Paramount Distillers


Paramount Virgin Island Rum - White Label - Paramount Distillers (us233)
Paramount Virgin Island Rum - White Label

Paramount Virgin Island Rum - White Label (us233)

96 x 123 mm (3.8" x 4.8")
Paramount Virgin Island Rum - White Label - Paramount Distillers (us57)
Paramount Virgin Island Rum - White Label

Paramount Virgin Island Rum - White Label (us57)

96 x 122 mm (3.8" x 4.8")
Paramount Virgin Island Rum - Gold Label - Paramount Distillers (us58)
Paramount Virgin Island Rum - Gold Label

Paramount Virgin Island Rum - Gold Label (us58)

96 x 122 mm (3.8" x 4.8")
Paramount Virgin Island Flaming Rum - Paramount Distillers (us56)
Paramount Virgin Island Flaming Rum

Paramount Virgin Island Flaming Rum (us56)

97 x 121 mm (3.8" x 4.8")
Ron Copa Virgin Island Rum - Gold Label - Paramount Distillers (us86)
Ron Copa Virgin Island Rum - Gold Label

Ron Copa Virgin Island Rum - Gold Label (us86)

73 x 92 mm (2.9" x 3.6")
Ron Copa Light Rum - Paramount Distillers (us87)
Ron Copa Light Rum

Ron Copa Light Rum (us87)

107 x 132 mm (4.2" x 5.2")
Straight Rum - Paramount Distillers (us_747)
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Straight Rum (us_747)

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Die Quelle: eBay
Premier White Rum - Paramount Distillers (us63)
Premier White Rum

Premier White Rum (us63)

99 x 99 mm (3.9" x 3.9")
Eagle Citation - Paramount Distillers (us60)
Eagle Citation

Eagle Citation (us60)

101 x 116 mm (4" x 4.6")
El Caribe White Rum - Paramount Distillers (us45)
El Caribe White Rum

El Caribe White Rum (us45)

95 x 149 mm (3.7" x 5.9")
El Caribe Gold Rum - Paramount Distillers (us46)
El Caribe Gold Rum

El Caribe Gold Rum (us46)

94 x 150 mm (3.7" x 5.9")
El Caribe 151 Proof Rum - Paramount Distillers (us47)
El Caribe 151 Proof Rum

El Caribe 151 Proof Rum (us47)

94 x 150 mm (3.7" x 5.9")
El Caribe White Rum - Paramount Distillers (us48)
El Caribe White Rum

El Caribe White Rum (us48)

76 x 120 mm (3" x 4.7")
El Caribe Gold Rum - Paramount Distillers (us49)
El Caribe Gold Rum

El Caribe Gold Rum (us49)

77 x 120 mm (3" x 4.7")
3 Islands Spiced Rum - Paramount Distillers (us69)
3 Islands Spiced Rum

3 Islands Spiced Rum (us69)

101 x 124 mm (4" x 4.9")
Quality Club West Indies Rum - Paramount Distillers (us84)
Quality Club West Indies Rum

Quality Club West Indies Rum (us84)

97 x 132 mm (3.8" x 5.2")
Flannagan's Rum - Paramount Distillers (us85)
Flannagan's Rum

Flannagan’s Rum (us85)

97 x 131 mm (3.8" x 5.2")
Gold Award West Indies White Label Rum - Paramount Distillers (us91)
Gold Award West Indies White Label Rum

Gold Award West Indies White Label Rum (us91)

102 x 128 mm (4" x 5")
Gold Award West Indies Gold Label Rum - Paramount Distillers (us90)
Gold Award West Indies Gold Label Rum

Gold Award West Indies Gold Label Rum (us90)

101 x 127 mm (4" x 5")
Citrus Rum - Paramount Distillers (us_2)
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Citrus Rum (us_2)

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Lady Bligh Authentic Spiced Rum - Paramount Distillers (us_19)
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Lady Bligh Authentic Spiced Rum (us_19)

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Lady Bligh Authentic Coconut Rum - Paramount Distillers (us_292)
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Lady Bligh Authentic Coconut Rum (us_292)

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Die Quelle:


In 2004, Paramount Distillers will celebrate 70 years as a proud part of Cleveland's business community. Paramount's history dates back to 1934, when J. F. Moessmer founded the company on W. 106th St. a month after the repeal of Prohibition. Under Moessmer, Paramount was a modest operation, marketing primarily cordials and vodka in Ohio and Iowa. The company prospered and moved to its present site on Berea Road in 1946.

In 1957, Robert Gottesman and Associates purchased the company and instituted an expansion program designed to increase the number of products. With his fresh new approach to marketing, sales grew dramatically.

Since Paramount's modest beginnings on W. 106th, the company has grown to a 120,000 square foot headquarters and the product line has diversified into approximately 150 different items in more than 500 sizes which are sold throughout the world. Paramount is the only Ohio corporation with a distilled spirits plant. Aside from the production area, the facility also houses laboratories, labeling and bottling assembly lines, a print shop and warehouse operations.

Paramount's entry into the wine and champagne business came in 1976 when the company purchased Meier's Wine Cellars in Cincinnati, Ohio's oldest and largest winery. By adding wines to its product line, Paramount broadened its product base, but also added valuable real estate to Paramount's holdings, since Meier's vineyards are located on 200 acres of land on North Bass Island in western Lake Erie.

[Die Quelle: Website der Gesellschaft, zitiert 2004]

Hier finden Sie die Beschreibung der Etiketten

us233: White Label; Ron Superior; Paramount Virgin Island Rum; Bottled by Paramount Distillers Inc, Cleveland, Ohio; Eighty Proof; Imported Rum; Extra Light and Dry

us57: White Label; Ron Superior; Paramount Virgin Island Rum; Forty percent alc by vol (Eighty Proof); Imported Rum; Extra Light and Dry

us58: Gold Label; Ron Superior; Paramount Virgin Island Rum; Forty percent alc by vol (Eighty Proof); Imported Rum; Extra Light and Dry

us56: Ron Superior; Flaming Rum; Paramount Virgin Island Rum; 75.5% alc/vol (151 Proof); 151 Imported Rum West Indies Rum

us86: Gold Label; Ron Superior; Ron Copa Virgin Island Rum; Bottled by Paramount Distillers, Inc., Cleveland, Ohio; Eighty Proof; Imported Rum; Extra Light and Dry

us87: Paramount; Ron Copa Light Finest Quality Rum and Natural Flavors; Colored with Caramel; Finest Quality; 30% Alc/Vol (60 Proof)

us_747: Paramount Straight Rum; 90 Proof; Paramount Distillers Inc, Cleveland, Ohio; Contens 4/5 Qt.

us63: Premier; 40% alc/vol (80 Proof); A Premier Spirits Selection; Product of the Virgin Islands; Imported; White Rum White; Imported and bottled by Paramount Distillers, Inc., Cleveland, OH

us60: Eagle Citation West Indies Rum; 40% Alc/Vol (80 Proof); Product of Virgin Islands

us45: White Label Rum; El Caribe; West Indies Rum; 40% Alc/Vol (80 Proof); Imported From Virgin Islands

us46: Gold Label Rum; El Caribe; West Indies Rum; 40% Alc. by Vol. (80 Proof); Imported From Virgin Islands

us47: Flaming Rum; El Caribe 151 Proof Rum; 75.5% Alc. by Vol. (151 Proof); Imported From Virgin Islands

us48: White Label Rum; El Caribe; Virgin Islands Rum; 80 Proof; Imported From West Indies

us49: Gold Label Rum; El Caribe; Virgin Islands Rum; 80 Proof; Imported From West Indies

us69: 3 Islands Authentic Spiced Rum; Virgin Island Rum with Spices & Natural Flavors; 35% Alc/Vol (70 Proof)

us84: Quality Club West Indies Rum; 40% Alc/Vol (80 Proof)

us85: Flannagan's Rum; 40% Alc/Vol (80 Proof); Flannagan's Dublin

us91: Gold Award West Indies Rum; Product of the Virgin Islands; Imported; White Label; Light and dry; 40% Alc/Vol (80 Proof)

us90: Gold Award West Indies Rum; Product of the Virgin Islands; Imported; Gold Label; Light and dry; 40% Alc/Vol (80 Proof)

us_2: Citrus Rum

us_19: Lady Bligh Authentic Spiced Rum

us_292: Lady Bligh Authentic Coconut Rum

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