Ypióca Agroindustrial Ltda.
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Die Firma wurde in Jahr 1846 hergestellt.
1st Generation: Dario Telles de Menezes
As he landed in the state of Ceará in 1846 Dario Telles, a Portuguese of keen foresight, brought along the secrets of the finest European distilled . After settling in the city of Maranguape, he set up a prosperous still which he baptized Ypióca. It all started with a small ceramic alembic he had carried along from Portugal.
2nd Generation: Dario Borges Telles
Although the second generation, led by captain Dario Borges Telles, introduced cast iron stills, processing was still entirely manual.
3nd Generation: Paulo Campos Telles
In 1929 Paulo Campos Telles took over and brought about important innovations such as bottling liters with a precision dropper and aging in balsamic barrels which allowed stocking for periods of over two years.
4nd Generation: Everardo Ferreira Telles
In 1968 the fourth generation, under the guidance of Everardo Ferreira Telles, assumed control of the enterprise and brought about significant innovations and state of the art technology. This originated new additional establishments as well as a diversified range of products thus making Ypióca one of the most solid beverage companies in the country.
The company have a five factories, located in the areas where the culture of the sugar cane prevails, around Fortaleza-CE.
The first factory is located in Maranguape, only 30 Km from Fortaleza. Here, the entire production is aged in barrels made of medicinal and aromatic wood much like the "balsamo" used by the first generations. The firm's original premises, also in Maranguape, house the Ypióca Museum where equipments and machines from the 19th century can be admired.
The second Cachaca factory is located in Pecém, a small town on the coast of Ceará. It is surrounded by its own sugar cane plantations and also uses barrels of balsamic wood in the production and aging process of the spirit.
The firm's third and fourth factories are in Pindoretama and Acarape, near the coastline of Ceará. Here, the company owns immense, irrigated sugar cane plantations that supply the factories.
In addition to the extensive production, the factories are strategically located near the city of Pacajus, the main supplier of cashew, used to manufacture Acayú.
The fifth factory in Paraipaba, is Ypióca's largest in Brazil, Bordered by magnificent, irrigated sugar cane plantations, this factory was implanted in 1996 over 1500 hectares and counts on the latest breakthroughs in modern technology relative to the sector. This factory is also responsible for generating employment in the measure of thousands of direct and indirect jobs which, together to those created by the firm's other enterprises, add to over 20,000 in Brazil.
In 2012, Ypióca Agroindustrial Ltda was acquired by the British multinational company Diageo.
Hier finden Sie die Beschreibung der Etiketten
br46: Cachaça Ypióca Crystal; Spirit Destilled from Sugar Cane; Since 1846; Produzida e Engarrafada por Ypióca Agroindustrial LTDA.; 39% vol; product of Brazil; 1 L
br47: Cachaça Ypióca Gold; Spirit Destilled from Sugar Cane; Since 1846; Produzida e Engarrafada por Ypióca Agroindustrial LTDA.; 39% vol; product of Brazil; 1 L
br44: Industria Brasileira; Distilled from sugar cane; Made in Brazil; Cachaça; Aguardente de cana; Ypióca Prata; Desde 1846; Ypióca Agroindustrial, LTDA; e 1L; Product of Brazil; 39% vol
br_964: Distilled from sugar cane; Cachaça; Aguardente de cana; Ypióca Prata; Desde 1846; Made inf Brazil; 7591073000057
br117: Desde 1846; Ypióca Ouro; Cachaça envelhecida em barris de carvalho; Reserva Especial; Produto do Brasil; 1 l; Seleçâo e combinaçâo das melhores cachaças; 38% vol
br48: Aguardente de cana; Ypióca 150; 1846 - 1996; Distilled from sugar cane; Ypióca Agroindustrial, LTDA; 750 ml; Product of Brazil; 39% vol
br_994: Desde 1846; Ypióca 150; Edição im Homonacem aos 150 anos de História; Cachaça Envelhecida; Grad.alc. 39% vol; Produto do Brasil; 700 ml; 7896383730107
br_47: Ypióca Sport; 39 GL; 190 mL
br_50: Cachaça Rio
br_53: Toucano
br_49: Caipirinhas Ypióca; 39 GL; 1 L
br_763: Cachaça Rio by Ypióca
br_990: desde 1846; Ypióca Cinco Chaves; 38%; 700 cl
br_992: 1846; Ypióca Plata; Aguardente de Cana; 38%
br_991: Ypióca Ouro
br_824: Indústria Brasileira; Cachaça Ypióca; Desde 1846; Aguardente de Cana-de-açúcar Envelhecida; Produzida e engarrafada por Ypióca Agroindustrial Ltda.; Conteúdo 960 ml; 39% vol
br_825: Cachaça Ypióca 160 Com Malte; Extra Premium Product; Produto Extra Premium; Aguardente Composta com Malte; 39% vol; 700 ml
br_993: Desde 1846; Ypióca 160; Edição Comemorativa de 160 anos de História; Aguardente Composta; Com Malte; Grad.alc. 39% vol; Produto do Brasil; 700 ml; 7896383730107
br_827: Aguardente de Cana Ypióca Orgânica; Desde 1846; Ypióca Agroindustrial Ltda
br_826: Cachaça Ypióca Limão; Ypióca Agroindustrial Ltda; 30% vol; 960 ml
br_828: Sabor Frutas Vermelhas; Ypióca Red Fruits; 1 L; Grad. Alc. 30% Vol
br~3: Cachaça Ypióca Crystal; Spirit Destilled from Sugar Cane; Since 1846; Produzida e Engarrafada por Ypióca Agroindustrial LTDA.; 39% vol; product of Brazil; e 1.0 L; 7896383700216
br~9: Industria Brasileira; Conteudo 700 ml; Aguardente de cana; Ypióca; 1846 - 1996; Distilled from sugar cane; Embalagem Comemorativa 150 anos; Producao limitada; Produzida e engarrafada por Ypióca Agroindustrial, LTDA; Produzida no sito Ypióca, Maranguape, Ceara, Brasil; 39% vol; 7896383700100