Turkey Shore Distilleries, Ipswich, MA
Rumové etikety
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Lihovar založili v roce 2010 Mat Perry a Evan Parker.
[Zdroj: The Salem News (příslušná stránka), cit. 2014]
Zde jsou plné texty z etiket
us_335: Old Ipswich White Cap Rum; Turkey Shore Distilleries, Ipswich, MA; 40% alc/vol (80 Proof); 750 ml
us_338: Old Ipswich Tawern Style Rum; Turkey Shore Distilleries, Ipswich, MA; 40% alc/vol (80 Proof); 750 ml
us_339: Old Ipswich Lab & Cask Reserve Rum; Turkey Shore Distilleries, Ipswich, MA; 43% alc/vol (86 Proof); 750 ml
us_336: Old Ipswich Golden Marsh Spiced Rum; New England Style Rum with Spice & Other Natural Flavor; Turkey Shore Distilleries, Ipswich, MA; 40% alc/vol (80 Proof); 750 ml
us_337: Old Ipswich Greenhead Spiced Rum; New England Style Rum with Spice & Other Natural Flavor; Turkey Shore Distilleries, Ipswich, MA; 40% alc/vol (80 Proof); 750 ml