strongly dislikes the Bacardi company. A feeling that is reciprocated, it is claimed by Hernando Calvo Ospina that Bacardi financed anti-Castro groups during the 1960s, helped found the Cuban American National Foundation (CANF) in 1981 and supported the Helms-Burton legislation of 1996.
Ernest Hemingway mentions Hatuey beer in two of his works: To Have and Have Not and The Old Man and the Sea. In 1956, Bacardi held a festival in honor of Hemingway winning the Nobel Prize in Literature.
Bacardi noted that Puerto Rican rums didn't incur any U.S. import duties - unlike the rum the company was making in Cuba. Soon, a small plant had been built on the site of an old Spanish jail in San Juan in 1936, saving Bacardi $1 a bottle on import duty.
- 1862 Bacardi Distillerie was established
- 1877 First gold medal in Spain.
- 1910 First botling plant outside of Cuba in Spain.
- 1916 Botling plant in New York.
- 1934 In Mexico was established Bacardi Distillerie.
- 1936 Distillerie in Puerto Rico was established.
- 1960 Emigration from Cuba to USA.
- 1992 Established Bacardi Ltd, Hamilton, Bermuda.
- 1993 Bacardi acquire Martini&Rosi.
Bacardi logo

Bacardi will close its rum distillery in the Bahamas and transfer manufacturing operations to facilities elsewhere in the Americas, the company said on Thursday.
The Nassau plant, which employs 114 people, will close by April 2009. Most of its operations will be absorbed by the company's main rum production site in Catano, Puerto Rico, near the capital of the US Caribbean territory, the company said in a statement.
The Bermuda-based company established a presence in the Bahamas in 1965 in part to avoid large duties on shipments from Puerto Rico to Europe, but it said changes in trade agreements and competition compelled them to consolidate.
Cía. Ron Bacardí is on the list of companies confiscated by Fidel Castro in 1960.
Hier finden Sie die Beschreibung der Etiketten
bm1055: Carta Blanca; Rum-Rhum; Ron Bacardi Superior; Established in / Maison fondee a Cuba 1862; 750 ml; 40% alc./vol.; Bacardi and the Bat Device are registrated trademarks of Bacardi & Company, Limited; Bacardi et le signe de la Chauve-Souris sont des marques de commerce deposees de Bacardi & Company, Limited
bm1131: Commemorative Label; Ron Bacardi Superior; 100 Years of Bacardi & Coke, The World's great Cocktail; 75 cl e; 37.5% vol.; Bacardi and the Bat Device are registrated trademarks of Bacardi & Company, Limited
bm_24: Ron Carta Blanca; Bacardi Superior; Facundo Bacardi; Rum; 37.5% vol; Casa Funda En Cuba1862; 75 cl e; Bacardi and the Bat Device are registrated trademarks of Bacardi & Company, Limited
bm10: Ron Carta de Oro; Bacardi Oro; Facundo Bacardi; Casa funda en 1862; Rum; 37.5% Vol; 70 cl e; Bacardi and the Bat Device are registrated trademarks of Bacardi & Company, Limited
bm_23: Ron Añejo Especial; Bacardi Reserva; Facundo Bacardi; Rum; 40% vol; Casa Funda En Cuba1862; 70 cl e; Bacardi and the Bat Device are registrated trademarks of Bacardi & Company, Limited
bm_22: Formula Original; Bacardi Reserva; Añejo Especial; 40% vol; Casa Funda En Santiago De Cuba1862; 70 cl e; Bacardi and the Bat Device are registrated trademarks of Bacardi & Company, Limited; Produced by Authority and Under The Supervision of Bacardi & Company, Limited
bm1096: Black; Rum-Rhum; Ron Bacardi Superior; Established in / Maison fondee a Cuba 1862; 375 ml; 40% alc./vol.; Bacardi and the Bat Device are registrated trademarks of Bacardi & Company, Limited; Bacardi et le Signe de la Chauve-Souris sont des marques de commerce deposees de Bacardi & Company, Limited
bm1098: Premium Black; Rum; Ron Bacardi Superior; 70 cl; 37.5% vol; Bacardi and the Bat Device are registrated trademarks of Bacardi & Company, Limited; Bottled by authority and to the specifications of Bacardi & Company, Limited
bm1114: Bacardi Founder's Select Extra Special Rum; Bacardi and the Bat Device are Registrated Trademarks of Bacardi and Company Limited; 40% vol; 700 ml;
bm1112: Select Fine Rum Facundo; Ron Superior de Bacardi; Facundo is a Trademark and Bacardi is a registrated trademark of Bacardi & Company, Limited; 70 cl; 40% vol.
bm_16: Rubi Rey; Single Barrel Finished White Rum; Mellowed in White Oak; 43% alc by Vol (86 Proof)
bm1073: Bacardi Limon; Original Citrus; Bacardi rum with natural citrus flavors; Produzido por autorizacao e sob supervisao de Bacardi & Company Limited; Conteudo 750 ml; 35° GL; Bacardi e a Figura do Morcego sao marcas registradas da Bacardi & Company Limited
bm_1: Bacardi 0; Orange flavored rum
bm_2: Bacardi daiquiry Strawberry, Lime, Mango
bm_5: Bacardi Ciclon
bm_4: Bacardi Tropico
bm_7: Bacardi COCO; Original coconut rum
bm_8: Bacardi Razz
bm_9: Bacardi Vanila
bm_14: Bacardi Big Apple
bm_15: Bacardi Dragon Berry; Strawbery Rum;
bm_10: Bacardi and cola
bm_17: Bacardi Classic Mojito; 15% alc/vol
cu_3: Elixir Bacardi; Santiago de Cuba
cu_4: Anis Superior; Bacardi & Ca, Santiago de Cuba
cu_5: Elixir - Cordial; Bacardi; Santiago de Cuba; 4/5 Quart; 69 Proof; Produce of Cuba; Distribuidores de Puerto Rico B. Fernandez & Sons Sucrs, San Juan
cu_6: Bacardi R; Santiago de Cuba
cu_7: Carta Blanca Inglesa; Best Old Rum from Bacardi & Co; St. Jago, Island of Cuba; Graduation 44.5; Hecho en Cuba
cu_57: Ron Bacardi; Bacardi & Cia; Santiago de Cuba
cu_134: Ron Bacardi Refino de Consumo corriente Bacardi y Ca; Casa fundada en 1835; Establecidos en 1862; Santiago de Cuba; Hecho en Cuba; Graduacion 34.3
cu_8: Carta Blanca Superior; Rum; Ron Bacardi Superior de Bacardi y Cia; Established in 1862; Santiago de Cuba; 89 Proof, 4/5 Quart; Produce of Cuba
cu_83: Rhum; Ron Bacardi Superior de Bacardi y Cia; Established in 1862; Santiago de Cuba
cu160: Carta de Oro; Ron Bacardi Superior; Bacardi y Cia, Santiago de Cuba; Establecidos en 1862; Contenido 0.750 Litro; Hecho en Cuba; Litog. Compañia Litografica de la Habana
cu39: Solera extra; Filadelfia 1876; Ron Bacardi Añejo; Emp. Cons. de Licores y Vinos, Unidad Productiva, 0 - 001; Establecidos en 1862; Santiago de cuba; Contenido 0.750 litro; hecho en Cuba
cu76: Carta de Oro; Ron Bacardi Superior; Emp. Cons. de Licores y Vinos Unidad Productiva 0-001; Establecidos en 1862; Santiago de Cuba; Contenido 0.750 litro; Hecho en Cuba; Grado 40, 80 Proof;
pr_5: Carta Ambra; Ron Bacardi; Distilled, Prepared & Bottled by Bacardi Corp of America, San Juan, P.R.; 86 Proof, 4/5 Quart; Puerto Rican Rum;
pr1053: Carta Blanca; Rum; Ron Bacardi Superior; 75 cl; 40% alc/vol; Product of Puerto Rico; Bacardi and the Bat Device are registrated trademarks of Bacardi & Company, Limited; Bottled by authority and to the specifications of Bacardi & Company, Limited
pr1007: Silver Label; Ron Bacardi Superior; Produced by Bacardi Corp., San Juan, P.R.; 40% alc. by vol.; Bacardi and the Bat Device Reg. U.S. Pat. And TM Off; Puerto Rican Rum; Produced by authority and under the supervision of Bacardi & Company, Limited; 080480015404
pr_60: Rubi Rey
pr1039: Extra Dry Ron Bacardi 1873; Produced by Bacardi Corp., San Juan, P.R.; 40% alc. by vol.; Bacardi, 1873 and the Bat Device Reg. U.S. Pat. And TM Off; Puerto Rican Rum; Produced by authority and under the supervision of Bacardi & Company, Limited; 080480195403
pr_83: Bacardi Carta Blanca; Superior White Rum; Establecido en 1862, Santiago de Cuba; 37.5%vol; White Rum; Imported from Puertorico; 5010677013147
pr_84: Bacardi Carta Blanca; Superior White Rum; Establecido en 1862, Santiago de Cuba; 37.5%vol; White Rum; Imported from Puertorico; 5010677012850
pr41: Ron Bacardi Añejo; Produced by Bacardi Corp., San Juan, P.R.; 40% alc by vol; Bacardi and the Bat Device Reg. U.S. Pat. And TM Off; Puerto Rican Rum
pr1010: Rum - Rhum; Ron Bacardi Añejo; Bacardi Corp., San Juan, P.R.; 40% alc./vol.; 750 ml; Bacardi and the Bat Device are registrated trademarks of Bacardi & Company, Limited; Bacardi et le Signe de la Chauve-Souris sont des marques de commerce deposees de Bacardi & Company, Limited; Puerto Rican Rum
pr1032: Proof 151 Proof; Rum - Rhum; Ron Bacardi Superior; Bacardi Corp., San Juan, Puerto Rico; 75.5% alc/vol; 750 ml; Puerto Rican Rum; Bacardi and the Bat Device are registrated trademarks of Bacardi & Company, Limited; Bacardi et le Signe de la Chauve-Souris sont des marques de commerce deposees de Bacardi & Company, Limited; Produced under the supervision of Bacardi & Company, Limited; Produit avec la permission et sous le controle de Bacardi & Company, Limited
pr1021: Amber Label; Ron Bacardi Superior; Produced by Bacardi Corp., San Juan, P.R.; 40% alc. by vol.; Bacardi and the Bat Device Reg. U.S. Pat. And TM Off; Puerto Rican Rum; Produced by authority and under the supervision of Bacardi & Company, Limited; 080480025106
pr1029: Carta de Oro; Ron Bacardi Superior; Established 1862; 40% alc. by vol. (80 Proof); Puerto Rican Rum; Bacardi and the Bat Device Reg. U.S. Pat. And TM Off; 080480025403
pr108: Bacardí Gold; Ron Superior Carta Oro; Establecido en 1862; Santiago de Cuba; Una empresa de la Familia Bacardí; 40% vol; Made in Puerto Rico; Rum; 750 cl; Gold Rum; 8149524680; Expertamente elaborado por nuestros maestrosde ron Bacardí establecido en Cuba en 1862; Bacardí company born in Cuba in 1862; La palmera legendaria; El coco the legendary palm; Planted at the first Bacardí distillery in Cuba in 1862, el coco survived wars, earthquakes and distillery fire. We now plant a palm at all of our facilities as a reminder of our homeland; Receta familiar original; Expertly crafted by maestros de ron Bacardí; Bacardí superior is aged for a minimum of one year in white oak barrels then shaped through a secret blend of charcoals, to craft a rum that has a light, dry taste that is perfect for mixing; 8144000790; Bacardí Santiago Cuba; Establicido en 1862; Santiago de Cuba; Una empresa de la familia Bacardí; 40% alc/vol; Made in Puerto Rico; Rum; 750 ml; White Rum; 8144000950; 080480015404
pr109: Bacardí Gold; Ron Superior Carta Oro; Establecido en 1862; Santiago de Cuba; Una empresa de la Familia Bacardí; 40% vol; Made in Puerto Rico; Rum; 750 cl; Gold Rum; 8149524680; Expertamente elaborado por nuestros maestrosde ron Bacardí; Expertly blended and crafted by our maestros de ron Bacardí; 8143704030; 080480025465
pr_85: Bacardí Carta Oro; Superior Gold Rum; Establecido en 1862; Santiago de Cuba; Bacardí R; Una empresa de la Familia Bacardi; 37.5% vol; 70 cl; 5010677028875
pr_86: Bacardí Carta Oro; Superior Gold Rum; Establecido en 1862; Santiago de Cuba; Bacardí R; Una empresa de la Familia Bacardi; 37.5% vol; 70 cl; 5010677028912
pr_81: Bacardí Carta Negra; Superior Black Rum; Establecido en 1862; Santiago de Cuba; Bacardí R; Una empresa de la Familia Bacardi; 37.5% vol; 70 cl
pr_89: Ron Añejo Especial; Bacardi Reserva; Casa Fundada en Cuba; 40% vol; 1862; 100 cl; 5010677404006
pr_82: Ron Reserva Superior; Bacardi Ron 8 Años; Casa Fundada en 1862; 700 ml; Rum; 40% alc/vol; 7610113001516
pr106: Bacardi y Cia; Reserva Ocho; Rare Gold Rum; 40% alc/vol; 1 L; Bottle No. BJ8306; Youngest Rum Barreled 2012; Aged 8 years; Hecho en Puerto Rico; 8141016649; 5010677105125
pr107: Ron Casa Bacardi; Reserva Especial; Importado; Rum; Facundo Bacardi; El primer gran ron del mundo; Orgulloy Tradicion Desde 1862; Bacardi y la figura del murcielago son marcas registradas de Bacardi & Company Limited; Cont. net. 750 ml; 40% alc.vol; 18/MAY/06 CCL; 8147000940; 501008520137
pr_90: Bacardi y Cia; Reserva Ocho; Rare Gold Rum; 40% alc/vol; Bottle No. AA0001; Youngest Rum Barreled 2010; Aged 8 years; Hecho en Puerto Rico
pr_105: Bacardi y Cia; Gran Reserva Especial; Limited Edition; Age 16 Years
pr37: Extra Dry Ron Bacardi 1873; Puerto Rican Rum; 40% alc by vol.; 750 ml; 080480345402
pr1042: Premium Black; Ron Bacardi Superior; Established 1862; 40% alc. by vol. (80 Proof); Puerto Rican Rum; Bacardi and the Bat Device Reg. U.S. Pat. And TM Off; 080480055400
pr1041: 40% Alc. by Vol; Ron Bacardi Reserve; Produced by Bacardi Corp., San Juan, P.R.; 750 ml; Bacardi and the Bat Device Reg. U.S. Pat. And TM Off; Puerto Rican Rum; Produced by authority and under the supervision of Bacardi & Company, Limited; 080480175405
pr50: 80 Proof; Ron Bacardi Gold Reserve (Añejo); Produced by Bacardi Corp., San Juan, P.R.; 750 ml (25.4 Fl. Oz.); Bacardi and the Bat Device Reg. U.S. Pat. And TM Off; Puerto Rican Rum; Produced by authority and under the supervision of Bacardi & Company, Limited; 080480055202
pr1115: Ron Bacardi Select; A select blend of the world's richest rums slowly aged in oak barrels. The rums are charcoal-filtered before their marriage in the oak, resulting in a distinctly smooth dark rum; Puerto Rican Rum; Produced by authority and under the supervision of Bacardi & Company, Limited; Produced by Bacardi Corp., San Juan, P.R.; 40% alc. by vol.; Bacardi and the Bat Device Reg. U.S. Pat. And TM Off; 080480055400
pr1106: Ron Bacardi Spice; Premium Blend; Est. 1862; Spiced Rum - Rhum Epice; Puerto Rican rum with spices and other natural flavours; Du rhum Portoricain parfume avec des epices et d'autres essences naturelles; Bacardi and the Bat Device are registrated trademarks of Bacardi & Company, Limited; Bacardi et le Signe de la Chauve-Souris sont des marques de commerce deposees de Bacardi & Company, Limited; 375 ml; 40% alc/vol
pr_87: Bacardi Estd. 1862; Oakheart Spiced Rum; Spirit Drink; Oak aged & enaged flavours & spices; Sold yet smooth & mellow taste; A Hint of Smoke from Charred American Oak; Original Oakheart; Premium rum with flavours and spices; 1 l; 35% alc/vol; 5010677740012
pr_88: Raspberry Flavoured Spirit Drink; e 100 cl; 32% vol; 5010677055192
pr_102: Lime; 4% vol; Breezer; A refresching blend of Bacardi Rum, fruit flavours & sparkling watter; 4% vol; 275 ml e; 5010677551397
pr_103: Orange; 4% vol; Breezer; A refresching blend of Bacardi Rum, fruit flavours & sparkling watter; 4% vol; 275 ml e; 5010677551311
pr_65: Bacardi; Classic Cocktails; Pina Colada; Infused with Coconut Water
pr_66: Bacardi; Classic Cocktails; Strawberry Daiquiri
pr1113: Ron Bacardi Limon; Original Citrus Rum; Bacardi rum with natural citrus flavors; Produced by authority and under the supervision of Bacardi & Company, Limited; Made with Bacardi Rum; A Puerto Rican Rum; 35% alc by vol; Bacardi and the Bat Device Reg. U.S. Pat. And TM Off; 080480355302
pr_106: Bacardí Carta Blanca And Cola; Smooth, Superior Rum Mixed Drink; 5% vol; 250 mle; 5010677524698
bs51: Carta Blanca; Rhum; Ron Bacardi Superior; 37.5% vol; 70 cl. e; Product of Bahamas; Bacardi et le Signe de la Chauve-Souris sont des marques de commerce deposees de Bacardi & Company, Limited; Mis en bouteille par uatorisation et selon les specifications de Bacardi & Company Limited, Nassau, Bahamas
bs134: Carta Blanca; Rum Ron Bacardi Superior; Bacardi & Co., LTD, Nassau, Bahamas; 40% vol; 750 ml
bs66: Carta de Oro; Rum; Ron Bacardi Superior; 700 ml; 37.5% alc/vol; Product of Bahamas; Bacardi and the Bat Device are registrated trademarks of Bacardi & Company, Limited; Bottled by authority and to the specifications of Bacardi & Company, Limited
bs126: Black; Ron Bacardi Superior; Bacardi & Co. Ltd., Nassau, Bahamas; Bacardi and the Bat Device are registrated trademarks Bacardi & Company, Limited; of Produced by authority and under the supervision of Bacardi & Company, Limited
bs24: Formula original; Bacardi Ron 8 Anos; Reserva Superior; Estd 1862; Casa Fundada En 1862; 40% Alc/Vol; 750 ml; OX913F2
bs26: Casa Bacardi; Limited Edition Rum; 8 Years Old; Founded in Cuba 1862; 40% Alc/Vol (80 Proof)
bs116: Ron Con Especials; Rum; Estd. 1862; Bacardi Spice; Alc. 40% vol.; Bacardi & Co. Ltd.; A Blend of Bacardi Rum & Rich Spices; 70 cl e; Original Recipe; Authentic recipe, endorsed with the name of Bacardi; Bacardi and the Bat Device are registrated trademarks of Bacardi & Company, Limited; Distilled Exclusively for Bacardi & Company, Limited, Nassau, Bahamas
bs135: NR; 1 Litre; 33.5% vol; Nassau Royale Liqueur; Produced by Bacardi & Company Limited, Nassau, Bahamas; Nassau Royale is a registred trademark of Bacardi & Company Limited
mx_17: Bacardi & Cia, Santiago de Cuba; Ron Palmas; Bacardi y Cia, S.A.; Mexico, D.F.
mx83: 40% alc. vol.; Carta Blanca; Contenido Neto 680 ml; Ron Bacardi Superior; Bacardi y Cia., S.A. de C.V., Tultitlan, Edo. de Mexico; Hecho de Mexico; Bacardi y la Figura del Murcielago son marcas registradas de Bacardi & Company Limited; R.F.C. BAC-821104-Q39; Fabricado con autorizacion y bajo la supervision de Bacardi & Company Limited; 7501008613122
mx76: 38% alc. vol; Contenido Neto 750 ml; Ron Bacardi Añejo; Bacardi y Cia., S.A. de C.V., Tultitlan, Edo. de Mexico; Hecho en Mexico; Bacardi y la Figura del Murcielago son marcas registradas de Bacardi & Company Limited; R.F.C. BAC-821104-Q39; 7501008611135
mx89: 40% alc. vol.; Carta de Oro; Contenido Neto 680 ml; Ron Bacardi Superior; Bacardi y Cia., S.A. de C.V., Tultitlan, Edo. de Mexico; Hecho de Mexico; Bacardi y la Figura del Murcielago son marcas registradas de Bacardi & Company Limited; R.F.C. BAC-821104-Q39; Fabricado con autorizacion y bajo la supervision de Bacardi & Company Limited; 7501008612125
mx108: Carta Blanca Rum; Ron Bacardi Superior; Bacardi y Cia., S.A., Mexico; 375 ml; 37.5% alc/vol; Bottled in Australia by John Cawsey & Co Pty Ltd, 90 Wetherill St., Silverwater, Sidney, N.S.W.
mx79: 38% alc/vol; Contenido Neto 750 ml; Ron Bacardi 1873 Solera; Bacardi y Cia., S.A. de C.V.; Hecho de Mexico; Bacardi y la Figura del Murcielago son marcas registradas de Bacardi & Company Limited; Bacardi y Cia, S.A. de C.V. autopista Mexico-Queretaro km. 36, Tultilan, Edo de Mexico; Fabricado con autorizacion y bajo la supervision de Bacardi & Company Limited; R.F.C. BAC-821104-Q39; El abuso en el consumo de este producto es nocivo para la salud
mx_59: Ron Bacardi 1873 Solera; Casa Funda en 1862; Hecho de Mexico; 40% alc/vol; 750 ml
pa56: Carta Blanca; Rum; Ron Bacardi Superior; 750 ml; 38% vol; Bacardi y la Figura del Murcielago son marcas registradas de Bacardi & Company Limited; Fabricado por Bacardi Centroamerica S.A. en Panama con autorizacion y bajo la supervision de Bacardi & Company Limited; El tomar licor es nocivo para la salud; 080480015404
pa121: Castillo Ron Superior Oro; 750 ml; 38% vol; Fabricado por Bacardi Centroamerica S.A., en Panama con autorizacion y bajo la supervision de Bacardi & Company Limited; Segun decreto 15449.5 M.S. de C.R. El tomar licor es nocivo para la salud; 080480075408
tt125: Carta Blanca; Rum; Ron Bacardi Superior; Produced and bottled under special authority and supervision of Bacardi & Company Limited by Trinidad Distillers Ltd., Trinidad, West Indies; Rum 43% alc./vol., 375 ml; Bacardi and the Bat Device are registrated trademarks of Bacardi & Company, Limited
tt127: Carta Blanca; Rum; Ron Bacardi Superior; 43% alc/vol; 750 ml; Bacardi and the Bat Device are registrated trademarks of Bacardi & Company, Limited; Produced by Trinidad Distillers Ltd., Trinidad, West Indies under authority and supervision of Bacardi & Company Limited
tt93: Carta de Oro; Rum; Ron Bacardi Superior; 43% alc/vol; 750 ml; Bacardi and the Bat Device are registrated trademarks of Bacardi & Company, Limited; Produced by Trinidad Distillers Ltd., Trinidad, West Indies under authority and supervision of Bacardi & Company Limited
ca209: Carta Blanca; Rum - Rhum; Ron Bacardi Superior; Established in / Maison fonde a 1862; 500 ml, 40% alc/vol; 620213015211
ca210: Carta Blanca; Rum - Rhum; Ron Bacardi Superior; Established in / Maison fonde a 1862; 750 ml, 40% alc/vol; 620213015402
ca218: Black; Rum - Rhum; Ron Bacardi Superior; Imported from the Caribbean; Importe des Antilles; 375 ml, 40% alc/vol; 620213055606
ca215: Black; Rum - Rhum; Ron Bacardi Superior; Established in / Maison fonde a 1862; 750 ml, 40% alc/vol; 620213055408
ca298: Carta de Oro; Bacardi Gold; Facundo Bacardi; Rum - Rhum; 40% alc/vol; Casa Funda en Cuba 1862; 750 ml; 620213025401
ca291: Black; Bacardi Black; Facundo Bacardi; Rum - Rhum; 40% alc/vol; Casa Funda en Cuba 1862; 750 ml; 620213055408
ca219: Superior Rum Imported from the Caribbean; Rhum Superior Importe des Antilles; Ron Bacardi 1873; 40% alc/vol; 750 ml; 620213100245
ca195: Ron Bacardi Limon; Original Citrus Rum Liquor; Boisson Alcoolique au Rhum Citron-Lime Originale; 750 ml; Product of Canada; 35% alc/vol; Produit of Canada; 620213355409
ca286: Bacardi Limon; Original Citrus Rum Liquor; Boisson Alcoolique au Rhum Citron-Lime Originale; 750 ml; Product of Canada - Produit of Canada; 35% alc/vol; 620213355607
ca288: Bacardi O; Original Orange Rum Liquor; Boisson Alcoolique au Rhum Orange Originale; 750 ml; Product of Canada - Produit of Canada; 35% alc/vol; 620213400017
ca193: Pink Grapefruit / Pamplemousse Rose Breezer; 341 ml; 5% alc/vol; Natural Flavours / Essences Naturelles; Product of Canada; Produit of Canada; Bacardi Canada Inc, Brampton, Ontario; Rum Beverage / Boisson au Rhum; 620213210005
ca188: Pina Colada Breezer; 341 ml; 5% alc/vol; Natural and Artifical Flavours / Essences Naturelles et Artificielles; Product of Canada; Produit of Canada; Bacardi Canada Inc, Brampton, Ontario; Rum Beverage / Boisson au Rhum; 620213300102
ca189: Pina Colada Breezer; 341 ml; 5% alc/vol; Natural and Artifical Flavours / Essences Naturelles et Artificielles; Product of Canada; Produit of Canada; Bacardi Canada Inc, Brampton, Ontario; Rum Beverage / Boisson au Rhum; 620213300300
ca190: Caribbean Key Lime / Limettes Key Largo Breezer; 341 ml; 5% alc/vol; Natural and Artifical Flavours / Essences Naturelles et Artificielles; Product of Canada; Produit of Canada; Bacardi Canada Inc, Brampton, Ontario; Rum Beverage / Boisson au Rhum; 620213300508
ca191: Calypso Berry / Baie Calypso Breezer; 341 ml; 5% alc/vol; Natural and Artifical Flavours / Essences Naturelles et Artificielles; Product of Canada; Produit of Canada; Bacardi Canada Inc, Brampton, Ontario; Rum Beverage / Boisson au Rhum; 620213300706
ca280: Bacardi Breezer; Rum Beverage - Boisson au Rhum; 330 ml; 5% alc/vol; Natural and Agricultural Flavours - Essencess naturelles et artificielles; Island Pineapple - Ananas des Iles; 620213250001
ca275: Bacardi Breezer; Rum Beverage - Boisson au Rhum; 330 ml; 5% alc/vol; Natural and Agricultural Flavours - Essencess naturelles et artificielles; Pink Grapefruit - Pamplemousse Rose
ca276: Bacardi Breezer; Rum Beverage - Boisson au Rhum; 330 ml; 5% alc/vol; Natural and Agricultural Flavours - Essencess naturelles et artificielles; Calypso Berry - Baie Calypso; 620213310705
ca277: Bacardi Breezer; Rum Beverage - Boisson au Rhum; 330 ml; 5% alc/vol; Natural and Agricultural Flavours - Essencess naturelles et artificielles; Caribbean Key Lime - Limettes Key Largo; 620213310507
ca278: Bacardi Breezer; Rum Beverage - Boisson au Rhum; 330 ml; 5% alc/vol; Natural and Agricultural Flavours - Essencess naturelles et artificielles; Margarita; 620213240026
ca279: Bacardi Breezer; Rum Beverage - Boisson au Rhum; 330 ml; 5% alc/vol; Natural and Agricultural Flavours - Essencess naturelles et artificielles; Tropical Orange Smoothie - Smoothie Orange des Tropiques; 620213270009
ca281: Bacardi Breezer; Rum Beverage - Boisson au Rhum; 330 ml; 5% alc/vol; Natural and Agricultural Flavours - Essencess naturelles et artificielles; Pina Colada; 620213310101
ca306: Bacardi Breezer; Rum Beverage - Boisson au Rhum; 330 ml; 5% alc/vol; Natural and Agricultural Flavours - Essencess naturelles et artificielles; Strawberry Daiquiri - Daiquiri Fraises; 620213310309
ca192: 6.9% alc/vol; Blue Typhoon; 341 ml; Rum Beverage / Boisson au Rhum; Product of Canada; Produit of Canada; Bacardi-Martini Canada Inc, Brampton, On; 620213200402
ca246: Carta Blanca; Rum Ron Bacardi Superior; Produced and bottled under special authority and supervision of Bacardi & Company Limited, by FBM Distillery Co. Ltd., Bramalea, Ontario; 10 Imp. Fl. Oz.
ca247: Carta Blanca; Rum Ron Bacardi Superior; Produced and bottled under special authority and supervision of Bacardi & Company Limited, by FBM Distillery Co. Ltd., Bramalea, Ontario; 40 Imp. Fl. Oz.
ca309: Amber Dry; Ambre Sec; Ron Bacardi 1873; FBM Distillery Co. Ltd., Brampton, Canada; 40% alc/vol.; 750 ml; Bacardi, 1873 and the Bat Device are registrated trademarks of Bacardi & Company, Limited; Bacardi, 1873 et le Signe de la Chauve-Souris sont des marques de commerce deposees de Bacardi & Company, Limited; Extra Superior - Superieur; Produced under authority and supervision of Bacardi & Company, Limited; Produit avec la permission et sous le controle de Bacardi & Company, Limited
us228: Ciclon; Premium Bacardi Gold Rum Infused with Imported Blue Agave Teqila & Natural Lime Flavor; 35% alc/vol; Made with Puerto Rican Rum, blue agave tequila & natural lime flavor; 080480398057
us_155: Island Breez; Wild Berry - Key Lime - Coconut; Bacardi
de670: La Casa del Murciélago; Est. 1862; Bacardi Oakheart; Smooth & Spiced Spirit Drink of premium rum with flavours & spices; Straight from the Heart of charred oak barrels for a hint of smookiness; e 70 cl; 35% vol; 5010677740012
de496: La Casa del Murciélago; Est. 1862; Bacardi Oakheart; Smooth & Spiced Spirit Drink of premium rum with flavours & spices; Straight from the Heart of charred oak barrels for a hint of smookiness; e 100 cl; 35% vol; 5010677740012
de664: Bacardi Estd. 1862; Oakheart; Spiced rum; Spirit Drink; Rum aged & unaged, flavours & spices; Bold yet smooth & mellow taste; A Hint of Smoke from Charred American Oak; Original Oakheart; Premium rum with flavours and spices; 1 L - 35% alc/vol; 5010677740012
es105: Rum; Ron Bacardi Reserve; 70 cl; 37.5% Vol; Bacardi y la Figura del Murcielago son marcas registradas de Bacardi & Company Limited; Fabricado con autorizacion y bajo la supervision de Bacardi & Company Limited; 8410339000244
uk168: Serve Chilled; Ron Bacardi Breezer; Bacardi Rum Refresher; A blend of Bacardi rum, Peach juice, other exotic flavours & sparkling water; e 275 ml; Bacardi-Martini Ltd., Southampton, SO15 1DT, UK; alc. 5.4 % vol; 5010677554602
uk167: Serve Chilled; Ron Bacardi Breezer; Bacardi Rum Refresher; A blend of Bacardi rum, Pinaple juice, other exotic flavours & sparkling water; e 275 ml; Bacardi-Martini Ltd., Southampton, SO15 1DT, UK; alc. 5.4 % vol; 5010677552387
uk166: Serve Chilled; Ron Bacardi Breezer; Bacardi Rum Refresher; A blend of Bacardi rum, Orange juice, other exotic flavours & sparkling water; e 275 ml; Bacardi-Martini Ltd., Southampton, SO15 1DT, UK; alc. 5.4 % vol; 5010677551311
uk165: Serve Chilled; Ron Bacardi Breezer; Bacardi Rum Refresher; A blend of Bacardi rum, Watermelon, other exotic flavours & sparkling water; e 275 ml; Bacardi-Martini Ltd., Southampton, SO15 1DT, UK; alc. 5.4 % vol; 5010677554398
uk164: Serve Chilled; Ron Bacardi Breezer Lemon; Bacardi Rum Refresher; A blend of Bacardi rum, Lemon juice, other exotic flavours & sparkling water; e 275 ml; Bacardi-Martini Ltd., Southampton, SO15 1DT, UK; alc. 5.4 % vol; 5010677551281
uk163: Serve Chilled; Ron Bacardi Breezer; Bacardi Rum Refresher; A blend of Bacardi rum, Lime, other exotic flavours & sparkling water; e 275 ml; Bacardi-Martini Ltd., Southampton, SO15 1DT, UK; alc. 5.4 % vol; 5010677551397
bm~1: Commemorative Label; Ron Bacardi Superior; 100 Years of Bacardi & Coke, The World's great Cocktail; 75 cl e; 37.5% vol.; Bacardi and the Bat Device are registrated trademarks of Bacardi & Company, Limited; Matanzas 1881, Louisiana 1904, Charleston 1902, Buffalo 1901, Madrid 1877, Chicago 1893, Bordeaux 1895, Paris 1889
bm~2: Ron Reserva Superior; Bacardi Ron 8 Anos; Rum; Casa Funda en Cuba 1862; 40% vol; 70 cl e
bm~3: Bacardi Black; Original Premium Crafted Rum; Casa Funda en Cuba; Estd 1862; 37.5% vol; Rum; 70 cl e
bs~1: Ron Con Especials; Rum; Estd. 1862; Bacardi Spice; Alc. 37.5% vol.; Bacardi & Co. Ltd.; A Blend of Bacardi Rum & Rich Spices; 35 cl; Original Recipe; Authentic recipe, endorsed with the name of Bacardi; Bacardi and the Bat Device are registrated trademarks of Bacardi & Company, Limited; Distilled Exclusively for Bacardi & Company, Limited, Nassau, Bahamas
bs~3: Ron Bacardi & Cola; Koffeinhaltiges Cola-Getrank mit Rum; Bacardi & Company, Ltd, Nassau, Bahamas; 5010677522304
us~9: Ciclón; Premium Bacardi Gold Rum Infused with Imported Blue Agave Teqila & Natural Lime Flavor; 35% alc; 1 l; The Bacardi Rum Company; Made with Puerto Rican Rum, blue agave tequila & natural lime flavor
de~28: Bacardi Limon; Citrus flavoured spirit; e 70 cl; 35% vol
de~53: La Casa del Murciélago; Est. 1862; Bacardi Oakheart; Smooth & Spiced Spirit Drink of premium rum with flavours & spices; Straight from the Heart of charred oak barrels for a hint of smookiness; e 100 cl; 35% vol
es~6: Formula Original; Bacardi Reserva; Aged Rum; Añejo Especial; 40% vol; Casa Funda En Santiago De Cuba 1862; 70 cl e
es~11: Ron Reserva Superior; Bacardi Ron 8 Años; Facundo Bacardi; Rum; Casa Fundada en Cuba 1862; 40% vol; 70 cl e