Monymusk Distillery, Clarendon (Vere)

Rumové etikety

Monymusk Platinum White Rum - Monymusk Distillery, Clarendon (Vere) (jm_134)
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Monymusk Platinum White Rum (jm_134)

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Monymusk Overproof White Rum - Monymusk Distillery, Clarendon (Vere) (jm_137)
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Monymusk Overproof White Rum (jm_137)

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Monymusk Special Gold Rum - Monymusk Distillery, Clarendon (Vere) (jm_135)
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Monymusk Special Gold Rum (jm_135)

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Monymusk Classic Gold Rum - Monymusk Distillery, Clarendon (Vere) (jm_133)
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Monymusk Classic Gold Rum (jm_133)

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Monymusk Special Reserve Rum - Monymusk Distillery, Clarendon (Vere) (jm_132)
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Monymusk Special Reserve Rum (jm_132)

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Monymusk Whispering Breeze - Monymusk Distillery, Clarendon (Vere) (jm_136)
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Monymusk Whispering Breeze (jm_136)

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Rum - Monymusk Distillery, Clarendon (Vere) (fr_1273)
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Rum (fr_1273)

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Jamayca Navy Strength 5 years Clarendon & Worthy Park - Monymusk Distillery, Clarendon (Vere) (fr_1274)
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Jamayca Navy Strength 5 years Clarendon & Worthy Park (fr_1274)

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Jamaica 11 ans Clarendon - Monymusk Distillery, Clarendon (Vere) (fr_1281)
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Jamaica 11 ans Clarendon (fr_1281)

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Jamaica 11 ans Clarendon High Proof - Monymusk Distillery, Clarendon (Vere) (fr_1282)
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Jamaica 11 ans Clarendon High Proof (fr_1282)

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RA Jamaica Rum - Clarendon Distillery - Cask No. 73 - Monymusk Distillery, Clarendon (Vere) (de_336)
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RA Jamaica Rum - Clarendon Distillery - Cask No. 73 (de_336)

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Plantation Jamaican Rum Xaymaca - Monymusk Distillery, Clarendon (Vere) (fr869)
Plantation Jamaican Rum Xaymaca

Plantation Jamaican Rum Xaymaca (fr869)

298 x 81 mm (11.7" x 3.2")
Plantation Rum Jamaica - Monymusk Distillery, Clarendon (Vere) (fr_251)
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Plantation Rum Jamaica (fr_251)

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Plantation Rum Jamaica 2003 - Monymusk Distillery, Clarendon (Vere) (fr_1409)
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Plantation Rum Jamaica 2003 (fr_1409)

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Plantation Jamaican Rum Xaymaca - Monymusk Distillery, Clarendon (Vere) (fr_1412)
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Plantation Jamaican Rum Xaymaca (fr_1412)

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Monymusk 2010 EMB - Monymusk Distillery, Clarendon (Vere) (it_150)
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Monymusk 2010 EMB (it_150)

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Jamaica I Pappagalli - Monymusk Distillery, Clarendon (Vere) (it_52)
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Jamaica I Pappagalli (it_52)

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Jamaica Sugar Estate 1949 - Monymusk Distillery, Clarendon (Vere) (it_53)
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Jamaica Sugar Estate 1949 (it_53)

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Jamaica Single Cask Rum 2003 - Monymusk Distillery, Clarendon (Vere) (de_359)
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Jamaica Single Cask Rum 2003 (de_359)

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Single Cask Rum - Jamaica 1997, 15 Years - Monymusk Distillery, Clarendon (Vere) (uk_201)
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Single Cask Rum - Jamaica 1997, 15 Years (uk_201)

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Kill Devil Jamaica 9y - Monymusk Distillery, Clarendon (Vere) (uk_311)
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Kill Devil Jamaica 9y (uk_311)

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Monymusk Distillery, Jamaica - Monymusk Distillery, Clarendon (Vere) (uk_331)
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Monymusk Distillery, Jamaica (uk_331)

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Jamaica 1999 - Monymusk Distillery, Clarendon (Vere) (fr_1423)
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Jamaica 1999 (fr_1423)

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Rum for ALS - Monymusk Distillery, Clarendon (Vere) (nl_56)
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Rum for ALS (nl_56)

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Monymusk 11 y - Monymusk Distillery, Clarendon (Vere) (nl_64)
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Monymusk 11 y (nl_64)

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Ultimatum Rum - Monymusk - Monymusk Distillery, Clarendon (Vere) (nl_79)
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Ultimatum Rum - Monymusk (nl_79)

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Jamaica Rhum 1979 - Monymusk Distillery, Clarendon (Vere) (it_239)
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Jamaica Rhum 1979 (it_239)

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Jamaica Rhum 2007 - Monymusk Distillery, Clarendon (Vere) (it_244)
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Jamaica Rhum 2007 (it_244)

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Jamaica High Ester White Rum - Monymusk Distillery, Clarendon (Vere) (dk_49)
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Jamaica High Ester White Rum (dk_49)

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Clarendon 2006 - Monymusk Distillery, Clarendon (Vere) (cz_350)
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Clarendon 2006 (cz_350)

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Classic Rum - Monymusk Still, Jamaica - Monymusk Distillery, Clarendon (Vere) (uk186)
Classic Rum - Monymusk Still, Jamaica

Classic Rum - Monymusk Still, Jamaica (uk186)

188 x 79 mm (7.4" x 3.1")
Jamaica - Monymusk Distillery, Clarendon (Vere) (uk_358)
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Jamaica (uk_358)

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Claredon 25yo - Monymusk Distillery, Clarendon (Vere) (be_136)
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Claredon 25yo (be_136)

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Claredon 16yo - Monymusk Distillery, Clarendon (Vere) (be_139)
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Claredon 16yo (be_139)

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Canerock - Monymusk Distillery, Clarendon (Vere) (fr911)

Canerock (fr911)

117 x 30 mm (4.6" x 1.2")


Informace, které získalo The Centre for the Study of the Legacies of British Slave-ownership na University College London:

Rum byl na panství 'Monymusk, Clarendon (Vere)' destilován nejméně mezi léty 1794 a 1807.

Monymusk Estate je jednou z nejstarších jamajských plantáží a patří k těm několika málo plantážím, které přežily měnící se tvář výroby rumu a cukru v posledních 100 letech. Roku 1893 bylo na Jamajce k vidění 148 lihovarů, ale roku 1983 se jich dožilo jen 6.

Lihovar Monymusk leží na jihu ostrova u St. Catherine's Town. Již od 18. století vyrábí rum z vlastní melasy, ač nebyl vždy prodáván pod vlastní značkou.

Rumy Monymusk Plantation distiluje a mísí National Rums of Jamaica Limited. Jméno Monymusk pochází od stejnojmené třtinové plantáže s cukrovarem, která dodnes zásobuje své lihovary Jamajskou melasou.

National Rums of Jamaica Limited zcela vlastní Long Pond Distillers Limited, který je světově proslulý svými rumy destilovanými v periodické destilačním kotli, dále vlastní Innswood, kde rumy stárnou a pak je mísí, a ze 73% vlastní Clarendon Distillers Limited.

[Zdroj: Firemní web, cit. 2019]

Obsah esterů v rumu

Jamajské palírny produkují často 'těžké' rumy s vysokým obsahem esterů, které propůjčují rumu velmi výraznou chuť.

Množství esterů se vyjadřuje v mg/l čistého lihu (mg/l aa) nebo v g/l čistého lihu (g/hl aa). Jamajské zákony omezují obsah esterů na 1600 mg/laa. Rumy s nejvyšším obsahem esterů byvají často rumy bílé a používají se spíše jako koření pro cukrářské výrobky a sladkosti všeho druhu nebo do míchaných nápojů.

Následující tabulka obsahuje značení obsahu esterů v rumu z palírny Monymusk v mg/l čistého alkoholu. Značení se ovšem časem měnilo, takže tabulka je spíše orientační.

Označení mg/l Poznámka
MLT / MBS / MLL < 60 Column still
MBK / AH 60-90 Common clean
CHP / MPG 90-125 Common clean
EMB 125-175 Plummer style
MMW 200-300 Monymusk Wedderburn (?)
MLC 500 Monymusk Light Continental (?)

Zde jsou plné texty z etiket

jm_134: Since 1753; NRJ; Monymusk Plantation Platinum White Rum; Triple Distilled; Product of Jamaica; Extra Smooth; Blended & Bottled by National Rums of Jamaica Limited, Kingston, Jamaica; 40% alc/vol; 750 cl

jm_137: Since 1753; NRJ; Monymusk Plantation Overproof White Rum; Triple Distilled; Product of Jamaica; Full Overproof Strength; Blended & Bottled by National Rums of Jamaica Limited, Kingston, Jamaica; 63% alc/vol; 1 Litre

jm_135: Since 1753; NRJ; Monymusk Plantation Special Gold Rum; Product of Jamaica; Premium Jamaican Rum; Blended & Bottled by National Rums of Jamaica Limited, Kingston, Jamaica; 40% alc/vol; 1 Litre

jm_133: Monymusk Classic Gold Rum; Product of Jamaica; Distinctively Smooth; Blended & Bottled by National Rums of Jamaica Limited, Kingston, Jamaica; 40% alc/vol; 750 cl

jm_132: Monymusk Special Reserve Rum; Aged oak barrels; Product of Jamaica; Blended & Bottled by National Rums of Jamaica Limited, Kingston, Jamaica; 40% alc/vol; 750 cl

jm_136: Since 1753; NRJ; Monymusk Plantation Whispering Breeze; Coconut Flavoired Rum Liqueur; A taste of Jamaica; Extra Smooth; Blended & Bottled by National Rums of Jamaica Limited, Kingston, Jamaica; 40% alc/vol; 750 cl

fr_1273: Compagnie des Indes; Rum-Rhum; 5 years; Jamaica; Clarendon & Worthy Park; 3760255020037

fr_1274: Compagnie des Indes; Rhum fût unique; Rum single cask; 5 years; Jamayca Navy Strength; 57% alc; Clarendon & Worthy Park; 3760255020044

fr_1281: Compagnie des Indes; Rhum fût unique; Rum single cask; Jamaica 11 ans; Clarendon; 43% alc/vol

fr_1282: Compagnie des Indes; Rhum fût unique; Rum single cask; High Proof; Jamaica 11 ans; Clarendon; 55% alc/vol

de_336: RA; Rum Artesanal; Jamaica Rum; Single Cask Rum; Clarendon Distillery; Dist. 03.2007; Bot. 08.2017; Cask No. 73; 62.2% vol; 500 ml

fr869: Plantation Jamaican Rum; Product of Jamaica; Xaymaca; Special Dry; 100% Pot Still Rum; Long Pond & Clarendon;Double Ageing; Special Dry; 43% Vol; Pot Stil; 70 cl; Product of Jamaica; Bottled by: Maison Ferrand, 16130 Ars, France;; 3460410530981; Distilleries: Clarendon (Vendome) & Long Pond (John Dore); Fermentation: 1 & 3 weeks; Distillation: 100% Pot Still; Esters: 156 g/hl AA; Volatile Compounds: 312 g/hL AA; Dosage: 0 g/L; Jamaica has long classified rums via 'marks,' unique to each distillery, indicating intensity and flavor profile. XAYMACA is a blend of Clarendon EMB & MLC marks, and Long Pond VRW & STC^E marks.

fr_251: Plantation Rum Jamaica; 8 years old; Monymusk Distillery; Column still + pot still Rum.

fr_1409: Plantation Rum; Jamaica, Clarendon MMW; 2003; 49.5% vol; 70 cl; 3460410531698

fr_1412: Plantation Jamaican Rum; Xaymaca Special Dry; 100% Pot Still Rum; Product of Jamaica; Long Pond & Clarendon; 3460410530981

it_150: Monymusk; 2010; Jamaica Pure Single Rum; EMB; 100% Pot Still distillation; Distilled: 2010; Bottled: 2019; Aged: 9 y.o.; Aged in the tropics / Angel share > 64%; Sugar free; Barrel proof; 70 cl e; Distilled in a Double Retort Pot Still at Monymusk Distillery Ltd, Clarendon, Jamaica, W.I.; 62% vol; Habitation Velier; The House of Pure Single Rums

it_52: Jamaica I Pappagalli 9 years; Rum agricolo, pot still, Monymusk Distillery

it_53: Jamaica Sugar Estate 1949; Jamaica Rum, Monymusk Distillery, Jamaica; Bottled in United Kingdom; Matured in Barrels Nos. 10, 16, 17 and 25

de_359: The Rum Cask; Jamaica; Single Cask Rum; Distilled at Monymusk Destillery; Distilled: 2003; Aged 14 Years; Bottled: 2017; Limited Edition; Pot Still; Mark JMM; Cask Strength; 50 cl;; 60,7% vol

uk_201: Duncan Taylor Single Cask Rum; Distilled in: Jamaica; At: Monymusk Distillery; Distilled: 09.97, Bottled: 11.12; Cask No: 3; Style: Column; One of 169 bottles; Distilled in 1997; Aged 15 years; 53.4% alc/vol; 700 ml; Aged in oak caska; No chill filtration, no added colorant; Bottled by Duncan Taylor Ltd, Huntly, Aberdeenshire, AB54 8JU7, Scotland

uk_311: Kill Devil; Single Cask Rum; 700 ml; Distilled Jamaica; Aged 9 Years; Monymusk Distillery - Pot Still; Distilled: 12/99; 1 of 376; Alc by Vol: 46%

uk_331: That Boutique-y Rum Company; Monymusk Distillery, Jamaica; Pot Still Rum, single distillery; Aged 13 Years; Batch 1; Bottle 1 of 473; 50 cl; 55.4% vol; 5052598148065

fr_1423: Plantation Rum; Single Cask; Specially Bottled for The Netherlands; Thank you for your ...; Jamaica 1999; Clarendon MMW; ... Hampden Distillery...; Distilled in 1999; 46.7% vol; Product of Jamaica; 70 cl e

nl_56: 14 years; Per fles doneer je €10.00 aan Stichting ALS Nederland; ALS; Stichting ALS Nederland; Jamaica rum; Monymusk; Vintage: 2004; Bottled: 2018; 56,2% ABV; 70 cl; Selected by Kintra Spirits; In cooperation with The Rum Mercenary; Rum 4 ALS; Rum for charity

nl_64: Kintra, the rum collection; Monymusk, Jamaica; 11 y; Destilled 09-2007; Cask 85; Bottled 25-06-2018; Bottle 042 of 117; 52.2% vol

nl_79: The little distiller; Ultimatum Rum; Single cask selection; Distilled: Mar-2007; Bourbon barrel; Cask no: 7; 70 cl; Jamaica; Monymusk; 9 years old; Bottled: 24/02/17; Bottle no: 133 of 349; 46% vol

it_239: Product of Jamaica; Jamaica Rhum; Rhum Agricol - Pot Still; Monymusk Distillery; Proprietors: Sherriff & Company, Jamaica; Bottled in England; Pot Still Int, Glasgow; Distillato di canna da zucchero; Importato du Moon Import sas; 70 cl; 6000 bottigle bottiglia No 2359; 46% vol; 1979 Destilled; 1989 Bottled

it_244: Product of Jamaica; Jamaica Rhum; Monymusk Distillery; Bottled in Scotland; Distillato di canna da zucchero; Importato du Moon Import sas; 70 cl; 45% vol; 2007 Destilled; 2017 Bottled

dk_49: Handcrafted Rum Lab Edition; Jamaica High Ester White Rum; Pot-distilled from molasses at Monymusk and New Yarmouth; Distilled 2017 - bottled 2020; Alc 75% vol / 50 cl; Esters: 720 gr/hlpa; Sugar: 0 gr/l; Batch: SKJ01

cz_350: Distilled 2005; Bottled: 2020; Rum Shark; Clarendon 2006; Jamaica; Single Cask Selection; 69% vol; 14; e 70 cl

uk186: Bristol Classic Rum Monymusk Still, Jamaica; Classic rums of the Caribbean; Distilled in 1977; Bottled in 2000; 23 years old; Produce of Jamaica; 70 cl; Selected and bottled from the wood by Bristol Spirits Ltd, GL12 8NB; Single pot Still; 46% vol; Merchants from Bristol have traded in Rum for more than 400 years. But too many rums are anonymous blends of no distinction. Bristol Spirits have made it their mission to seek out the products of single plantations, usually from single stills, and to show each rum in its own true, individual glory. Discovering the world's finest rums. The Monymusk plantation. Founded in the early 18th century, the plantation of fine sugar cane lies in the south of Jamaica. At its heart, the gold pot still yields a delicate rum, whose finesse is rounded by 23 years in oak casks. Fragment to the nose, it shows traces of wood and vanilla on the palate. A lovely digestif after a fine meal. Single pot still Jamaica rum.

uk_358: 36 Year Old; Distilled in Jamaica at Clarendon Area; Distilled 1984; Bottled 2020; W; Silver Seal Whisky Company; Tropical Age; 150 cl; Bottled in Scotland; 62.3%

be_136: Claredon; 25YO; Jamaica Rum; 70 cl; 54% alc/vol

be_139: Claredon Rum; Jamaica; 16 YO; 70 cl; Bottle No 92; 61% vol.; SA Corman-Collins, 76 rue de Verviers, 4651 Battice, Belgium

fr911: Canerock; Distilled in Jamaica; 70 cl; 40% vol; Rum infused with spices & natural flavors; 3460410533388

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