Fabrica de Licores y Alcoholes de Antioquia
Meine Flaschen voller Rum
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Fabrica de Licores y Alcoholes de Antioquia Ron Medellín |

Turn of the 18th century
Government rules firewater production and consumption as a State Monopoly Rent, in order to raise funds and to control liquor sales.
1705 in accordance to his Majesty, Don Felipe Francisco de Foronda, Royal Charter, the Province Governor then, firewater production was centralized through a State Monopoly throughout the region.
Firewater State Monopoly Rent vanishes associated to the extinction of the Spaniard preponderance in these territories.
The firewater monopoly gets reestablished.
Antioquia State started managing the distilled liquor production and sales monopoly.
The factory was set up in a rebuilt and adapted building that sat on a 23-acre estate called EL SACATÍN, located in La América, a neighborhood in Medellín.
The first distillery with a 2,000-bottles-a-day capacity was purchased.
State-of-the-art equipment that was able to produce 6,000 bottles a day was bought.
It had a distillation tower, a boiler, tanks, and yeast implements.
One of the largest growths was achieved through a completely technical and administrative organization.
The factory produced 16,000 bottles in a 16-hour period of time.
Begins the construction of the new Autopista Sur headquarters.
Construction of the new headquarters is concluded and on April 13th gets inaugurated.
Hier finden Sie die Beschreibung der Etiketten
co_19: Aguardiente; Fabrica de Licores de Antioquia; Medellín, Colombia
co_38: Ron Antioquia; Rentas de Antioquia; Medellín - Colombia
co_11: Aguardiente Antioqueno; FLA
co_12: Aguardiente Antioqueno; FLA
co2: Exportacion; Ron (Rum) Medellín Añejo; Product of Colombia; 750 ml; alc 40% by vol; Imported by: Todhunter Imports, Ltd., West Palm Beach, FL; Fabrica de Licores y Alcoholes de Antioquia; FLA
co_2: Ron Medellín Extr Añejo 37%; FLA
co_61: Ron Medellín Dorado; Añejamiento Natural; FLA; Medellín, Colombia
co_62: Ron Medellín Añejo 3 Años; Añejamiento Natural; FLA; Medellín, Colombia
co_63: Ron Medellín; SDL Azúcar Adicionado; 35% vol; Extra Añejo 5 Años; 750 ml; Añejamiento Natural
co_64: Ron Medellín; Extra Añejo; 35% vol; 8 Años; 750 ml; Reserva Especial de Colombia; Añejamiento Natural; 7702049100729
co_65: Ron Medellín; Gran Reserva 12 Años; 37 1/2% vol; Gran Reserva de Colombia; 750 ml; Añejamiento Natural
co_66: Ron Medellín; Crema do Ron; Extra Añejo; 8 Años; 17% vol; 750 ml
co_69: Ron Medellín Extra Añejo; Edición Conmemorativa; 95 años Fábrica de Licores de Antioguia; 10 Años; 35% vol; Añejamento Natural; 750 ml;
co_72: Ron Maestro Gabo; 15; 35% vol; 750 ml; Realmente Mágico
co_68: Ron Medellín; Gran Solera 19 Años; Sistema Solera; Maestro Ronero
co_71: Reserva Única - Colección Privada; Ron Medellín 30 Años; Añejamento Natural; Desde 1919; FLA; 35% vol; 750 ml
co_67: Ron Medellín; 49 Años; 750 ml; 35 1/2% vol; Centuria; Botella Número 0043 de 3500 de Barril de Roble; Destilado 1970; Barril x; Envasado 2019
co_70: Ron Maestro Botero Reserva Especial; 35% vol; Añejamento Natural; 750 ml
co_13: Galeón Dorado Aperitivo
co~6: Ron Medellín; Extra Añejo; 37.5% vol; 8 Años; 750 ml; Reserva Especial de Colombia; Añejamiento Natural; Producto de Colombia para exportación; 7702049100729