White Orange
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White Orange Co. Ltd., Myanmar (Burma) |

In 1979, we started as a national co-operative distillery in Southern Shan State, Loi-lin. After 8 years, White Orange Co. is established as a private company in Mong Pawn at the Southern Shan State and producing liquor as a main business from 1987 to 2004 of 25 years.
During 1979 to 1987, we distilled liquor with copper steam pot and using raw materials of rice, brown slab sugar, palm sugar and maize. After 1987, we are using modern machines till to 2000. From 2001 onwards, the machines are upgraded and could be produced better taste liquor and also could be separated dangerous by-product. Nowadays, we get full percentage of local market all over Myanmar; moreover, we also get a good market share at the border trade between Thailand, India and Bangladesh.
Hier finden Sie die Beschreibung der Etiketten
mm_2: Green Bamboo Rum; White Orange Myanmar Co., Ltd
mm_3: Green Bamboo Rum; White Orange Myanmar Co., Ltd
mm_4: Rum; White Orange Myanmar Co., Ltd
mm_5: Rum; White Orange Myanmar Co., Ltd