Fassbind AG, Oberarth
Rumové etikety
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Fassbind AG, Oberarth The Secret Treasures |

Gottfried Fassbind I., potomek holandských bednářů, kteří emigrovali do Švýcarska v 13. století, založil roku 1846 v Oberarth lihovar "Alte Urschwyzer", nejstarší lihovar ve Švýcarsku. V současnosti již pátá generace Fassbindů vyrábí charakteristické jemné pálenky, od Kirsch k Vieille Poire, z pevného Pflümli do Brut de Fut Pomme.
Mimoto firma míchá luxusní rumy, whisky a koňaky pod názvem Secret Treasures.
Zde jsou plné texty z etiket
ch_2: The Secret Treasures; The Secret Treasures of the Caribbean; Old Trinidad Rum; This Rum was Originally Distilled by Caroni Distillery, 1991; 70 cl;Bottled 2000; 40% vol
ch_5: The Secret Treasures; The Secret Treasures of the Caribbean; Old Venezuelan Rum; This Rum was Originally Distilled by Pampero Distillery, 1992; 70 cl;Bottled 2002; 42% vol
ch_3: The Secret Treasures; Rare & Exceptional Single Cask Old Trinidad Rum; This Product was Originally Distilled in the year 1991 at Caroni Distillery, Trinidad; Carefully by Fassbind of Switzerland for the collection of The Secret Treasures; Date of Distilletion 1991; 42% vol; 70 dl; Bottled August 2003
ch_7: The Secret Treasures; Rare & Exceptional Single Cask Old Guadeloupe Rum; This Product was Originally Distilled in the year 1992 at Gardel Distillery, Guadeloupe; Carefully by Fassbind of Switzerland for the collection of The Secret Treasures; Date of Distilletion 1992; 42% vol; 70 dl; Bottled August 2003
ch_1: The Secret Treasures; Rare & Exceptional Single Cask Old Venezuela Rum; This Product was Originally Distilled in the year 1992 at Pampero Distillery, Venezuela; Carefully by Fassbind of Switzerland for the collection of The Secret Treasures; Date of Distilletion 1992; 42% vol; 70 dl; Bottled August 2003
ch_4: The Secret Treasures; Rare & Exceptional Single Cask Old Barbados Rum; This Product was Originally Distilled in the year 1995 at West Indies Distillery, Barbados; Carefully by Fassbind of Switzerland for the collection of The Secret Treasures; Date of Distilletion 1995; 42% vol; 70 dl; Bottled August 2003
ch_6: The Secret Treasures; Rare & Exceptional Single Cask Old Trinidad Rum; This Product was Originally Distilled in the year 1996 at Caroni Distillery, Trinidad; Carefully by Fassbind of Switzerland for the collection of The Secret Treasures; Date of Distilletion 1996; 42% vol; 70 dl; Bottled August 2003
ch_8: The Secret Treasures; Rare & Exceptional Single Cask Old Aguardiente de Caña Rum; This Product was Originally Distilled in the year 1996 at Sancti Spiritus Distillery, Cuba; Carefully by Fassbind of Switzerland for the collection of The Secret Treasures; Date of Distilletion 1996; 42% vol; 70 dl; Bottled August 2003