Linea, Nivnice
Meine Flaschen voller Rum
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Linea Nivnice |

The family of Lichtenstein was the first builder and owner of the „Nivnický dvůr” farmstead in the last century. „Nivnický dvůr” was a part of their large demesne in the South Moravia.
Following the extinction of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy and the land reform in 1920 it came into the possession of the local authority. In the years of the 1st Republic it rented a farmstead with the adjacent land to the family of May. Its Jewish origin became a cause of its tragic fate during the Second World War.
In 1946 “the manor” was sold as a local authority property to Mr. Jaroslav Hromcik, who began to produce spirit, liqueur and herbal liqueur „The Hromcik’s Secret” the same year. He thus continued in the hundred year tradition of distilled beverage production in Nivnice.
In 1948 the firm was put under state ownership and as a part of Uherský Brod establishment it was incorporated into the Moravian Slovakia Cannery and Distillery of Uherske Hradiste. The production assortment was complemented by syrups and fruit wines. There we many organizational changes in this establishment in the 1920s. As a part of these changes, the plant in Nivnice became independent and a new plant 1 - Nivnice was founded in 1963. Building up a plant producing syrups in 1979 - 1981 and a purchase of a press and concentration station marked a turning point. Great changes in the organization and ownership were innitiated after November 1989. Firstly, following a break-up of the parent company, Moravian Slovakia cannery and distillery Uherske Hradiste, an independent state enterprise LINEA was founded on January, 1 1991 the name of which symbolized the joint production of LI-kery (liqueurs) and NEA-lko (non-alcoholic beverages). The privatization process ended January, 1 1994 with a transformation to a joint-stock company. The company management and the family of Hroncik became the important shareholders in this process.
Hier finden Sie die Beschreibung der Etiketten
cz1347: 0,95 lt; 40%; SMC 76.- Kčs; ÚN-MPP-29-54; Slovácké konservárny a lihovary, n.p., Uh. Hradiště, závod 04 - dílna Nivnice u Uh. Brodu; Pov. podle vl. nař. č. 377/1920 Sb. pod zn. HE-3521 - 1960/55; SG2
cz1468: 40%; Jemný rum tuzemský s přísadou zámořského rumu; SMC 41.- Kčs bez láhve; Obsah 0.45 l; ÚN MPP 185-55; Slovácké konservárny a lihovary, n.p., Uh. Hradiště, závod 04, dílna Nivnice u Uherského Hradiště; GT 01
cz495: Tuzemský rum; 40%; Slovácké konzervárny, n.p., Uherské Hradiště, závod 1 - Nivnice; 0,2 l; ÚNK 56 7081; Kčs 16.-
cz254: 40%; Sloko; Tuzemský rum; Slovácké konzervárny, k.p., Uherské Hradiště, závod 1 - Nivnice; ON 56 7081; 0,2 l; 16.- Kčs; MTZ 19
cz255: 40%; Sloko; Tuzemský rum; Slovácké konzervárny, k.p., Uherské Hradiště, závod 1 - Nivnice; ON 56 7081; 1 l; 100.- Kčs; VČT 39
cz2405: Rum Extra; 38%; Sloko; Kčs 83.-; 1 l; ON 56 7088; Slovácké konzervárny, n.p., Uh. Hradiště, závod 1 Nivnice; MTZ 31
cz640: 1 l; SMC Kčs 75.-; ON 56 7082; 40%; Jemný rum tuzemský; Sloko; Slovácké konzervárny, n.p., Uherské Hradiště, závod 1 - Nivnice; VČT 39
cz256: Sloko; 40; Konzumní rum tuzemský; 0N 56 7008; 0,5 l; 50.- Kčs; Slovácké konzervárny, k.p., Uherské Hradiště, závod 1 Nivnice; MTZ 31
cz258: Obsah 0,5 l; 40%; Tuzemský konzumní rum; ON 56 7008; Linea Nivnice
cz261: Nivnický konzumní rum; 1946; Linea Nivnice; 1 l e; 38% Vol; PN 9/92; 8590014848269
cz260: Tuzemský rum konzumní; Linea Nivnice; PN 56 7017 LN; 50 cl e; 40% Vol; 8590014842199
cz264: Tuzemský rum konzumní; PN 56 7007; 50 cl e; Linea Nivnice ČR; 35% Vol; 8590014842670
cz895: Rum Tuzemský; Linea; 50 cl; Výrobce: Linea Nivnice, a.s., U dvora 190, 687 51 Nivnice, ČR; 37.5% obj; 8590014848283
cz2314: Zal. 1946; Nivnice Tuzemák; Tradiční český produkt; 0.5 l; 37.5% obj; 8590014848429
cz510: Jama 67 s.r.o., Uherské Hradiště, tel. 0632/57104; Tuzemský rum konzumní; 38%; minimální trvanlivost 12 měsíců od data výroby; PN 9/92 LN; vyrobeno v kooperaci s a.s. Linea Nivnice; 8595024000089
cz~43: Lihovina s příchutí rumovou; Room; 50 cl; Linea Nivnice, a.s., U dvora 190, 687 51 Nivnice, ČR; 35% obj; 8590014848687; 8590014842687
cz~33: 1946; Rum tuzemský; Linea Nivnice; 0.5 l e; 37.5% Vol; 8590014848283
cz~138: Rum tuzemák; Linea; Složení: líh, aroma, cukr, barvivo karamel; 37.5% obj; 50 cl; Výrobce: Linea Nivnice, a.s., U dvora 190, 687 51 Nivnice, ČR; 8590014848283