Dynybyl, Říčany
Meine Flaschen voller Rum
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Dynybyl, s.r.o. |
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V & S Vin & Sprit AB, Schweden |

1918 - established on Žižkov, Prague.
1942 - moved to Říčany.
1848 - nationalization
1991 - company was returned to Emil Dynybyl family
1999 - company was acquisited by Vin & Spirit, Sweden
The distillery of Emil Dynybyl was one of them starting its operation in 1918 in the Prague borough of Žižkov, Chelcickeho street Nos. 25 and 27.
Emil Dynybyl was born on 21 November, 1897 in Žižkov, Prague. He received education to become a shop clerk. In 1918 when he launched production in leased premises in the Prague borough of Žižkov, he was 21 years old and single. On 19 November, 1919 he reported to the political district administration of Žižkov that he would start manufacturing liqueurs in his production facility at Žižkov using the cold method. His application was approved only on 16 November, 1920. He became a member of the association of the liqueur producers.
In the license itself it was stated that it "...is issued for purchase with the aim of subsequent sale of the following items of own production: cognac, rum, slivovitz, punch a liqueurs". Since the production was successful and continued to grow, in January 1926 the owner applied for incorporation of the company to the Commercial Register. The application reached the court on 2 February, 1926 which immediately approved the incorporation as proposed by the owner. The proposed name of the company was: "Liqueurs and Spirit Beverages "Verda Stelo" Emil Dynybyl"; "Verda Stelo" meaning "Green Star" in Esperanto. The Czech financial prosecution office opposed this incorporation with the following reasoning: "Subject to S. 16 (2) of the Commercial Code the name of the company may include attributes specifying the company or person." The "Verda Stelo" title was challenged and it was pointed out that this title had nothing to do with the production or other activities of the applicant; nor was it evident that it was a trademark.
However, the Chamber of Commerce and Business upon completion of an inspection in the company found out that its production was in line with the reported facts, and it had nothing against the selected name of the company. Moreover, the Chamber pointed out that on 17 November, 1921 the owner of the company had registered with the trademark office the trademark "Verda Stelo" for liqueur products (reg. No. 18163). Thus the Chamber supported the company and its name. Only in March 1926 the High Lands Court in Prague, in its capacity of a court of appeal, decided that the name of the company as applied for by its owner was in compliance with all legal requirements and did not violate any of them. The rejection of the financial prosecution was overruled. During the economic crisis the company survived despite various difficulties as the owner managed to accumulate sufficient financial funds in the previous decade. After the end of the economic crisis and revival of the Czechoslovak economy the situation kept improving allowing the owner to buy a former wood-processing company "Lehovec" in the town of Říčany. It was a former last-manufacturing company producing wood components for shoe-making factories. An old power plant was also part of the premises. At that time already 47 persons were employed by the company in its Žižkov facility.
Occupation of Czechoslovakia made the life of the Czech businesses and manufacturers more difficult. They had to introduce bilingual names and they had to register anew in compliance with the Reich legislation. E.g. when applying for a modification of the protocol and name of the company submitted by the company in July 1941 in relation to major growth of the company, the owner uses a bilingual copy of the business certificate and a statement on his Aryan origin. In his application Mr. Dynybyl gives his company the name "Beverages Industry "Verda Stelo" Emil Dynybyl, Prague XI". He changed not only the name but also the activities of the company. According to the business certificate issued in 1920 he was allowed to produce alcohol only with the cold method, however, the new certificate issued in 1940 allowed him to use also distillation for production of spirits. Moreover, the new certificate allowed for production of fruit and maltose wines, non-medicinal and spirit-free lemonade syrups.
The growth of the production is illustrated by the said purchase of facilities in the town of Říčany and their modification into a distillery. The fermenting tanks for fruits can be still seen in the Říčany plant. The production was launched here in the course of 1942. Upon negotiations with the Chamber of Commerce and Business the final name of the company for incorporation to the Commercial Register was set by the Regional Commercial Court, acting in its capacity of the Commercial Register, to be "Factory for Production of Spirits, Champagne and Juice "Verda Stelo", Emil Dynybyl, Prague XI". The German name of the company was "Spirituosen, Schaumwin und Frucht Säftefabrik "Verda Stelo", Emil Dynybyl, Prag XI". Starting on 16 April, 1942, the "Verda Stelo" trademark was applicable to all the company products. After the liberation and restoration of the independent Czechoslovak Republic the company continued its successful development. It had two managers, one of them being Mr. Dynybyl's wife.
On 27 February, 1948 the Lands National Council in Prague introduced national administration for the property and the company. The "Czechoslovak Spirit and Yeast Industry, Prague II, Na Porici 28" was appointed the national administrator naming its authorised representative for the company. The then owners had to withhold from any interference with the activities of the national administrators who were responsible for operation of the company and its overall functioning. Mr. Bohumil Rejfek of Prague XI as a representative of the industry was appointed the national administrator. On 21 June, 1948 based upon a Decree of the Minister of Nutrition No. 1232, chapter 123 the company was in the second wave nationalised. On 28 June, 1948 also the national administration was cancelled and the national administrator was released from his office. By another Decree, No. 2133 published in the Official Bulletin I, chapter 161/48 issued also by the Ministry of Nutrition the Dynybyl company was incorporated into the national company "Czechoslovak Distilleries and Vinegar Factories", together with the wine cellars in Hlubocepy, the liqueur factory in Žižkov and the wine cellars at the Žižkov freight railway station, and also the fruit distillery in Říčany. In 1952 the Žižkov plant was erased from the Commercial Register. Production from the Prague factory was moved to Říčany. Production of champagne, syrups and liqueurs was terminated in Prague and the Říčany fruit distillery broadened its activities with production and bottling of spirit beverages. Development started in 1945 allowed the company to become one of the largest and most efficient distilleries in the then Czechoslovakia with the complete production being relocated to Říčany. Since the 50s the Říčany distillery has been producing spirit beverages by both the hot and cold methods, its production covering many types of beverages, slivovitz, champagne, fruit syrups and dessert wines. It also sold various imported wines. The quality of production was on such a level that in 1961 the distillery took over the production of the Krohn Brothers – Soucek Mochov brand products, thus proving its top quality.
After 1989 the company was returned back to the daughter of Mr. Dynybyl. After a forty-year break the company returned to the long family tradition and business successes of the past. As the family of Mr. Dynybyl's daughter lives in Canada, she decided to sell the company.
Because the Říčany distillery has an outstanding reputation not only on the Czech market but also abroad, in 1999 it was acquired by "Vin and Spirit AB" of Sweden, the producer of the world-famous "Absolut Vodka". Thus the Říčany distillery became property of the country of Sweden.
In 2005 was the Dynybyl company acquired by Bohemia Sekt, a. s.
2009 - 2011 the plant was converted to a shopping center.
Hier finden Sie die Beschreibung der Etiketten
cz818: Prvotřídní jemný čajový rum; Jakost; Vyrábí: Emil Dynybyl, Praha XI; Pov. podle vl. nař. čís. 377/1920 - č.j. 23558/2999
cz817: Rum tuzemský 32%; Povoleno podle vl. nař. č. 377/1920 - č.j. 23558/2999; Vzrábí: Emil Dynybyl, Praha XI, Chelčického 25/27; cena K
cz1444: Rum tuzemský; E. Dynybyl, Praha; Spojené lihovary a octárny, národní podnik, Praha, Likérka v Praze XI, Chelčického 25-27; Povoleno podle vl. nař. čís. 377/1920-č.j. 23558/2990; 40=
cz553: 41%; Rum tuzemský; S přídavkem pravého rumu Martinique; Spojené lihovary a octárny, národní podnik; Likérka a vinné sklepy Praha XI.; Ovocný lihovar Říčany; TR 222
cz_352: 0.45 lt; MPP; 40%; Tuzemský rum; UN-MPP-29-54; Ministerstvo potrav. průmyslu a výkupu zemědělských výrobků - HS lihovarů a škrobáren; Spojené lihovary, národní podnik, Říčany u Prahy; Pov podle vl. nař. č. 377/1920 Sb. pod č. I/IV-17819/1467-1948; GT 01
cz_331: 40%; 0,65 lt; Min. potrav. prům., hl. spr. líh a škrob; Tuzemský rum; Spojené lihovary, nár. podnik Praha, závod Říčany
cz689: Ministerstvo potravinářského průmyslu a výkupu; MPPV - Hlavní správa lihovaru; 40%; Jemný rum tuzemský; S přísadou zámořského rumu; Obsah 0,45 l; Spojené lihovary, nár. podnik, závod Říčany u Prahy
cz1465: Ministerstvo potravinářského průmyslu; MPP - Hlavní správa lihovaru; 40%; Jemný rum tuzemský; S přísadou zámořského rumu; Obsah 0,45 l; ÚN MPP 185 55; Spojené lihovary, n. p., závod Říčany u Prahy
cz873: 0.95 lt; MPPV - Hlavní správa lihovarů; Tuzemský rum; Spojené lihovary, n. p., Praha, závod Říčany u Prahy; Dům potravin
cz36: 40%; Rum tuzemský; ON 567008; obsah 0,2 l - 15,50 Kčs; Středočeská Fruta, n.p., Mochov, závod Říčany u Prahy
cz1806: Obsah 0.65 l, SMC Kčs 49.50.- 40%; ř; 40%; Jemný rum tuzemský s přísadou zámořského rumu; ÚNK 567082; Spojené lihovary, n.p., závod Říčany u Prahy
cz1805: Obsah 0.95 l, SMC Kčs 71.- 40%; ř; Obsah 0.45 l, SMC Kčs 34.50, 40%; Jemný rum tuzemský s přísadou zámořského rumu; ÚNK 567082; Spojené lihovary, n.p., závod Říčany u Prahy; OTK
cz1908: ÚNK 567082; Obsah 0.95 l, SMC Kčs 85.- 40%; ř; Obsah 0.45 l, SMC Kčs 41,-, 40%; Jemný rum tuzemský s přísadou zámořského rumu; Spojené lihovary, n.p., závod Říčany u Prahy
cz38: 40%; Rum tuzemský; Obsah 1 l; 83,- Kčs; Středočeská Fruta, n.p., Mochov, závod 13 - Říčany u Prahy
cz527: Soderžanie butylki 0.45 lt; 40%; Čechoslovackij Rom; Čechoslovakija
cz1549: Karpatský rum jemný světlý; Vyrobeno s přídavkem ovocného destilátu; Obsah 0.5 l; 38% Konzumní lihovina; MC 50.- Kčs; Středočeská Fruta, k.p., Mochov, závod Říčany u Prahy; ON 56 7008
cz41: Key; Ron Caribe; 3/4 quart - 80 proof; produced and bottled United Distilleries Prague; product of Czechoslovakia
cz43: 40%; Rum tuzemský; Středočeská Fruta, k.p., Mochov, závod Říčany u Prahy; Obsah 0,5 l - ON 56 7081 - 50.- Kčs
cz44: Dynybyl, s.r.o., Říčany u Prahy; Tuzemský rum; Výrobek je připraven výhradně z nejkvalitnějších surovin; 40% - PN 56 7008 - 0,5 l; 8594002710187
cz348: Dynybyl s.r.o.; Kontakt: Říčany u Prahy; Tuzemský rum; Dynybyl, s.r.o., Gutova 145, Praha 10; Výrobek je připraven výhradně z nejkvalitnějších surovin; PN 567007; 37.5% alk.obj.; 052 l objem; Složení: líh jemný, rumová tresť, cukr max. 5 g/l, barvivo kulér E150a, vanilkové aroma; 8594002710392
cz2224: Dynybyl; Tuzemský; Nová vůně, lepší chuť; 37.5%; Založeno roku 1918; 0.5 l
cz2225: Dynybyl; Tuzemský; Originál; 37.5%; Distillery Dynybyl 1918; 0.5 l; 8594002710552
cz~280: 40%; Rum tuzemský konzumní; Středočeská Fruta, k.p., Mochov, závod Říčany u Prahy; Obsah 0,5 l - ON 56 7008 - 50.- Kčs
cz~268: 40%; Konzumní rum tuzemský; Briliant; ON 56 7008; 0.2 l; MC 24.- Kč - 29.-; Středočeská Fruta, k.p., Mochov, závod Říčany u Prahy
cz~4: Dynybyl s.r.o.; Tuzemský rum; Dynybyl, s.r.o., barákova 237, Říčany u Prahy; 37.5% alk.obj.; výrobek je připraven výhradně z nejkvalitnějších surovin; 0.2 l objem; Složení: líh jemný, rumová tresť, cukr max. 5 g/l, barvivo kulér E150a, vanilkové aroma (přírodní, přírodně identické a umělé aromatické látky); PN 56 7007
cz~107: Dynybyl; Tuzemský rum; Výrobek je připraven výhradně z nejkvalitnějších surovin; 37.5% alk obj; 0,5 l; Složení: líh velejemný, rumová tresť, cukr max 5 g/l; barvivo kulér E150a, vanilkové aroma (přírodní, přírodně identické a umělé aromatické látky); 8594002710552
cz~36: Ron caribeno importado z nejjemnějšího importovaného karibského rumu; Ron = rum Sabor del caribe; Barranquilla Colombia; Dynybyl s.r.o., Říčany u Prahy; PN DY 07; Blanco añejo seco; 38% vol; e 0.5 l; 8594002710552; 8594002710323