S.S. Pierce Company


New England Rum One Star - S.S. Pierce Company (us298)
New England Rum One Star

New England Rum One Star (us298)

92 x 120 mm (3.6" x 4.7")
New England Rum Two Star - S.S. Pierce Company (us_512)
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New England Rum Two Star (us_512)

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S.S. Pierce Island Rum - S.S. Pierce Company (us111)
S.S. Pierce Island Rum

S.S. Pierce Island Rum (us111)

89 x 121 mm (3.5" x 4.8")
Number Seven - S.S. Pierce Company (us_852)
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Number Seven (us_852)

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Die Quelle: eBay
Belle-Ile - S.S. Pierce Company (us_854)
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Belle-Ile (us_854)

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Die Quelle: eBay


Silas Stillman Pierce opened a grocery story in Boston in 1831 that flourished for the next century and a half providing not just staple goods but gourmet foods and choice liquors to discerning Bostonians. Four generations of the Pierce Family directed this well regarded company, which by World War II had nine stores throughout Boston, which delivered goods initially by horse and wagon, and later by motor, but all in red boxes emblazoned by the Pierce crest of excellence.

[Die Quelle: Food History News (relevante Seite), zitiert 2005]

In 1991 was company acquired by M. S. Walker, Somerville, Mass.

[Die Quelle: M. S. Walker, zitiert 2005]

Hier finden Sie die Beschreibung der Etiketten

us298: S.S.P.Co.; Established 1831 - Incorporated 1894; One * Star; New England Rum; Bottled by S.S. Pierce Co., Boston, Mass; R 93; Mass. WI-50; 86 Proof

us_512: S.S.P.Co.; Established 1831 - Incorporated 1894; Two ** Star; New England Rum; This rum is 5 years Old; 90 Proof; Bottled by S.S. Pierce Co., Boston, Mass; R 93; Mass. WI-50

us111: S.S. Pierce; Established 1831 Massachusetts; S.S. Pierce Island Rum; 40% alc/vol (80 Proof); Product of Virgin Islands; Imported & Bottled by SSP Company, Somerville, MA

us_852: S.S.P. Number Seven; 7; Imported Distilled Spirits; Produced in Cuba from Cane Products; Imported By S.S. Pierce Co., Boston, MA; Bottled by Lawrence Distilling Co., Burlington, Vermont; 86 Proof; I-D-4

us_854: S.S. Pierce Co.; Belle-Ile Martinique Rum; This Rum is 5 Years Old; Product of French West Indies; 86 Proof; Imported and Bottled for S.S. Pierce Co., Boston, Mass By N.Y. Dock Co., Brooklin, N.Y.., Mass; WI-50

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