Worthy Park, St. Catherine (St. John)
Rumové etikety
Mé láhve plné rumu
Odkazy: |
Worthy Park Estate Rum-Bar Rum Worthy Gold Rum-Bar Rum Cream |

Informace, které získalo The Centre for the Study of the Legacies of British Slave-ownership na University College London:
Rum byl na panství 'Worthy Park, St. Catherine (St. John)' destilován nejméně mezi léty
Firma byla založena roku 1670.
Handbook of Jamaica 1905:
Obhospodařované cukrové plantáže na Jamajce 1903-1904
Název statku | Worthy Park |
Majitel | J.V. Calder |
Zmocněnec majitele | J.V. Calder |
Akry třtiny | 280 |
Akry ostatní | 11,482 |
Typ mlýna | Stm & Wtr |
Technologie | Centrifugal & (tns), Aspinal two Pans |
Hogsheady* cukru | 355 |
Puncheony* rumu | 274 |
V archivu ve Spanish Town (Spanish Town je hlavní a největší město ve farnosti St. Catherine, Middlesex) jsou dokumenty dokazující, že ve Worthy Parku pracovala palírna nejpozději v roce 1741. To je několik let před jakýmkoliv jiným lihovarem na Jamaice.
Po druhé světové válce došlo přebytku na trhu s jamajským rumem jehož ceny klesaly. Proto se 60. letech lihovary sdružené v The Spirit's Pool Association dohodly na snížení produkce a lihovar ve Worthy Park byl uzavřen. Destilace rumu obnovili až v roce 2004.
Worthy Park Estate, podobně jako mnoho jiných třtinových plantážích po celém Karibiku, hledá v melase a rumu možnost diverzifikace. Nový lihovar vyrobí v letošním roce 200.000 l alkoholu pro vývoz do Skotska. Během osmi let jej Clarke hodlá rozšířit na produkci do 2.000.000 l ročně.
22/03/2006, Danna Harman
Worthy Park Estate leží ve farnosti svaté Kateřiny ve výšce 1200 stop nad mořem v údolí známém jako "údolí Lluidas".
Farma se nachází v geografickém středu ostrova Jamajka, asi čtyřicet mil po silnici severozápadně od hlavního města Kingston a dvacet osm mil na jih od Ocho Rios, hlavního turistického centra Jamajky.
Název "Worthy Park" byl patentován v roce 1670 - tuto zem dostal nadporučík Francis Price za služby Cromwellovi během anglické invaze a dobytí tehdyšpanělsé Jamajky v roce 1655. Komerční produkce cukrové třtiny a cukru začala o padesát let později v roce 1720 a pokračuje dodnes.
Výroba rumu byla ukončena v roce 1950 na základě dohody s jamajskou asociací Spirits Pool Association ve snaze omezit nadprodukci jamajského rumu, které došlo v letech po druhé světové válce. Od roku 1670 byl Worthy Park ve vlastnictví tří rodů (včetně současných vlastníků). Clarkeova rodiny získala panství v roce 1918. Jde o soukromý majetek a vždy jej provozoval a spravoval vlastník.
V současné době se Worthy Park rozkládá na 3.600 hektarech a zpracovává 210.000 tun třtiny ročně, z nichž 90.000 tun sklízí na vlastních polích (zbytek koupuje od okolních farmářů) s průměrnou roční produkcí cukru 24.000 tun a 7.000 tun melasy. Průměrně sklízí 83 tun cukrové třtiny na hektar a produkuje 10 tun cukru na hektar.
Cukrovar Worthy Park je od roku 1968 každoročně hodnocen jako cukrovar číslo 1 na Jamajce.
Obsah esterů v rumu
Jamajské palírny produkují často 'těžké' rumy s vysokým obsahem esterů, které propůjčují rumu velmi výraznou chuť.
Množství esterů se vyjadřuje v mg/l čistého lihu (mg/l aa) nebo v g/l čistého lihu (g/hl aa). Jamajské zákony omezují obsah esterů na 1600 mg/laa. Rumy s nejvyšším obsahem esterů byvají často rumy bílé a používají se spíše jako koření pro cukrářské výrobky a sladkosti všeho druhu nebo do míchaných nápojů.
Následující tabulka obsahuje značení obsahu esterů v rumu z palírny Worthy Park v mg/l čistého alkoholu. Značení se ovšem časem měnilo, takže tabulka je spíše orientační.
Označení | mg/l | Poznámka | WPEL | < 60 | Worthy Park Extra Light |
WPL | 60-119 | Worthy Park Light |
WPM | 120-239 | Worthy Park Medium Light |
WPH | 240-360 | Worthy Park Heavy Light |
WPE | až 800 | Worthy Park Extra |
Zde jsou plné texty z etiket
jm_69: The Vale of Lluidas; Worthy Park Estate; Quality Distillers; Est. 1670; W.P.; Worthy Park; Worthy Gold Premium Jamaica Rum; Distilled, Blended and Bottled in Jamaica by Worthy Park Estate Ltd, Ewarton, P.O. St. Catherine, Jamaica, W.I.
jm_70: The Vale of Lluidas; Worthy Park Estate; Quality Distillers; Est. 1670; W.P.; Barrel Aged Rum-Bar Gold; Premium Jamaica Rum; Distilled, Blended and Bottled in Jamaica by Worthy Park Estate Ltd, Ewarton, P.O. St. Catherine, Jamaica, W.I.
jm_71: Rum-Bar Premium Rum Cream; Liqueur; Made with real cream; Product of Jamaica; 750 ml; 17% alc/vol; Blended and Bottled in Jamaica by Worthy Park Estate Ltd, Ewarton, P.O. St. Catherine, Jamaica, W.I.
jm173: Worthy Park Estate; WP; Est. 1670; Quality Distillers; Estate Distilled; Aged, Blended & Bottled Worthy Park; Est. 1670; Single Estate Reserve; Jamaica Rum; Pot-Still Distilled; 45% vol; e 70 cl; Worthy Park Estate Ltd, Ewarton, P.O. St. Catherine, Jamaica W.I.; 0894108001317
jm_144: Worthy Park Estate; WP; Est. 1670; Quality Distillers; Estate Distilled; Aged & Bottled Worthy Park; Est. 1670; Single Estate 2006; Jamaica Rum; Pot-Still Distilled; 56% vol; e 70 cl; Aged 12 Years; Distilled 2006; Bottled 2018; ... aged in ex-bourbon & bottled at cask strength; Worthy Park Estate Ltd, Ewarton, P.O. St. Catherine, Jamaica W.I.
jm_146: Worthy Park Estate; WP; Est. 1670; Quality Distillers; Double Matured; pot Still Distilled; Worthy Park; Est. 1670; Special Cask Release; Jamaica Rum; Worthy Park Estate Ltd, Ewarton, P.O. St. Catherine, Jamaica W.I.; e 70 cl; Cask Selection Series #1; Sherry; 60% Vol; 360 Bottles; Vintage 2012; Matured in ex-bourbon and ex-marsala casks
jm_142: Worthy Park Estate; WP; Est. 1670; Quality Distillers; Estate Distilled; Double Maturation; Worthy Park; Est. 1670; Special Cask Release; Jamaica Rum; Pot-Still Distilled; e 70 cl; Cask Selection Series #3; Sherry; 57% Vol; 1148 Bottles; Vintage 2013; Worthy Park Estate Ltd, Ewarton, P.O. St. Catherine, Jamaica W.I.
jm_141: Worthy Park Estate; WP; Est. 1670; Quality Distillers; Estate Distilled; Double Maturation; Worthy Park; Est. 1670; Special Cask Release; Jamaica Rum; Pot-Still Distilled; e 70 cl; Cask Selection Series #4; Madeira; 58% Vol; 677 Bottles; Vintage 2013; Worthy Park Estate Ltd, Ewarton, P.O. St. Catherine, Jamaica W.I.
jm_143: Worthy Park Estate; WP; Est. 1670; Quality Distillers; Estate Distilled; Double Maturation; Worthy Park; Est. 1670; Special Cask Release; Jamaica Rum; Pot-Still Distilled; e 70 cl; Cask Selection Series #5; Sherry; 56% Vol; 1148 Bottles; Vintage 2013; Worthy Park Estate Ltd, Ewarton, P.O. St. Catherine, Jamaica W.I.; 5712718000979
jm_145: Worthy Park Estate; WP; Est. 1670; Quality Distillers; Estate Distilled; Double Maturation; Worthy Park; Est. 1670; Special Cask Release; Jamaica Rum; Pot-Still Distilled; e 70 cl; Cask Selection Series #7; Oloroso; 55% Vol; 1612 Bottles; Vintage 2013; Worthy Park Estate Ltd, Ewarton, P.O. St. Catherine, Jamaica W.I.
jm_147: Worthy Park Estate; WP; Est. 1670; Quality Distillers; Estate Distilled; Double Maturation; Worthy Park; Est. 1670; Special Cask Release; Jamaica Rum; Pot-Still Distilled; e 70 cl; Cask Selection Series #8; Quatre Vins; 52% Vol; 1318 Bottles; Vintage 2013; Worthy Park Estate Ltd, Ewarton, P.O. St. Catherine, Jamaica W.I.
jm181: Worthy Park Estate; WP; Est. 1670; Quality Distillers; Jamaican Owned; Jamaican Made; Worthy Park; Jamaica Rum; Single Estate distilled, aged, blended and bottled; 100% Cooper Pot Distilled; Worthy Park Patented 1670; First rum production 1741; Single family owned 1918; e 1 L; Product of Jamaica; 54.5% vol; 0894108001690
jm_148: Genuine Pot Still; Rum-Bar Silver; Pot Still Jamaica Rum; Worthy Park Estate
jm_149: Barrel Aged; Rum-Bar Gold; Pot Still Jamaica Rum; Worthy Park Estate
jm175: Worthy Park Estate; WP; Est. 1670; Quality Distillers; Garanteed Strength; Rum-Bar White Overproof; Pot Still Jamaica Rum; Worthy Park Estate; 63% vol; Est. 1670; e 70 cl; Estate Distilled, Blended & Bottled; Product of Jamaica; Worthy Park Estate Ltd., Ewarton P.P.,St. Catherine, Jamaica W.I.; 894108001256
jm_151: Garanteed ...; Rum-Bar Rum Cream; Worthy Park Estate; 15% vol; e 70 cl
it_141: Forsyths White; Jamaican Pure Single Rum; 100% Pot Still distillation; Molasses: Worthy Park Estate, Jamaica; Esters: 597.3 g/hlpa; Bottled: 2017; Estate molasses; Sugar free; Figh proof; 70 cl e; Distilled in a Forsyths pot Still at Worthy Park Estate Ltd., St. Catherine, Jamaica, W.I.; 57% vol; Habitation Velier; The House of Pure Single Rums
it_145: Forsyths; 2006; Jamaican Pure Single Rum; WPM; 100% Pot Still distillation; Distilled: 2006; Bottled: 2017; Aged: 11 y.o.; Esters: 209,3 gr/lhpa; Aged in the tropics / Angel share > 71%; Estate molasses; Sugar free; Barrel proof; 70 cl e; Distilled at Forsyths Pot Still at Worthy Park Estate Ltd., St. Catherine, Jamaica, W.I.; 58% vol; Habitation Velier; The House of Pure Single Rums
it_146: Worthy Park; 2007; Jamaican Pure Single Rum; WPL; Double retort pot still by Forsyths installed at Worthy Park in 2005; 100% Pot Still distillation; Distilled: 2007; Bottled: 2017; Aged: 10 y.o.; Aged in the tropics / Angel share > 64%; Estate molasses; Sugar free; Barrel proof; 70 cl e; Distilled and bottled at Worthy Park Estate Ltd., St. Catherine, Jamaica, W.I.; 59% vol; Habitation Velier; The House of Pure Single Rums
it_139: Forsyths 151 Proof White; Jamaican Pure Single Rum; 100% Pot Still distillation; Molasses: Worthy Park Estate, Jamaica; Esters: 597.3 g/hlpa; Bottled: 2017; Estate molasses; Sugar free; Figh proof; 70 cl e; Distilled in a Forsyths pot Still at Worthy Park Estate Ltd., St. Catherine, Jamaica, W.I.; 151 Proof; 75.5% vol; Habitation Velier; The House of Pure Single Rums
de_328: RA; Rum Artesanal; Jamaica Rum; Marlin (Makaira nigricans); Single Cask Rum; Distillery: Worthy Park; Distilled 07.2005; Bottled 09.2015; 59.8% vol; 500 ml
de_366: The Rum Cask; Jamaica; Single Cask Rum; Distilled at Worthy Park Distillery; Distilled: 2009; Aged 4 Years; Bottled: 2014; Limited Edition; Pot Still; Original Strength; 50 cl; www.therumcask.de; 63.1% vol
de_606: The Rum Cask; Jamaica; Single Cask Rum; Distilled at Worthy Park Distillery; Distilled: 2005; Aged 9 Years; Bottled: 2015; Limited Edition; Pot Still; Mark JMM; Cask Strength; 50 cl; www.therumcask.de; 57,5% vol
de_364: The Rum Cask; Jamaica; Single Cask Rum; WP; Distilled: 2005; Aged 12 Years; Bottled: 2017; Limited Edition; Pot Still; Mark JMM; Cask Strength; 50 cl; www.therumcask.de; 60,7% vol
de_365: The Rum Cask; Jamaica; Single Cask Rum; WP; Distilled: 2007; Aged 11 Years; Bottled: 2019; Limited Edition; Pot Still; Cask Strength; 50 cl; Laphroaig Cask Finish; www.therumcask.de; 57.9% vol
uk_306: Kill Devil; Single Cask Rum; 700 ml; Distilled Jamaica; Aged 10 years; Worthy Park Distillery: Distilled: 06/06; 1 of 339; Alc by Vol: 46%
fr_1273: Compagnie des Indes; Rum-Rhum; 5 years; Jamaica; Clarendon & Worthy Park; 3760255020037
fr_1274: Compagnie des Indes; Rhum fût unique; Rum single cask; 5 years; Jamayca Navy Strength; 57% alc; Clarendon & Worthy Park; 3760255020044
fr_1275: Compagnie des Indes; Rhum fût unique; Rum single cask; Jamaica 7 ans; Worthy Park; 43% alc/vol
fr_1276: Compagnie des Indes; Rhum fût unique; Rum single cask; Cask Strength; Jamaica 7 ans; Worthy Park; 53% alc/vol
us_593: Ministry of Rum Collection; The Island of Janaica; Hamilton Jamaican Pot Still Gold Rum; Distilled by Worthy Park Estate, Jamaica; Batch No. 13-01G; 46.1% ABV; 750 ml
nl_57: The Duchess; Rum Jamaica; Distilled in Lluidas Vale; Distilled 2006; Cask 44; No Additives; No Coloring; 12 Years Old; Bottled 2018; 1 of 268 bottles; 57.9% alc vol; 70 cl
nl_85: The little distiller; Ultimatum Rum; Single cask selection; Distilled: Mar-2006; Bourbon barrel; Cask no: 19; 70 cl; Jamaica; Worthy Park; 10 years old; Bottled: 22/09/16; Bottle no: 58 of 283; 46% vol
fr_1430: Excellence Rhum; Jamaïque; Jamaica; Cask strength; WPL; 2007-2018
be_112: Age 9; 2010/2019; Un-Chillfiltered, Cask Strength Rum, Natural maturing; From a distillery near Lluidas Vale; Rasta Morris; Filled into wood February 2010, shipped to Europe 2015 for futher maturation, bottled on 13/05/2019; Jamaica; Full Proof; Wood type: Ex-bourbon; Cask Ref: RM 013; Bottle number: 6/260; Alc 64.4% vol; Cont. 70 cl e; Asta Morris, Ingooigem, Belgium
be_125: Savour the Spirit of Adventure; World's End Rum; Dry Spiced; Distilled to the Highest Order; Gradv longitvdis 70 cl e; Carta Gothic; 40% alc/vol; Faber est quisque fortunae suae
dk_88: Rom de Luxe; Selected Series Rum; Jamaica; Lluidas Vale; 70 cl; Aged 11 Years; 55.3%
uk_218: Distilled in Jamaica; Mezan Single Distillery Rum; Crafted in Worth Park Jamaica 2005; 70 cl e; 40% vol; Single Distillery Rum; Mezan; 5060033841532
dk10: Warehouse #1; Overproof; Rum; UPB; Unaged White Rum Series; The J&J Selection; 63%; WPE; 70 cl; 8594057574178
dk11: Warehouse #1; Overproof; Rum; UPB; Unaged White Rum Series; The J&J Selection; 63%; WPE; 70 cl; 8594057574673
fr_1372: Transcontinental Rum Line; Janaica WP 2012; Navy Strength; 18% aged in continental weather; Distilled 2012 - Bottled 2017; Lluidas Vale, Jamaica; 70 cl e; 57.18 % vol; 6575 bottles
fr_1376: Transcontinental Rum Line; Janaica WP 2006; 24% aged in continental weather; Distilled 2016 - Bottled 2016; Lluidas Vale, Jamaica; 70 cl e; 46% vol; 1024 bottles; Line # 2
fr_1381: Transcontinental Rum Line; NavyStrength; Jamaica WP 2013; 57% aged in continental weather; Distilled 2013 - Bottled 2017; Lluidas Vale, Jamaica; 70 cl e; 57% vol; 551 bottles; Line # 8; 3700597302996
jm~10: Guaranteed Strength; Rum-Bar; The Vale of Lluidas; Worthy Park Estate; Quality Distillers; Est. 1670; W.P.; Rum; Premium White Overproof; Product of Jamaica; Net 1 Litre; 65% alc/vol; Distilled, Blended and Bottled in Jamaica by Worthy Park Estate Ltd, Ewarton, P.O. St. Catherine, Jamaica, W.I.; 894108001041