Destileria Serralles, Ponce

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Don Q -  Destileria Serralles, Ponce (pr_33)
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Don Q (pr_33)

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Don Q -  Destileria Serralles, Ponce (pr_34)
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Don Q (pr_34)

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Don Q -  Destileria Serralles, Ponce (pr_36)
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Don Q (pr_36)

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Don Q Light -  Destileria Serralles, Ponce (pr_37)
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Don Q Light (pr_37)

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Don Q Gold -  Destileria Serralles, Ponce (pr_38)
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Don Q Gold (pr_38)

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Don Q -  Destileria Serralles, Ponce (pr4)
Don Q

Don Q (pr4)

90 x 143 mm (3.6" x 5.6")
Don Q Cristal -  Destileria Serralles, Ponce (pr2)
Don Q Cristal

Don Q Cristal (pr2)

81 x 143 mm (3.2" x 5.6")
Don Q -  Destileria Serralles, Ponce (pr56)
Don Q

Don Q (pr56)

90 x 147 mm (3.6" x 5.8")
Don Q Gold -  Destileria Serralles, Ponce (pr3)
Don Q Gold

Don Q Gold (pr3)

82 x 144 mm (3.2" x 5.7")
Don Q Cristal -  Destileria Serralles, Ponce (pr_16)
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Don Q Cristal (pr_16)

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Don Q Gold -  Destileria Serralles, Ponce (pr_24)
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Don Q Gold (pr_24)

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Don Q Añejo -  Destileria Serralles, Ponce (pr_58)
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Don Q Añejo (pr_58)

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Don Q Cristal -  Destileria Serralles, Ponce (pr_92)
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Don Q Cristal (pr_92)

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Don Q Añejo -  Destileria Serralles, Ponce (pr_91)
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Don Q Añejo (pr_91)

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Don Q Gold -  Destileria Serralles, Ponce (pr_93)
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Don Q Gold (pr_93)

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Don Q Signature Release Single Barrel Limited Edition 2007 -  Destileria Serralles, Ponce (pr_95)
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Don Q Signature Release Single Barrel Limited Edition 2007 (pr_95)

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Don Q Double Aged Rum Vermouth Cask Finish -  Destileria Serralles, Ponce (pr_96)
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Don Q Double Aged Rum Vermouth Cask Finish (pr_96)

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Don Q Double Cask Sherry Finish -  Destileria Serralles, Ponce (pr_97)
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Don Q Double Cask Sherry Finish (pr_97)

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Don Q Signature Release Single Barrel 2009 -  Destileria Serralles, Ponce (pr_98)
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Don Q Signature Release Single Barrel 2009 (pr_98)

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Don Q Signature Release Single Barrel 2007 -  Destileria Serralles, Ponce (pr_104)
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Don Q Signature Release Single Barrel 2007 (pr_104)

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Don Q Oak Barrel Aged Spiced -  Destileria Serralles, Ponce (pr_94)
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Don Q Oak Barrel Aged Spiced (pr_94)

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Don Q Gold -  Destileria Serralles, Ponce (pr55)
Don Q Gold

Don Q Gold (pr55)

92 x 142 mm (3.6" x 5.6")
Don Q -  Destileria Serralles, Ponce (pr_1)
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Don Q (pr_1)

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Don Q 151 -  Destileria Serralles, Ponce (pr1)
Don Q 151

Don Q 151 (pr1)

81 x 145 mm (3.2" x 5.7")
Don Q -  Destileria Serralles, Ponce (pr_35)
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Don Q (pr_35)

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Don Q Citrus Rum -  Destileria Serralles, Ponce (pr_56)
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Don Q Citrus Rum (pr_56)

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Don Q Coco -  Destileria Serralles, Ponce (pr_61)
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Don Q Coco (pr_61)

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Die Quelle:
Don Q Mojito -  Destileria Serralles, Ponce (pr_62)
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Don Q Mojito (pr_62)

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Die Quelle:
Don Q Gran Anejo -  Destileria Serralles, Ponce (pr_79)
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Don Q Gran Anejo (pr_79)

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Die Quelle:

Meine Flaschen voller Rum

Don Q Cristal -  Destileria Serralles, Ponce (pr~1)
Don Q Cristal

Don Q Cristal (pr~1)


The Serrallés story began in 1865 on the Hacienda Mercedita sugar plantation near the city of Ponce on Puerto Rico’s south coast. That year, don Juan Serrallés, the son of a Spaniard who had settled in the area, produced his first few casks of rum using a still he had imported from France.

Today, more than a century later, don Juan’s greatgrandson, Félix Juan Serrallés, Jr., presides over the company that now produces and distributes over 60% of the rum sold on the island.

Serrallés took its big leap forward in 1985 when it acquired the assets of Puerto Rico Distillers, Inc., a subsidiary of the giant Canadian liquor firm Joseph E. Seagram and Sons Ltd. The acquisition of Seagram’s manufacturing facilities in the towns of Camuy and Arecibo, as well as the brand names sold locally by that firm (Palo Viejo, Ron Llave and Granado), enabled Serrallés to more than double its sales volume. In addition, Serrallés acquired the right to manufacture and distribute the Ronrico and Captain Morgan brands in Puerto Rico and several other Caribbean Islands while also producing Ronrico and Captain Morgan for distribution by Seagram’s in the United States.

The company’s CastillO Serrallés serves as both Museum and visitor center. Separate distillery tours are available upon request.

[Die Quelle: Got Rum (relevante Seite), zitiert 2001]

In 1865, Don Juan Serralles imported a still from the French firm Egrot Freres, one of the great pioneers of still design, and installed it on the family's Hacienda Mercedita.

As soon as Prohibition was abolished, Serralles built a new distillery in Ponce.

[Die Quelle: Dave Broom, Jason Lowe: Rum, 2003, p. 74-76]

From the list of licenses for the distillation of rum:
Sucesion J. Serrales:
Office, Central Mercedita, Ponce, P.R.;
plant, Central Boca Chica, Municipal District of Juana Diaz, P.R.


List of licenses

Hier finden Sie die Beschreibung der Etiketten

pr_33: Don Q; Distilled Puerto Rican Rum

pr_34: Don Q; Distilled Puerto Rican Rum

pr_36: Don Q; Distilled Puerto Rican Rum

pr_37: Serralles; Since 1865; Don Q Light Puerto Rican Rum; Distilled and Prepared by Destilleria Serralles Inc, Ponce, Puerto Rico; Bottled by Don Q Imports, Hartford, CT; 80 Proof

pr_38: Serralles; Since 1865; Don Q Gold Puerto Rican Rum; Distilled and Prepared by Destilleria Serralles Inc, Ponce, Puerto Rico; Bottled by Don Q Imports, Hartford, CT; 80 Proof

pr4: Serralles Don Q Puerto Rican Rum; Eighty Proof; Produced by Destileria Serralles, Inc., Ponce, Puerto Rico

pr2: Serralles Don Q Cristal; 40% Alc. by Vol. (80 Proof); Produced by Destileria Serralles, Inc., Ponce, Puerto Rico; Premium Puerto Rican Rum

pr56: Serralles; Don Q; Puerto Rican Rum; Eighty Proof; Distilled and Prepared by Destileria Serralles, Inc., Ponce, Puerto Rico

pr3: Serralles Don Q Gold; 40% Alc. by Vol. (80 Proof); Produced by Destileria Serralles, Inc., Ponce, Puerto Rico; Premium Puerto Rican Rum

pr_16: Serralles; Don Q Cristal; Premium Puerto Eican Rum

pr_24: Serralles; Don Q Gold; Premium Puerto Eican Rum

pr_58: Serralles; Don Q Añejo; Premium Puerto Eican Rum

pr_92: Don Q Cristal; Exceptional Puerto Rican Rum; 8414606730391

pr_91: Don Q Añejo; Exceptional Puerto Rican Rum; 8414606730438

pr_93: Don Q Gold; Exceptional Puerto Rican Rum; 8414606730421

pr_95: Klub degustátorů; Dram Club;; Rum; 0723888246406

pr_96: Don Q Double Aged Rum Vermouth Cask Finish; 40% alc by vol; 8414606874033

pr_97: Don Q; Double Cask Finish; Puerto Rican Rum Finished in Sherry Casks 41% alc by vol (82° Proof); Batch No 1; 8414606732210

pr_98: Don Q; Signature Release Single Barrel 2009; Limited Edition; Bottle Number 04730; 49.25% vol Cask Strength; 7751304238721

pr_104: Don Q; Signature Release Single Barrel 2007; Limited Edition; Bottle Number 47029; 40% vol; 8414606874019

pr_94: Don Q Oak Barrel Aged Spiced; 8414606874002

pr55: Serralles; Since 1865; Don Q Gold; Rum / Rhum; 40% Alc. by Vol.; Blended in Canada under licence from / Melage au Canada sous licence de Destileria Serralles, Inc., Ponce, Puerto Rico

pr_1: Serralles Don Q

pr1: Serralles Don Q 151; 75.5% Alc. by Vol. (151 Proof); Produced by Destileria Serralles, Inc., Ponce, Puerto Rico; Premium Puerto Rican Rum

pr_35: Don Q; Distilled Puerto Rican Rum

pr_56: Don Q; Citrus Rum; Limon; 30 Alc/Vol

pr_61: Don Q Coco; Puerto Eican Rum with Natural Coconut Flavors; 21% alc by vol

pr_62: Don Q Mojito; Puerto Eican Rum Infused with Natural Mint; 20% alc by vol

pr_79: Serralles; Since 1865; Don Q Gran Anejo; Best Puerto Rican Puerto Rican Rum Selected From Aged ..., Up to 18 years Old; 40% alc by vol; 750 ml; Distilleria Serralles, Ponce, PR; 8414606730445

pr~1: Serralles; Don Q Cristal; 40% alc by vol (80 Proof); Produced by Destileria Serralles Inc, Ponce, Puerto Rico; Premium Puerto Rican Rum; 082301750020

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