1731 Fine & Rare, Amsterdam
Rumové etikety
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1731 Fine & Rare, Amsterdam |

Historické knihy označují rok 1731 jako rok, kdy britské královské námořnictvo začalo nabízet svým námořníkům půl litru rumu jako součást mzdy.
Zde jsou plné texty z etiket
nl_90: 1731 Fine & Rare; Cuba 5 Years Old Rum; Non Chill Filtered; Natural Colour; Single Origin; 46% vol; Product of Cuba; 70 cl e
nl_91: 1731 Fine & Rare; Barbados 8 Years Old Rum; Non Chill Filtered; Natural Colour; Single Origin; 46% vol; Product of Barbados; 70 cl e
nl_94: 1731 Fine & Rare; Panama 6 Years Old Rum; Non Chill Filtered; Natural Colour; Single Origin; 46% vol; Product of Panama; 70 cl e
nl_97: 1731 Fine & Rare; Panama 8 Years Old Rum; Non Chill Filtered; Natural Colour; Single Origin; 46% vol; Product of Panama; 70 cl e; 8719689981433
nl_98: 1731 Fine & Rare; Mauritius 7 Years Old Rum; Non Chill Filtered; Natural Colour; Single Origin; 46% vol; Product of Mauritius; 70 cl e; 8719689981808
nl_92: 1731 Fine & Rare; Cuba, Dominican Republic; XO Rum; Non Chill Filtered; Natural Colour; Spanish Caribbean; 46% vol; Product of Cuba & Dominican Republic; 70 cl e
nl_93: 1731 Fine & Rare; Guatemala, Panama, Belize; XO Rum; Non Chill Filtered; Natural Colour; Central America; 46% vol; Product of Guatemala, Panama & Belize; 70 cl e
nl_95: 1731 Fine & Rare; Trinidad, Barbados, Jamaica; XO Rum; Non Chill Filtered; Natural Colour; British West Indies; 46% vol; Product of Trinidad, Barbados & Jamaica; 70 cl e
nl_96: 1731 Fine & Rare; Belize 12 Years Old Rum; Non Chill Filtered; Natural Colour; 46% vol; Product of Belize; 70 cl e; 8719689981907