Bratia Kohn, Košice


Entry in the Hungarian Central Gazette, Központi Értesítő, 1897:
Kohn testvérek bejegyzett czég, rum- és likörgyárosok Kassán, a kassai kereskedelmi s iparkamaránál 1897. évi január hó 8-íín d. e. 10 órakor belajstromoztatták kassai rum- és likőrgyáruk részére, még pedig rumra aikalmazandó s itt 105 kam. sorszám alatt ábrázolt védjegyüket; a palaczkokra alkalmazzák. 9558. lajstr. szám, V. csoport. 1839 lap.

English: The Kohn brothers are a registered company, rum and liqueur manufacturers in Košice, at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Košice, January 8, 1897. e. At 10:00 a.m., they were booked for their rum and liquor factory in Košice, and 105 rooms were to be used for rum. their trademark depicted under serial number; applied to the bottles. 9558. register number, group V. 1839 sheets.

Record in the publication Adresář RČS, 1927:
Bratia Kohn, prvá košická parná továreň na likérové špeciality, rum a koňak, Košice, Moldavská 38, T 351, P 46.738.

[Die Quelle: Moravská zemská knihovna (relevante Seite), zitiert 2020]

In Košice there were two liquor factories of the companies Brothers Kohn and Adler and Gold. Jozef Kohn did business in Český Těšín, from where he delivered the products of his liquor house to Košice and they were a success with consumers. Based on this, he founded a branch of the Košice liquor factory in Košice in 1880. It was led by F. Aufricht, who became the owner under the company "Brothers Kohn and Count Csáky, factory for cognac, liqueurs and rum". The cognac was trademarked with Count Csáky's coat of arms and was ordered by the best restaurants and hotels in Hungary and Austria. The liqueur factory was located at No. 6, Moldavská Street, on an area of 1800 square metres. Rum was produced in smaller quantities and the range of French-style cream liqueurs was expanded.

[Die Quelle: SME (relevante Seite), zitiert 2022]


Dir. of RČS, 1927
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