Monarch Import Company
Rumové etikety
Odkazy: |
Monarch Marimba Rum River Valley Beverage Group Hood River Distillers Inc. |
Viz také: |
Marimba Rum Company, Beaverton, OR |

Firma je součástí River Valley Beverage Group.
[Zdroj: Firemní web, cit. 2004]
Hood River Distillers, vlastník značky Monarc, byla založena v roce 1934.
[Zdroj: Hood River Distillers Inc., cit. 2004]
Zde jsou plné texty z etiket
us92: Premium Plata Monarch Rum; 40% alc/vol (80 Proof); Produced for and bottled by Monarch Import Company, Hood River, Oregon
us96: Premium Gold Monarch Rum; 80 Proof; Produced for and bottled by Monarch Import Company, Hood River, Oregon
us94: Premium Dark Monarch Rum; 80 Proof; Produced for and bottled by Monarch Import Company, Hood River, Oregon
us100: Premium 151 Monarch Rum; 151 Proof; Produced for and bottled by Monarch Import Company, Hood River, Oregon