Cyro Eloy Comercio e Industria Ltda


Cachaca Safari - Cyro Eloy Comercio e Industria Ltda (br_377)
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Cachaca Safari (br_377)

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Die Quelle:


SAFARI was conceived by Cyro E. Eloy, a much-respected Brazilian who founded and still controls a very successful business enterprise, Cyro Eloy Comércio e Indústria Ltda, spanning more than 5 decades in his native country.

For many years Mr. Cyro, a connoisseur of Cachaça, the well-known Brazilian drink, believed the leading brands being promoted in the local market as being 'top of the range' were not a suitable standard for export. Furthermore, most of the Cachaça brands that are being exported certainly could not even be considered to be 'top of the range' by existing local standards. As a businessman who has the courage of his convictions, Mr. Cyro felt that the world at large must be made aware that Cachaça can be produced in commercial volumes to a taste and quality that ranks with the leading liquors of the world. With a very clear goal and strategy that has typified his past business successes, Mr. Cyro decided to develop to his own exacting standards, a very special quality Cachaça intended exclusively for the export market.

[Die Quelle: Website der Gesellschaft, zitiert 2005]

Hier finden Sie die Beschreibung der Etiketten

br_377: Cyro Eloy Safari; Cachaca Safari; Product for exportation; Distilled from Sugar Cane; 39% vol; Product of Brazil; 700 ml

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