Eczetlélgyár, Kolozs-Monostor

Entry in the Hungarian Central Gazette, Központi Értesítő, 1893
English: This joint-stock company was created according to the articles of association adopted by the founding general assembly held on April 30, 1893. Headquarters: Cluj Monastery. The object of the company is: factory production and distribution of vinegar, rum, liqueur and liquids related to these products, as well as the purchase, storage and sale of spirits and related products. Duration: 30 years from April 30, 1893. Its share capital is 67,500 kroner, which consists of 135 registered shares with a nominal value of 500 kroner. The board members are Hellmann Salamon, Adolf Büchler, Zsigmond Kohn, Mihály M. Löbli and Hellmann Ferencz. The signature of two board members is required for the company's written or preprinted company name to be valid. The notice to be issued on behalf of the company will be published in a Cluj-Napoca newspaper. Document archive number 33.